Citizens Advice Bureau

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The Citizens Advice Bureau Logo.
The Citizens Advice Bureau Logo.

A Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is one of a network of independent charities throughout the UK that give free, confidential information and advice to help people sort out their money, legal, consumer and other problems. The aims of the CAB service is to ensure that individuals do not suffer through lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, the services which are available to them, or through an inability to express their needs effectively. Trained advisers can help write letters, make phone calls, negotiate with creditors and take cases to tribunals and court.

The CAB is not a department of central or local government, but a local charitable organisation staffed mainly by volunteers. It is totally non-selective in its clients and impartial in dealing with all sorts of persons and problems and is totally free. Its primary aim is helping people by investigating their problems, exploring and explaining their options, and where appropriate helping to contact and deal with the relevant officials and organisations.


[edit] History

The origins of the modern Citizens Advice Bureaux can be traced back to the Betterton Report on Public Assistance from 1924. This report recommended that advice centres should be set up to offer members of the public advice an any particular problems. During the 1930's, as preparations and plans were drawn up for the possibility of war, the role that the voluntary sector should have was determined. The National Council for Social Service (NCSS) called a meeting in 1938 in which plans to establish 'Citizens Aid Bureaux' were devised in the event of war.

The first 200 bureaux opened on 4 September 1939, the day after World War II started. Many of these initial bureaux were run by 'people of standing' in the community, for example the local bank manager. By 1942 there were 1074 bureaux in a wide range of improvised offices such as cafes, church halls, private homes and air raid shelters. Mobile offices also became important in ensuring that people could access advice. Many of the issues dealt with during that time were directly related to the war. These included the tracing of missing servicemen or prisoners of war, evacuations, pensions and other allowances.

Many war time bureaux closed at the end of the war, although it was apparent that there was still a need for the services that had been established. A particular problem was the chronic housing shortage in the years immediately following the end of the war. In the 1950s the funding was cut and in the 1960s there were only 416 bureaux. In 1973 the government funded NACAB, the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, to enlarge the network. In 2003 this changed its name to Citizens Advice (in England and Northern Ireland) and Cyngor ar Bopeth or "Advice on everything" (in Wales).

In 2006 there were 462 bureaux offering advice from over 3000 locations.

A 1984 afternoon television drama series Miracles Take Longer depicted the type of cases that a 1980s branch would have to deal with.

[edit] The 12 principles of the CAB service

The CAB service in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland is guided by 12 principles. All CABs and workers for the CAB must adhere to these principles, and bureaux must demonstrate that they adhere to these principles in order to retain membership of the national umbrella bodies.

  • A free service
  • Confidentiality
  • Impartiality
  • Independence
  • Accessibility
  • Effectiveness
  • Community accountability
  • The client’s right to decide
  • A voluntary service
  • Empowerment
  • Information retrieval
  • A generalist service

[edit] Work

A lot of the CAB's work involves issues such as debt management and welfare benefits, housing, immigration and asylum, employment issues, consumer complaints and landlord/tenant disputes. Advice is available in the bureaux, but also in community venues, in people's homes, by phone, by email and at

The Citizens Advice service, both locally and nationally, also uses CAB clients' problems as evidence to influence policy makers to review laws or administrative practices which cause undue difficulties to clients.

The twin aims of the Citizens Advice service are:

To ensure that individuals do not suffer through lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available to them, or through an inability to express their needs effectively.

To exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services both locally and nationally.

[edit] Organisation and funding

The Citizens Advice service is one of the largest volunteer organisations in the UK with over 20,000 volunteers. The majority of these are part time volunteer advisers with varying levels of training, but the figure also includes trustees and administrators. Typically there will be a paid bureau manager, advice session supervisors and in some cases some paid advisers. With the ever-increasing complexity of queries many CABx are having to resort to employing more staff to cope with constantly changing legislation.

Each local CAB or group is a separate independent charity with independent trustees. Many bureaux are also limited companies and may have a board of directors, who will also be the organisation's trustees. Bureaux throughout the UK have varying community needs and very different resources, and consequently offer different styles and levels of service.

They often receive significant funding by local authorities, sometimes under service level agreements and local solicitors may agree to provide limited legal advice pro bono. Some staff may be qualified to give specialist legal advice or to advise on immigration. The umbrella bodies of the service in the UK (Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland) provide access to training courses for all volunteers and employees.

All CABs try to ensure their services are accessible to all sections of the community, so that provision can be made for the housebound, immigrant communities, rural inhabitants, elderly and disabled as appropriate.

All Citizens Advice Bureaux in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are members of Citizens Advice (CitA), an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux. CABx in Scotland are members of Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS), part of the Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux. Both CitA and CAS are registered charities and are financed partly by the Department of Trade and Industry (although both organisations are completely independent of central government); member bureaux also pay heavily-subsidised subscriptions for the services offered. CitA and CAS provide bureaux with information, training and consultancy services, and regularly audit individual bureaux against the requirements of their respective membership standards.

[edit] New initiatives

Despite the large number of volunteers working for the organisation, level of demand for the service often far outstrips resources. The National Association has recently begun looking at ways to reach all members of the community through new mediums such as email advice and DigiTV.

Another initiative has been allowing university students to train as advisers to gain credits toward their degree. This was pioneered by a partnership between the University of Portsmouth and Portsmouth Citizens Advice Bureau and is due to roll out to the University of Reading and the University of Northampton by July 2007

[edit] External links