Christos Yannaras

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Christos Yannaras is an important Greek philosopher and writer of more than 50 books, translated in many languages.


[edit] Biography

Christos Yannaras (born Athens, 1935) is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens. He studied Theology at the University of Athens and Philosophy at the Universities of Bonn (Germany) and Paris (France). He is a Ph.D of the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). Also, Ph.D at the Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines of the University of Sorbonne (Paris). He has been nominated Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa, at the University of Belgrade; Visiting Professor at the Universities of Paris (the Catholic Faculty), Geneve, Lausanne and Crete; Professor of Philosophy at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens, from 1982 to 2002; and elected member of the Hellenic Authors' Society.

The main volume of Professor Yannaras' work represents a long course on study and research of the differences between the Greek and Western European philosophy and tradition. Differences that are not exhausted statically at the level of theory only, but define the mode (or the praxis) of life, that is all we mean by the word culture.

[edit] Βibliography

In English
In French
  • Variations sur le Cantique des Cantiques, Paris (Desclée de Brouwer), 1992 (ISBN 2-220-03273-6)
  • Philosophie sans rupture, Genève (Labor et Fides), 1986 (ISBN 2-8309-0046-4)
  • De l’absence et de l’inconnaissance de Dieu, Paris (Cerf), 1971
  • La foi vivante de l’Église, Paris (Cerf), 1989 (ISBN 2-204-03160-7)
  • La morale de la liberté, Genève (Labor et Fides), 1984 (ISBN BA-45978923)
  • Vérité et unité de l’Église, Grez-Doiceau (Editions Axios), 1989
In German
  • Person und Eros, Göttingen, (Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht), 1982
In Italian
  • Ignoranza e conoscenza di Dio, Milan, (Jaca Book), 1973 & also,
  • Heidegger e Dionigi Areopagita, Rome (Città Nuova editrice), 1993
  • Variazioni sul Cantico dei Cantici, Milan (Nuova Stampa), 1992 (ISBN 88-8166-044-X)
  • La fede dell’ esperienza ecclesiale, Brescia (Queriniana), 1993
  • La libertà dell’Ethos, Bolognα (Dehoniane), 1984
  • Verità e Unità della Chiesa, Milan (Nuova Stampa) (ISBN 88-8166-019-9)
In Romanian
  • Heidegger şi Areopagitul', Bucharest (Editura Anastasia)
  • Persona şi Eros, Bucharest (Editura Anastasia)
  • Abecedar al credintei, Bucharest (Editura Bizantina)
  • Libertatea Moralei, Bucharest, (Editura Anastasia)
  • Foanea şi Setea, Bucharest (Editura Anastasia)
In Russian
  • Истина и Eдинство Церкви, Moscow (CBЯTO-ΦИЛAΡETOBCKИЙ) 2006
  • Xaйдеггер и Aреопагит, Moscow (POCCПЭН) 2005
  • Личноcть и Эрос, Moscow (POCCПЭН) 2005
  • Bариации на Песнь Песней, Moscow (POCCПЭН) 2005
  • Bepa Цepкви, Moscow 1992
In Serbian
  • AЗБУЧHИK BEPE, Novi Sad (Beseda)
In Slovenian
  • Heidegger in Areopagit ali o Bozji odsotnosti in respoznatnosti, (Nova revija), 1991
In Ukrainian
  • Свобода етосу, Kiev (Дух і Літера) 2003
  • Нерозривна філософія, Kiev, (Oснови)
  • Варіації на тему Пісні Пісень, Kiev (Дух і Літера)
In Bulgarian
In Finnish
  • Nälkä ja Jano, (Joensuu) 1991

[edit] External links

[edit] Online texts

[edit] Reviews

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