Talk:Chris Simcox

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Simcox writes, “Eleven miles of the Minuteman Border Fence in eleven months - that is how much of the United States the Minutemen have secured. That is eleven more miles of liberty! But the work is far from finished.

“I’m not talking about a white-picket fence.

“I’m talking about an attack-repellant fence that makes it difficult for illegal crossers to climb with a ladder… Difficult to clip with wire cutters… Difficult to tunnel under and difficult to ram with a vehicle… To stop illegals at the border.

“A double layered gauntlet of 14′ high anti-climb steel mesh, reinforced vehicle barriers and fiber optic sensors with cameras monitored by registered Minuteman volunteers 24 X 7.”

Actually, 11 miles have not been completed as you can clearly see in the photos taken just recently.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

All I can say is THANK GOD for Chris Simcox and the Minutemen!!! They are doing what our government won't!! I WISH I had more time and hundreds of thousands of dollars to give them because I would! They are the one thing that stands between our country and total invasion by a foreign nation.

If it were up to ME there would be automatic radar operated high rate automatics mounted on pedestals out there in the desert. Good thing its not.

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STOP that link to that "SPLC" commie site which discredits the fine work the minutemen do with a load of BS!

How did they save over 100 lives? BTChicago 17:50, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

Marked as biased, because of the content of most of the lower half of the article; the article seems to be more concerned with sweeping away complaints about the Minutemen than it does with accurately reporting both sides of the issue. Gwenhwyfaer 22:44, 21 April 2006 (BST)

I tried to clean up some of the most obvious bias, but it still needs reworking


Before we worry about bias in favor of the Minutemen, how about against them -- for instance:

"Simcox's opponents claim that it is illegal for a normal citizen who is in no way affiliated with law enforcement to detain people in the United States."

If you read the SOP at the site of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps at you will note that not only do members not "detain" anyone, they aren't even allowed to speak to or gesture to them. They sit in chairs, count them, and radio their position to a central communications center, which passes this information on to the US Border Patrol. If there had been ONE instance of a Minuteman detaining an illegal, it would have been instant news; since that hasn't happened, one would assume that the bias against the Minutemen is unfounded.

But this above statement is in the paragraph about the Civil Homeland Defence, not The Minutemen. Civil Homeland Defense did hold up immigrants, made a civil arrest and contacted the Border Patrol.

As far as saving lives goes, I suppose illegals could have just been left to die, but there are numerous instances since the formation of the Minutemen of giving water and food and calling for aid for struggling illegals in the desert. Perhaps the US Border Patrol in various sectors, particularly in the Tucson sector, could be contacted for verification.


Poster above; actually, Patrick Haab detained seven illegals at gunpoint, then went on the conservative talking head circuit. There've also been incidents of violence which Minutemen leaders have simply disavowed. (That is, they state that while these regrettable incidents happened, those responsible regret them, and the organization does not condone them.)

I can't find any evidence anywhere on the net that Haab had any connection whatsover with any Minuteman group.     —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:24, 7 March 2008 (UTC) 

ADDITIONALLY (INVESTOR WARNING): Please view ( Minutemen may have good intentions but Chris Simcox is apparently less than ethical. Based on this one issue alone, investors should be skeptical. For the funds raised by investors the only substantial return has been expenses in the form of "professional services." It is strongly advised the any investors thoroughly evaluate this project prior to investment. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Tomdejoria (talk • contribs) 17:54, 7 November 2007 (UTC)