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This page in a nutshell: Rocko's Modern Life is a show that really speaks to me in all that it offers. As I watched it while I was young, it developed into who I truly am as a person and has countless references to how I tend to act, what values I have related to Rocko's, values in the show, my kind of humor and how I even have the overall vibe of Rocko, obviously as a human. It is a near-revelation to how I tick. The show is classic and classically humored. It reeks of good nostalgia and is probably the #1 nickelodeon show that was on the air and hate that it was canceled so quickly. It's cancellation also marks nick's slow decline.


[edit] Rocko's Modern Life Fandom and Ramblings

Here basically lies my "controled" Rocko fandom, which actually means it's controlled knowing me and is meant to show how much the show relates to me and how much the show is "me". RML is a very personal show with almost no to little connection to other people. The show revolves around Rocko, who is basically understanding life in a new world as an immigrant and doing so the hard way, it is "in-your-face" bizarre, strangely parodistic, unreal, original, random, heartfelt in some weird and normal ways, nostalgic beyond reason, intelligently surreal humored and anything else you want it to be. If you don't respect it it's your problem, you probably have no respect or patience for anything and probably expect things to be of "high quality" and are probably average mainstream trash and I probably would not want to meet you if you have some kind of hate for this show. You might as well stop reading this from then on, if you don't know of or don't care for the show. If you don't I can help you leave. Bye otherwise enjoy.

[edit] Me and Rocko

I am stunned at how much we are alike and at how we act, since sometimes I really do act like him and always been like him, while not even watching the show for many years. Rocko is the only cartoon character that intensely relates to me, he may still be just a cartoon but it still amazes me to this day.

Through my childhood, TV was a huge block of my day because it had such great shows running and basically, never missed RML because it was just after I finished my homework (or started it) and at the time my autism was at an absolute high. Being so, I was kind of out of it and didn't easily understand some things being in a subconscious state most of time (being unconscious about some things and being conscious about some other things) and I was curious beyond reason ("Wandering and Wondering"). I was basically very open like Rocko at times and sometimes as stubborn as he is while being very active on things but I actually didn't talk very much, it was nearly all action and determination, and I "never took no for an answer" and people still respected me very much for it. I blame my mental conditions for being so much like him as well.

I was very sympathetic for the smallest of things especially the smallest of creatures, bugs and would look in disbelief if someone pulled a branch off from a tree or killed ants or the like. I was sympathetic for materials like a simple bag or some other minor object of mine that I didn't feel like throwing away for unknown reasons. At recess, I was very rebellious and if I didn't get my way, I would push myself to join in even if the people would hate me. At school, I had a friend who now lives in South Korea, and we would always be together messing around and creating some of the weirdest activities together. I also enjoy the different values that Asians have because it is a whole different world over there and some things about that just makes me enjoy and appreciate it.

At thrill ride parks, I would be scared of the larger thrill rides and would go for the easier rides and was stubborn on what kind of ride I wanted to take. At a thrill park, I took a ride which I thought was a mellow simple ride in a tent (which I thought to be a house of mirrors (no signs)) but it turned out to be a thrill ride! (what is scary is, that ride, is the same ride where an employee was killed in Rye, Playland). It was very dark and I wanted off but the ride started to begin, I couldn't see the person sitting next to me but she said; "this ride is fun don't worry". As lights started to flash in darkness, I could see her face every few seconds, it went faster and faster and I was bracing it to end (and maybe that one ride did it for me). Later now, I have no care for thrill ride parks they just aren't for me, so I think Rocko has some kind of similar happening in his past that makes him scared of the big rides.

I had my share of parties at home (and even at a bowling alley) and if I simply just remember one of them, I would think of Rocko's bathroom party because no one hated me or was braggy or indecent with me and we would basically sit down and do whatever which were mostly just video games (I was pretty much the master of my domain) and the bowling parties really get me that feeling of RML as well. Also, I remember going to this saloon when I was young (around the time of RML!) and I would lay back in that chair with the sink at the back and they would wash my hair (and face) and I forget how I responded but I didn't like it one bit.

At those times before I was thirteen, basically were the key moments of my life. After, times went through an abrupt change, some friends moved and went their separate ways from me. I have never thought of Rocko since those three great years in elementary, which was the time I found my friend from S. Korea and basically were the best times of my life as a kid and I think the great times would of continued well beyond that if the show stayed on (I seriously think so) but I think it was basically a combo of the show and my friend since we were equally wacky together.

