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Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Gustave Doré.
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Gustave Doré.

A Christophany is an alleged appearance of the incarnate Christ in the Old Testament, or after his ascension. (A Christophany is thus a special case of a theophany.) The appearance is an "alleged" one because Jews do not typically agree with such a Christian interpretation of Jewish scriptures.

Christophanies may include instances where no expressly Messianic title is given to a figure; for example, "the Angel of the LORD" is construed by some as a Christophany. Consequently, identification of a given incident as a Christophany, as opposed to a vision of an angel, is a matter of debate among biblical commentators. The Hebrew word here is "malach", and this means, "one sent" or "messenger". So this is not necessarily referring to some winged creature.

[edit] Examples of Christophanies

  • Some Christians believe Jesus came to Earth at various times before the New Testament, including once as Melchizedek himself (Gen. 14:18-20, Psalm 110:4). However, Hebrews 7:3 provides the comparison "like the Son of God" which argues against such an interpretation.
    • The above interpretation to Hebrews 7:3 is in dispute. For example:
Melchizedek was, as the author of Hebrews states: “made like unto the Son of God, abiding a priest continually” (Heb 7:3). This phrase for “made like unto” means a facsimile, a copy or image, to pass off the shape of (like a spirit), (Strong’s #871). In verse 15 of this same chapter, the author of Hebrews writes ”…for that after the similitude of Melchizedek there arises another priest (Christ)”.
The author of Hebrews notes that Melchizedek was “made like unto the Son of God”, yet, in verse 15, the Son of God was seen to be “after the similitude of Melchizedek”. Some claim this as evidence that the person of Melchizedek is in fact an example of Christophany.
  • A certain "Suffering servant", from the Book of Isaiah, is believed by many Christians to be Jesus. However, this may simply be a prophecy rather than an appearance.
  • The vision of Isaiah (Is 6) may be regarded as a Christophany. It appears to have been seen as such by John the evangelist, who, following a quote from this chapter, adds 'Isaiah said this because he saw his glory and spoke of him' (Jn 12:41).
  • A Christophany also is believed to have occurred when Jacob wrestled with a man in Gen. 32. Jacob says he has "seen God face to face," but Hosea 12:4 mentions an angel. This can be reconciled, if it was the Angel of the LORD, as Christ said He "and the Father are one" (John 10:30).
  • Another possible Christophany is in the Garden of Eden, where God walks with Adam and Eve. He also sacrifices animals and covers their nakedness with the skins in Genesis 3:21,[1] indicating a physical presence. Some typological commentators believe that Adam and Eve were shown the plan of salvation, then instructed in blood sacrifice as a proleptic memorial.
  • One example is the "Man" who appears to Joshua, and identifies Himself as "the commander of the army of the LORD." (Joshua 5:13-15). The standard argument that this was in fact Christ is that He accepted Joshua's prostrate worship, whereas angels refuse such worship[2]; see Revelation 19:9-10. Additionally, He declared the ground to be holy; elsewhere in the Bible, only things or places set aside for God or claimed by Him are called holy; see Exodus 3:5. Note that Jewish commentators [3] reading the same text do not accept that this figure was Christ (or even Adonai).
  • Another example of a Christophany is in Daniel 3:25, when the fourth man in the furnace is described as "The Son of God." (KJV translation.)
  • When Manoah inquired of the angel of the LORD, "What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word comes true?" He replied, "Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding."
  • Another New Testament example is the vision of St John the Divine, recounted in Rev 1:12-18.

[edit] See also

Angel of the Lord
