Christof May

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Christof May (* 1970 in Radolfzell, Germany) is a clarinet- and saxophone player.

May studied at the "Royal Conservatoire" of The Hague from 1992 - 1998 Jazz saxophone with John Ruocco and from 1998 - 2002 classical clarinet with Ab Vos. He earned a Master's Degree.

From 1995 on, he worked as a sideman with a.o. Susanne Abbuehl, Michel Portal, David Liebman, Claudio Puntin, Samuel Rohrer, Florian Zenker, Amina Figarova, Erik Ineke and Trygve Seim.

With Susanne Abbuehl, he can be heard on the ECM productions "April" and "Compass". He toured through Europe, Africa und Northamerica, playing a.o. in Capetown, Maputo, Montreal, Portland/Oregon, Oslo, Paris, Rome and other European cities. With the Dutch radio orchestra "Metropole Orkest", he worked a.o. with Kenny Werner and Bob Malach and recorded CDs with a.o. Terry Bozzio. In the classical field, he worked a.o. with the symphony orchestras of Krefeld-Mönchengladbach, Aachen and Duisburg in Germany.

[edit] discography - selection

  • Ugly Beauty, 1994, The Jazzmeteors
  • I Am Rose, 1997, Susanne Abbuehl
  • April, 2000, with Susanne Abbuehl, Wolfert Brederode and Samuel Rohrer
  • Far Enough, 2000, Nimbus, with Wolfert Brederode
  • Festina Lente, 2003, Nimbus, with Wolfert Brederode, featuring David Liebman
  • chamber works, 2005, Terry Bozzio & Metropole Orchestra
  • Compass, 2006, mit Susanne Abbuehl, Wolfert Brederode und Lucas Niggli

[edit] External links
