Civic Freedom Party

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The Civic Freedom Party (Hungarian: Polgári Szabadságpárt) was the last name of one of the two interbellum liberal parties in Hungary.

The party was founded in 1921 by Károly Rassay as the Independence Party of Smallholders, Workers and Citizens (Függetlenségi Kisgazda Földműves és Polgári Párt, FKFPP) as an attempt to mobilize voters for liberalism outside the cities. Shortly after its foundation it won 3.6 % of the popular vote and 8 seats in parliament. It merged in 1926 with the Nemzeti Demokrata Párt (National Democratic Party) into the Independent National Democratic Party (Független Nemzeti Demokrata Párt). The new party won 4.0 % of the vote and 9 seats in the 1926 elections.

Rassay reconstituted the separate party in 1928 as the National Liberal Party (Nemzeti Szabadelvű Párt). It was an attempt to build an alternative to the conservative government. The party only won 5 seats in 1931 and in 1935 it won 7 seats. Just before or after the elections the party was renamed the Civic Freedom Party. It won 5 seats in 1939, but it could not survive the radicalisation of Hungary during the Second World War. In 1944 the party dissolved itself.

[edit] See also