This distance of years I watched the show, basically means my personality is pure but sure is influenced by the personal stylings of Rocko. As a child I easily watched something and started acting like a character I watched and those kinds of personalities tend to be rather eternal later on and yet, I don't mind that at all, it makes me uniquely me, like an avant-garde personality if you will. The show now holds me in within its awesome nostalgia, as it endlessly relates to me and is something I can't just throw away and talk about obsession but I think it is a healthy obsession, seeing how much it relates to me and it reeks of "nickelodeonism" (or what should be). Even being in Adult-hood, this show is amazing to watch and is a view to the past, that is under all this mess and about everyday life. It's aware intentions on society of a real-life parody that is animated to relate to your everyday and not-so-everyday hassles and short-comings. The show relaxes me in the same way drugs would to other people... I feel very at ease watching the show and at times feel like exclusively watching it just for a remembrance of a past forgotten. It is a very good show to watch if you want to get things off your mind or haven't seen it in a long time.

I like to envision the world in the way of O-town and all it just has that vibe I can't forget in a good way to make fun of reality (I can't believe some episodes that were made it's indescribable sometimes). Most episodes show the truth of reality in some pretty bizarre ways and thats another thing I like about RML. I even scare myself practically every time watching Rocko since I'm almost watching myself (85% of me is Rocko according to me) and at times it's a burst of emotions of my early days.

I even have a friend that basically does everything with me and is very much like Heffer (scratch the obese part, maybe a bit when he was young but he's changed that). He just has that eternal respect for me and doesn't care what I look like, what I do, what I listen to and what I like, he even tries to help me (with love) and it becomes just a huge mess in the end (...yea too bad for that...) and he is always there for support but as long as you try, it is mutual. Just watching the bond Heffer and Rocko have relates to my friend and I so very much that I almost can't believe it now. Also, what do you know, he even came up using "wee wee" (a pun of the French pronunciation for "yes" used twice to make; "wee-wee" (which is classic I might add) ("I need to go wee-wee") or the kiddie version of "may I go to the bathroom?") (not even knowing he watched the show at all since it is more obvious now... and umm, he smiles like him too (especially that picture of one of my early birthday parties, yea...)) that is not intended to annoy me in any way. He is basically one of those friends I worship for who they are, since they are such an amazing friend to me and always reminds me that there might be someone out there just waiting to find me. This is basically another little reason why Rocko connects to me so well.

I am blessed with the stylings of Rocko's Modern Life, I find it amazing/fantastic that they could make a show so perfect for me that it just assembles into who I truly was and am. I miss the show dearly. I don't care if the animation isn't top-notch it's just more classic with its "imperfectism". Rocko's Modern Life has a lot of big and little connections in my life and these connections are the main reason why it's my personal favorite and will remain that way maybe forever.

[edit] Definition of what RML is and means to me

I think the Rocko's Modern Life icon could translate as "Life on a Plate" or "The Art of Life" with other endless assumptions within the show which basically become endless, it's basically a secret masterpiece in itself. The show is basically a revelation of my past with some things pointed out which I can relate to, it just seems like a great nostalgic roller coaster just watching it, though I must say it gets quite strange at times. I am there to sit down and let "them" control me, I am basically walking the passageway of life, exploring it's own little world {thinking within my childhood (The show brings out the child within me)}, to me Rocko's Modern Life is a very deep, tense, heartfelt show that is hugely creative, inventive, classic humored with unique animation that isn't too flashy (but reeks of nostalgia) and everything else I could wish in a show. It is complete perfection to me, it is just what I wanted it brings out all the old times and just how I want to remember them as so scratch the computer graphics, that alone won't make a great show. Any show that makes odd connections in my life will always stay with me and will become one of my favorites, with this one my favorite of all time. 400 Rugrats episodes can drown in it's own over-ration which I dare say admit, I watched a whole lot during the good old days and to me it doesn't come anywhere close to what Rocko's Modern Life is and means to me, you got to love Rocko. If you can appreciate the inner workings of a show and not just it's cover, then you truly understand your shows and sure do appreciate them especially for old-time sake.

