Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

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Christiane Eberhardine
Queen of Poland
Born December 19, 1671(1671-12-19)
Birthplace Bayreuth
Died September 4, 1727 (aged 55)
Place of death Pretzsch an der Elbe
Consort 16971727
Consort to Augustus II
Royal House Hohenzollern
Father Christian Ernst, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
Mother Sofie Luise of Württemberg
Children Augustus III

Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (December 19, 1671September 4, 1727) was consort to Augustus II the Strong.

[edit] Life

She was the firstborn child of Christian Ernst, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth and Sophia Louisa (German: Sofie Luise), daughter of Eberhard III, Duke of Württemberg. She was named for her father, Christian and her mother's father, Eberhard.

She married Friedrich August I, Elector of Saxony and future King of Poland on January 20, 1693 at age 21. The marriage was purely political and highly unhappy. Three years later, on October 17, 1696, their son Friedrich August was born in Dresden.

August of Saxony converted to Catholicism to become King of Poland, but Christiane Eberhardine remained faithful to her Protestant beliefs and was not present at her husband's coronation. Her Protestant countrymen named her "The Pillar of Saxony."

Christiane Eberhardine retired to her castle at Pretzsch an der Elbe or at Hartenfels Castle in Torgau, and was only seen at Dresden festivities occasionally. In her voluntary exile she led a life of culture and took interest in the faith of orphaned children. She was also active in the field of economics; in 1697 she overtook the glass factory in Pretzsch, founded by Constantin Fremel.

A lonely woman, Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth died at the age of 55 and was buried on September 6 in the Parish church of Pretzsch. Neither her husband nor her son were present at the funeral.

In commemoration, Johann Sebastian Bach wrote for her Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl with text by Johann Christoph Gottsched, which was performed for the first time on October 15, 1727 in the Leipzig Paulinerkirche.

She was great-grandmother to Louis XVI of France, Louis XVIII of France, Charles X of France and Charles IV of Spain.

[edit] Ancestry

Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth's ancestors in three generations
Christiane Eberhardine, Queen of Poland Father:
Christian Ernst, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
Paternal Grandfather:
Erdmann August, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Christian, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Marie of Prussia
Paternal Grandmother:
Sofie of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Joachim Ernst, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Sofie of Solms-Laubach
Sofie Luise of Württemberg
Maternal Grandfather:
Eberhard III, Duke of Württemberg
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Johann Frederick, Duke of Württemberg
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Barbara Sophia of Brandenburg
Maternal Grandmother:
Anna Catharina or Anna Dorothea of Salm-Kyrburg
Maternal Great-grandfather:
John Casimir of Salm-Kyrburg
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Dorothea of Solms-Laubach

[edit] Further reading

  • Stichart, Franz Otto: Galerie der sächsischen Fürstinnen; biogr. Skizzen sämtlicher Ahnfrauen des kgl. Hauses Sachsen, Leipzig 1857
  • Blanckmeister, Franz: Kurfürstin Christiane Eberhardine von Sachsen: eine ev. Bekennerin, Barmen 1892
  • Meyer, Johannes: Frauengestalten und Frauenwalten im Hause Wettin, Bautzen 1912
  • Haake, Paul: Christiane Eberhardine und August der Starke: eine Ehetragödie, Dresden 1930
  • Lauckner, Martin: Eine alte Unterschrift von zarter Hand, in: Sächs. Heimat, Hamburg, Jg. 1981
  • Czok, Karl: August der Starke und Kursachsen, Leipzig 1987. Aufgeklärter Absolutismus und kirchlich-religiöse Toleranzpolitik bei August dem Starken, In: Sachsen und die Wettiner. Chancen und Realitäten (Sondernummer der Dresdner Hefte); Dresden 1990
  • Fellmann, Walter: Prinzessinnen. Glanz, Einsamkeit und Skandale am sächsischen Hof, Leipzig 1996

Royal titles
Preceded by
Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien
Queen of Poland (titular)
Succeeded by
Katarzyna Opalińska
Preceded by
Katarzyna Opalińska
Queen of Poland (titular)
Succeeded by
Katarzyna Opalińska
Preceded by
Eleonore Erdmuthe of Saxe-Eisenach
Electress of Saxony
1694 - 1727
Succeeded by
Maria Josepha of Austria