Citizens Coalition of Sussex County Delaware

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Citizens Coalition, Inc. is a non-profit organization that promotes managed growth, sustainable development and responsible land use in Coastal Sussex County, Delaware.

The Citizens Coalition:

  • Advocates responsible and managed growth in Sussex County, Delaware
  • Educates citizens on the impact of rampant development on our lives, infrastructures and environment
  • Works with state and county officials for the good of all of Sussex County.

[edit] Mission

Citizens Coalition promotes the quality of place and community in Sussex County and surrounding areas through educating and informing citizens and communities about development and its cumulative impact. The Coalition advocates responsible land use, sustainable development and managed growth through civic involvement.

[edit] Coalition activities

The Citizens Coalition, formed in 1994, helps residence of Sussex County in many of the ways non-profit citizen's groups around the country help their residence. For example:

  • Providing speakers experienced in local development, sustainable growth, environmental and zoning and planning issues to community programs or meetings
  • Helping citizens find ways through local government bureaucracy?
  • Helping citizens start or contribute to letter writing campaigns to government officials and the local media.

On behalf of the residents of Sussex County Delaware, Citizens Coalition members:

  • Attend Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, providing testimony regarding development, rezoning and land use not compatible with the Sussex County Land Use Plan.
  • Submit detailed recommendations to Sussex County Council for upgrading the Land Use Plan.
  • Sit on several State and County committees on transportation, environment and zoning.
  • Request Freedom of Information Act documents from DelDOT regarding pending applications prior to County Council meetings with developers.
  • Hold Candidate Forums prior to State and County elections.
  • Co-sponsor seminars on water resource, land use and other development issues.
  • Meet with members of homeowners associations.
  • Serve on several committees, including The County/State Route 1 Land Use Committee, The Inland Bays Sensitive Areas Committee, The Sussex County Ordinance Oversight Committee, The Sierra Club and *Save Our Coastal Communities.
  • Provide speakers for homeowners associations, civic groups and service organizations.

[edit] External links