[edit] Show similarities to RML

  • shows that have similarities to Rocko's Modern Life, their percentage and description even though I don't watch them but have in the past.
The Ren and Stimpy Show - 65% basically both rml and this show ended at the same time with no such similar humor and surrealism ever produced. This is the most disgusting and awkward show ever produced and shown on TV. Rocko's Modern Life is only half of this but that certainly doesn't make it any better.
Camp Lazlo - 55% same creator!!! there is an obvious "Joe Murray" theme going on here it is very Rocko-like but it cuts short, it won't go too far as things are going though. It obviously tries to bring back the old simplistic times.
Spongebob Squarepants - 45% a good try the start of season 1 tried very hard to be like Rocko's Modern Life but failed after season 2, way too spastic, unintelligent and becoming majorly unoriginal. The show is basically about 2 pin heads that have righteous intentions that basically get themselves into trouble and annoy a neighbor. Simple life lessons and some Rocko subjects are present and a 'go big' feel but again cuts short.
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters - 30% a concept that was never seen before and cuts into your imagination with a couple of downtrodden monsters that explore the unknowns, just like our hero Rocko has done so many times.
The Angry Beavers - 15% a bunch of bachelors just like Rocko that set out to be alone and are around a group of misfit friends, the show sometimes shows lessons and imagination and creepiness on the side.
CatDog - 10% the life lessons and bachelor theme sure are present as they try to fit in with the town and obviously can't.
  • 'all these shows are strange and pretty much average, with the top going into extremes..........'
  • Camp Lazlo and Spongebob will both be in reruns hopefully in 3 years and finally we might see the return of Rocko's Modern Life as all the original storyboard writers, Animation director, Storyboard artists Animators, Producers and of coarse the show's creator as well, come back together as the perfect master team to create the phenomenon which is Rocko.

[edit] Rocko similarities to myself

My Rocko Personality Comparison: determined, confident, easily annoyed, (situationally tempered, nervous, paranoid), adventurist, righteous, easy going, honest, inquisitive, shy, patient, perceptive, secretive, caring, helpful, respectful, committed, appreciative. I think we both are the same sign then add some of the same lifestyle and there you go now you understand why it freaks me out...and it will now freak you out as well, since you're almost basically watching some of my personality on TV just in cartoon form...

The show basically reeks of my kind of humor, antics, views, conscience, personality and a lot more from the show but over-exaggerated and mostly why I am unbelievably Rocko-like. It basically converted me to what I am today and saying I am not Rocko-like at all is an understatement and could even hurt my being since it's like a well placed thorn, if it's pulled I basically die (but not in this sense or a can't live-without-sense, more like live without it not knowing it was a show at all sense). There are just way too many similarities between us and it just amazes me how alike we are in so many ways. I give great Credits to the staff and especially it's creator Joe Murray Thank you guys so much for such a great show I can't thank you guys enough. I am basically Rocko reincarnated in human-form and lets just end it at that.

Similar Rocko facts: My friend is just like Heffer and often bursts into my house and has an unhealthy appetite for ice cream every time he visits me but I don't mind much... He also gets me into things I rather not want to get into (and also don't know what I'm getting myself into), he's crazy, funny, open-minded, a free spirit and tries to help and inspire me way too much and it often backfires on me and he came to me as a friend. I'm scared of roller coasters, I love to travel, I'm adventurous, I'm foolhardily brave/confident/determined, I'm not sure what job to get I've had several I tried but I now hang around an architect office doing whatever comes my way, I sometimes talk to myself when no one is around (strange I know), I'm indecisive, unsure and think about things a lot before I do them, I drive a cheap-o car, I would be a horrible dater, I loved people (being women) in the past that would only be in my dreams for us to be together, My dad has a temper (shown from one of those episodes where you see his dad annoyed in a picture) but also kind at the same time in another, I have a younger sister (but the weird thing is I liked a Maggie who is the same name as Rocko's sister), I'm secretive yet overly honest when I want to be, I get embarrassed easily, I am intelligent, I joke around a lot, I'm self-contained, I get annoyed by various people and things I have no patience when something annoys the hell out of me, I have been beaten up in the past (it's more little things than actual fighting...also getting picked on and not being understood), I'm too nice and get into bad situations, I have some bad habits, I'm messy, I'm always wondering why I have no food in the cupboards, I'm quiet/calm around new people, currently around his age and understanding society almost the same way, I feel like a damn wallaby all the time and my walk isn't that normal, I have a friend just like Heffer (just not as stupid or fat at all but actually quite rash when you think of it (yet why leave him?)), I can't skate, little kids like me for some reason and also don't know what to do around them, I am clumsy at times, I am patient with a dentist and with doctor's, some people treat me the same way, one of my cats acts stupid, doesn't listen (well yea its a cat but still), eats anything, and is loving, I have many awkward silences obviously to something I can't give a word to (and is probably where I am mostly like Rocko), my ears are somewhat 'revealing' if you know what I mean, I righteously question people, I hate people who deserve to be hated or dis-liked, my house has a huge resemblance to his house in frontal appearance, my friends are likely to wake me up in the morning, his presence feels very much like myself.

