
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy.
Yeah, we know Ho wasn't really a Communist. That's why he's at Comintern's 1922 Congress in Moscow.
Yeah, we know Ho wasn't really a Communist. That's why he's at Comintern's 1922 Congress in Moscow.

Hello, I'm CJK and welcome to my user page.

Did you know that at Wikipedia you can be branded a POV-pusher if you believe that:

  • Fidel Castro is a dictator who rules without free elections? [1]
  • the Khmer Rouge were responsible for mass-killings and starvation? (see Talk:Khmer Rouge and archives) [2]
  • Ho Chi Minh was not pro-democratic, pro-human rights, and anti-genocide? [3]
  • Eastern European Communist governments were not democratically elected? [4]
  • Americans in the Philippines were "repressive" and not "aggressive"? [5]
  • Serbia tried to ethnically cleanse Kosovo during the war? [6]

more to come

Articles that I have started