Talk:Cinnamon Toast Crunch

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"The cereal aims to provide the taste of cinnamon toast in a bite-sized crunch."


[edit] Gibberish

Why are there random letters everywhere?

Vandalism. Fixed now, if it comes back we'll fix it again... --tcsetattr (talk / contribs) 00:47, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Previous Mascots

does anyone remember the advertising campaign that displayed the demise of the other two mascots? I believe they were trying to time travel and were lost in time, but for some reason the third on was not...? Does this sound familiar, or does anyone have any documentation/record of this?

What I remember from my youth is that they used to have three mascots that were chefs. One of the three was short, stout, and older, named Wendell. Each one had a different job in the preparation of the cereal, I think Wendell's job was to put on the cinnamon. There was a storyline where they were all lost in time and for a while, the boxes had a black silhouette where the characters would normally be. Only Wendell made it back. Wendell remains as the only mascot for the cereal. You can see his picture in this advertisement: --Captaintex (talk) 04:51, 4 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Original Shape

Was the original shape of CTC or FTC little pieces of bread?

As far as I remember only French Toast Crunch was lil pieces of bread

[edit] reflection of stoner society

I think this article has to mention the UC Santa Cruz study of over 90 percent of ctc buyers are admitted pot smokers.

[edit] Cinnamon Toast

Is there a self-made dish (that is, not something that comes in a box) called “cinnamon toast”? The Japanese Wikipedia has a “cinnamon toast” article (シナモントースト) which doesn't seem to mention any commercial use. Wikipeditor 01:22, 2 August 2006 (UTC)

Yes. I just described it in the toast article. --Damian Yerrick () 00:05, 9 September 2006 (UTC)