If Rocko is your favorite character, that is basically saying that you understand me and as a result we would be great friends most likely, so believe me. If you love Rocko 'some of you' *cough* would love me too.

Some specific Rocko-like info/actions I have/I usually do by instinct:

  • I biggrin/smile at will no matter how strange the situation is, like the "fruit-pot-wash-episode" for e.g.
  • When I'm in shorts I sometimes feel like him even though he wears none
  • When I walk/run, I do it like him and feel like him too
  • I get very rebellious and complain a lot if something is not right
  • As I grew up I tended to be safety-first
  • I was a little clueless on some things and still am
  • I was very inquisitive and probably still am
  • I am self-controlled but some things get the better of me
  • I get annoyed very easily like he does and if you don't stop, it will come out in a similar way...
  • I get glued to the TV sometimes the same way
  • My parents are like his (one looks Euro the other American) and I also have a younger sister
  • I tend to like pets a lot and yes admittingly hug them in the same way Rocko hugs Spunky
  • I am very clumsy like him
  • I am very nervous (especially in my childhood, I was a lot more)
  • I throw myself back when I sit the same way he does
  • When Rocko is sitting I notice the way his hands and arms are laid out, I have sat the same way for many years starting from my youth and it is just something natural to me now.
  • I tend to (by instinct) scratch my side if I get an itch there... (mostly when I just get up)
  • I admittingly wear underwear...
  • Rocko in some of the earlier episodes acts somewhat reserved (calm and quiet) and is a style that is very much like myself
  • Even though my voice is lower than his, I somewhat talk like him.
  • I am way too sentimental
  • I am somewhat sudden and unexpected
  • My eye/head movements are like his
  • The whole; life/society is hard for Rocko, relates to me a whole lot
  • My eyes are blue like his
  • I get embarrassed easily
  • I am pretty secretive
  • I make excuses often
  • You could say that I am stressed...
  • I am notoriously innocent
  • I am a bit annoying or "obnoxious"
  • I am weird, quirky, strange or :insert word here: (whatever you want me to be)
  • I like things pure like a game that has it's own music I would detest that people listen to music over that for the first time and just enjoy it; that also reminds me of the hiking episode "Hut Sut Ra" (<where the hell did this come from?) : Rocko didn't like what he first saw at "the camp" but the others liked it and he opted for something that was what he desired, a natural environment to enjoy, not a built in natural environment with vending machines hanging over your heads; I sometimes act like this.
  • Sometimes I don't take no for an answer and feel strongly for what I believe in - (also known as stubbornness)
  • I would enjoy road-triping
  • I tend to "slip the word" (say something that is meant for keeping to myself) a lot
  • The smallest of things can annoy me/make life hard for me
  • Having a friend like Heffer really brings the Rocko out of me to the point that the relationships inter-wind into each other; being very similar.
  • I'm somewhat indecisive and pretty picky
  • I tend to eat healthy (but don't go overboard) like he does
  • When I have no care in the world, I could act as "gayfully" as he does (on purpose of course)
  • Most of my expressions could match his
  • I act like him most when I am in a good and even great mood but thats not Rocko. Rocko has bad moods and habits as well which I get at times almost the same way.
  • End: I am basically a somewhat darker adult version you can say of Rocko with a more metal feel than Rocko's obvious grunge band he likes in the comic version and I tend to "act like a kid" a lot; the light is in there and it comes out for people who have utmost respect for me.

That concludes the main reasons "why Rocko makes me Rocko"

Mostly I tend to act like him when I am around friends or feel tempted/trapped or just ordinary loneness being about or not even know it.

Related non-Rocko info/actions:

Clam from Camp Lazlo

  • Later on I used one-word sentences and people would understand what I meant and this was before the show aired which I find to be creepy.

Like: pepperoni! (pepperoni is here) for (e.g.)

