City of Oxford High School for Boys

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City of Oxford School, George Street entrance.
City of Oxford School, George Street entrance.

The City of Oxford High School for Boys (aka Oxford High School for Boys and City of Oxford School) was founded in 1881 by:Thomas Hill Green to provide Oxford boys with an education which would enable them to prepare for University. It finally closed in 1966, when it was combined with what was then Southfield Grammar School to form a Grammar school (the present Oxford Community School).


[edit] The building

The Victorian stone building, bearing the arms of both the City and University, was designed by Sir Thomas Jackson in Oxford, England, and still stands at the corner of George Street and New Inn Hall Street. Additional classrooms were later added in the playground, a space that was contained on the south side by an extensive length of the city's mediaeval wall. The school remained here until 1966, when it moved to the Southfield Grammar School site (present called Oxford Community School) in Glanville Road off the Cowley Road. The George Street building for some years housed the Classics Department of Oxford University, but was transferred to the History Faculty in the summer of 2007.

The school's playing fields were in North Oxford, along and beside Marston Ferry Road and which later housed the Old Boy's Rugby Club.

[edit] Inscription

The George Street building has the following inscription on it:

Thomas Hill Green (1832–1882). Educationalist, Fellow of Balliol, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy, elected (1876) first University Member of Oxford City Council to help found and establish the High School for Boys (1881–1966), thereby completing the city's 'ladder of learning' from elementary school to university—
A project dearest to his heart.
Thus were united town and gown in common cause.

[edit] The staff

During the late 1940s, the headmaster was F. C. Lay; he was succeeded by Mr R.W. Bodey in the 1960s. Other teachers included a Mr F. Rowland, Mr Vaughn, Mr E. J.(Tich)Wright, Mr Ronnie Rook, Mr Busby, Mr Coleman, Mr M.J. Soulsby, Mr F.W. Sutton, Mr B.A. Field, Mr I.H.(Spud)Taylor, G. Wright, B.C. Atkin, and Mr R. Atkinson.

[edit] Alumni

T. E. Lawrence, who attended the City of Oxford High School for Boys.
T. E. Lawrence, who attended the City of Oxford High School for Boys.

Famous alumni of OHS include Thomas Edward Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia, the poet John Drinkwater, and the comedian Ronnie Barker. Lawrence gave his name to one of the four school houses.

Large photographs of Lawrence and Drinkwater were displayed to the right and left of the main hall, to inspire pupils during morning assembly - Lawrence is now above the main staircase.

[edit] School traditions

The school motto "Labor Vincit Omnia" ('tis work that conquers all) was carved above the prefects' door, and became the basis for the school song that every boy knew by heart:

In tranquil days of long ago
Under good Victoria's rule
Their faith in Oxford's youth to show
Our grandsires built a school.
"Labor Vincit Omnia"
Tis work that conquers all.
This gem of ancient Roman lore
Was carved above the prefects' door.
"Nemo Repente Sapit", too,
Was there beside it in full view,
Reminding those of slower pace
That perseverance wins the race.
Labor Vincit Omnia
Labor Vincit Omnia

Each November the School Speech Day took place in Oxford Town Hall. First there were rehearsals in the morning, then the main event in the afternoon started with a procession of staff in Academic robes and hoods. In December there was a school carol service in the University Church.

The boy's blazers were chocolate brown, as were the caps. The striped tie was brown with red and blue diagonal piping. On entry to the school, every boy became a member of one of the four school houses: Lawrence, Jolliffe, Kerry or Salter.

[edit] Legacy

The former pupils of the City of Oxford High School now have their own Old Boys Association, called the City of Oxford School Association (COSA).

Still based at the Glanville Road site, Oxford Community School has now gained Business and Enterprise Status. Current members of staff include Mr Tony Drake, Mr Fasal Raza and Mr Emmanuel Botwe.

[edit] External links