City Park Collegiate

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City Park Collegiate
820 9th Avenue North
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 2Z2, Canada
School board Saskatoon Public School Division
Principal Kerry Alcorn
Vice principal Dave Sloboda
School type High school
Grades 8-12
Language English
Area Saskatoon
Team name Cowboys
Enrollment 321 (Jan 6 2006)

City Park Collegiate is a high school in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, located in the City Park neighbourhood. The alternative education program at City Park Collegiate Institute (CPCI) was established in 1986 to meet the needs of students having difficulty in the regular school setting. In 2003-2004 the timetable was expanded to a fully modified program. This program offered modified versions of compulsory high school courses along with many regular level, hands-on electives. An alternative program is still offered for those students who require it. The result is programming for students in Grades 8 to 12 designed to prepare them for the world of work or help them gain entry into a number of SIAST courses.

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