  • His voice is low like mine and talk a little like him
  • The way people don't view Clam as smart is the same way people think of me
  • How he seizes to amaze people with what he is capable of and what knowledge he possesses is comparable to me in a different way
  • Even though, I hardly act like him

[edit] RML-related dreams

I had a couple dreams about Rocko I especially remember, here they are:

1. I was there at my couch watching a new episode of Rocko, it showed the episode intro and I saw a couple secs of the episode. It was unbelievably real, it felt like I was right there and it was so clear...

2. Basically Rocko was in some kind of music video, it was pretty strange but I clearly saw him "for a few seconds" and he wasn't dancing really but there was music, I lost my dream thoughts just after I wrote that down^.

3. I saw Rocko in a pre-show-commercial basically it was almost as real as my first.

4. Rocko and Heffer have different animation and drive on the highway and later cross a bridge. The animation was grayed out but they were colored.

5. Had a dream where the animation was the same but showed the show with a different intro and it was of an entirely new different episode. It felt like I was there watching it again like I knew I wasn't sleeping at all but the style of animation was really fast and it was hard to see clearly of what I dreamnt.

Two and three obviously have less content but it makes me want it to happen even more.

[edit] Rocko differences to myself

Different Rocko facts:

  • I'm not Australian
  • I'm not immigrated (but sure feel like it sometimes)
  • I'm not as socially open but close
  • I don't lust over women and also don't understand it (he's a complete different person when it comes to that probably because its a toon but oh well)
  • I don't eat at fast food restaurants
  • I sleep later
  • I don't scream in panic
  • I don't like comic books as much but I do appreciate them
  • I can't whistle
  • I'm not short
  • I don't like horror movies as much
  • I don't have a dog for a pet
  • My house has no garage
  • I don't walk around without pants or underwear for that matter.. (-which I find to be an ongoing gag in the show)

I would be exactly like Rocko if I didn't have any of my conditions, just not his accent or height and obviously appearance.

[edit] What I think of Rocko

I think he has some sort of personality disorder or (s) and maybe several paranoiac disorders of some kind(s) with possible Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and possible other mental illnesses like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/or simply ADD. He dresses like a casino/tourist-type of guy to me, he basically shows some of my struggles in life... obviously over-exaggerated, he is misunderstood (just like me) (but that makes me understand him even more) and he is unbelievably me in cartoon-form...

[edit] Rocko related sites

Have fun with this mini-survey (mostly for RML fans)

[edit] Rocko televison episode/comic issue specifics

I thought of this a whole lot while I was young, just thinking that some "world" I watched (show/movie) is real and on a far away planet it is taped as a show or movie. If fantasy could become reality, I would "kill" to live in a RML world and you probably would know already what character I would be.

An episode that shows some of my personality is "Who's for Dinner" especially when I'm in the same position as him being invited for dinner to people I don't know and he basically is me throughout the entire episode. When Rocko and Heffer went on the roller coaster, this is basically what me and my friend did on the ride; I would be bracing for it and pushing my feet into the craft with a half-paranoid face on for the big drops and my friend would be nearly standing in a way which is 100% Rocko and Heffer. The most likely quote for my friend to say to me is, "you're weird" from the quote by Heffer, "I saw you sleeping, you're weird" and not to mention "Wee Wee". There are also some other moments in the show that is exactly or nearly me, which I might actually reference later.

I am very "expressionistic" with such episodes like "Fatal Contraption", a non-dialogue episode that shows how I would act like nearly exactly if I didn't talk. Theres other times like at the DMV episode with him (I think it's "Skid Marks" not sure may have the wrong one) giving random poses (not in the same exact way but warmly similar :)).

Sometimes in the show I even ask myself why did this happen? or what this specific thing is referring to and etc. Here's a list of that:
In the episode, Cruisin' for some odd reason Rocko smells the air when some ducks are bellow and I am confused why he does it. I don't know why the writers kept this in and I don't know why he sniffed but it puzzles me to this day just a little. Also I must say that the episode has some crazy out of this world sci-fi content in it, already with the episode being as crazy at it is.

In earlier episodes, Rocko's lip syncing and emotions are off and I also like his old look a lot.

[edit] RML references in the arts

Heres some of my music-rocko or rocko-music related findings: the Tanzwut song "Im tiefen Gras" from the album Schattenreiter is eerily familiar to me... and sounds like I heard it somewhere, especially in the show Rocko's Modern Life, which has a song nearly the same. It might be from somewhere else but I am not sure better see what I can find out about it. I really must know where it came from and get it off of me.

The song, "Rampant Micro Life" (or "RML" for short) from the album, Organasm by Alchemist has a strong reference to the show Rocko's Modern Life, known for it's nostalgia, Australian themes and even psychedelia or another state in mind. Also, the song "Surreality" makes the album have an even higher reference to the show with the addition of the song, "New Beginning" making it even more obvious. It seems like it is from the show and that would be amazing to me but if it's just an assumption it's still pretty cool anyway.

Well since I drew one picture of Rocko and more recently one of Heffer, I am now making an experimental picture of a dm Rocko in a black shirt with dark blue triangles with "the horns" up and a hardcore face on, I'm just like that ;) message me if interested in any way. Further down the lane I'm going to make several drawings of Rocko's many emotions and likely to experiment into other areas.

[edit] My fandom and the show's effect upon myself

I stumbled back onto Rocko's Modern Life four months ago suddenly and with great passion and even drew Rocko here's the picture of him (I couldn't put color to it but will do it at a later time, also I noticed his ear and tail are a centimeter off and an annoying hair got in his eye heh...a better one will come later on) (it looks great by the way) also have a semicolored one of him now as well (ps'ed) (mouth is hard to do). I have made another which is more a proto drawing of the other picture (seen here) and it is was made only using paint in 10 min. Rocko is a little pushed forward not sure about his teeth and his ears aren't the best and his neck maybe a bit too high but w.e it's fine for a proto pic. I also drew Heffer and captured his face perfectly (seen here). I watched the show when I was 6-9 and it was my favorite show as a child (it just goes so far in and beyond natural thought or reason it was so out there and offered something that could relate to me thats why I loved it) and basically it still is my favorite now (a guilty pleasure of mine) and maybe even more so since I think it was a phenomenon when I first saw it, I can't believe they could make a show this indescribable and oddly heartwarming. Rocko even went psychedelic and became something like a lone Psychonaut with hallucinations and many things coming into reality, which is another reason why I liked it so much, it was Sci-fi, Fantasy subjects and a comic of the real world and basically was a real-life variety show. Then I forgot it somehow after some years passed (hard to believe) and have been using it's silly humor and Rocko's little antics scarily as well ever since till now not even knowing, so it truly inspired me and basically became my own religion as a child and amazingly my life slowly turned into Rocko's. All I can say now is Rocko's Modern Life is so me it's insane really (to me I found perfection in a show that can relate to me so much that I would stick to it and do so forever), I don't know what I would be like without this show and I probably would be like everyone else, (which I strive to be different). It would be a miracle for new episodes to be shown, since it is an old show that is now 14 years old with so much left out and so much more yet to give. The show could of been such a big show if only they converted the comics into show-form and continued episodes I would love it... I had this very surreal dream sitting there looking at the screen it felt like I was really there, it was unbelievably real, there were no lights on, and the TV flashed a new episode for a second of Rocko's Modern Life and that will be my ultimate wish for TV (you can dream can't you?). Rocko's Modern Life is so rebellious, aware of the world, somewhat underground, oddly heartwarming, and is an out-of-this-world show of it's own kind, it's very unique and theres nothing else that could compare to it with the strong 90's vibe that it has. It was the golden days of television that offered something new for everyone to relate to now we are laden with anime and second-rate shows that should have been canceled with too much flash little or reoccurring contents and no trick candle-sparks. Rocko's Modern Life is so simple yet so effective at the same time, I hate that the show ended, I would love for it to return, it helped me become who I am basically and I can't express it enough to you (and I can't make you understand it or respect it as much as I do). Watching the show brings back so many fond memories of my past and I'm in a way watching my super ego personality and how I basically would act in the real world, it's my personal favorite and always will be in my heart...if a girl loves the show as much as I, with the same respects then that is some perfect girl to me, I would die to meet you.....

[edit] RML Related Userboxes

RML This user would like to see RML in full 3D just for the fun of it (the user will be scared and also amazed to see them this way {susceptible to being in a state of awe (not awwww) exclaiming WOW! or the extreme 'OMG!'}) and come out with a mini-movie or have new episodes all together which he thinks is a very distant event. New possible Episodes: Spunky Runs Away?!, Sweet Home, Dry Motherland.