Christian City Church, Oxford Falls

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Christian City Church Oxford Falls is the largest congregation in the Christian City Churches movement, located in Oxford Falls, New South Wales. It has a weekly attendance in excess of 4000, and a membership in excess of 6000 people, making it one of the larger churches in Australia.


[edit] About

CCC Oxford Falls is involved in a large number of local and national ministry projects including 3 on site colleges offering ministry training. These colleges include School of Creative Arts (SCA) and School of Ministry (SOM).

Christian City Church Oxford Falls is involved in planting a number of new churches every year, it has its own TV production studio, gallery, full time coffee shop and book store.

CCC Oxford Falls Main Auditorium
CCC Oxford Falls Main Auditorium

Christian City Church Oxford Falls runs a number of ministries, including 'Real Men', 'EveryWoman' & 'Path Finders'. The church also runs a number of Youth and Young adult ministries including the successful 'Change' and 'SG' groups (SG Senior High, SG Junior High).

Christian City Church Oxford Falls also runs several Colleges; School of Ministry, School of Creative Arts and School of Pastoral Care & Counselling. Christian City Church Oxford Falls has a large involvement in Oxford Falls Grammar School.

Each week CCC Oxford Falls creates and airs the CCTV (Christian City TV) on Network Ten in Australia, the program also shows on the Australian Christian Channel and internationally.

CCC Oxford Falls congregation and leadership is home to a large number of Artists and Authors, including Phil and Chris Pringle, Simon McIntyre (Follow the Leader), Mary Simpson (31 Girl, Dream Girl & Girlfriendship). The onsite galleries display the work of artists from within the church and SCA (School of Creative Arts).

[edit] History

The church was founded in 1980 by Phil and Chris Pringle who came to Sydney from New Zealand for that purpose. It was originally known as 'Christian Centre, Northside' and began with 12 people on the Northern beaches of Sydney. Since then the church has grown, its current complex was opened by John Howard the Prime Minister of Australia.

The church is the founding and home church of the Christian City Churches movement.

[edit] Programs Run By CCC Oxford Falls

[edit] REALMEN

Real Men Logo
Real Men Logo

REALMEN is a program run by Christian City Church Oxford Falls, and adopted by many Chistian City Churches worldwide. The ministry is co-ordinated by Pst Greg French.

From the REALMEN website -

"The REALMEN Ministry of Christian City Church is based on identifying with where men are at in the various roles they find themselves in along their life journey - as husbands, sons and fathers, as workers and career builders and as Christians. Men everywhere want to know how to do life and do it well. They want to know how best to manage the business of life and to juggle the ever-increasing responsibilities and demands being placed on them."

REALMEN runs an annual conference at CCC Oxford Falls, and similar conferences Australia and Worldwide. Other notable events include bi-annual Men's Breakfasts onsite at CCC Oxford Falls.

The day to day REALMEN program is run in Men's Connect (Small) Groups throughout the church.

[edit] Change

Change Logo
Change Logo

Change is a rapidly growing Young adults ministry held on a Wednesday night at CCC Oxford Falls, it is led by Pastor Josh Kelsey and regularly attracts up to 300 people. The group was formed over 3 years ago and has grown to it current size rapidly in that time.

The 'Change' movement has begun similar groups in universities in Sydney and operates a Podcast service on a weekly basis.

Change uses the 'Connect Groups' system to grow and disciple its members.

The Young Adults community of Christian City Church also run an annual Young Adults conference called 'Awakening'. In their first year of running this they saw over 600 young adults attend. The 2008 conference is 31st of January to the 2nd of February at Oxford Falls. Guests for 2008 include Francis Chan, Joel Houston, Brooke Fraser, Phil Pringle, Mark Kelsey, Joe Pringle, Georgie Kelsey and Joshua Kelsey, with more to be announced.

[edit] Youth

Christian City Church Oxford Falls runs a number of Youth Programs that share the name and vision, Stadium Generation. Stadium Generation includes three separate meetings over the week, Junior High, Senior High and Sunday Morning. Although separate programs, they share the same vision, to see the stadiums filled with young people. The youth is attended by upwards of 600 people weekly and is responsible for a large number of events each year including the well known 'Phenomena' conference.

Phenomena 07, 'LOUD', took place over 16-19th of April. The conference featured Christian City Church Pastor Phil Pringle and Youth Pastor James Murray, as well as international speakers Judah Smith, Pat Mesiti andAnnaliese Halvorsen. It also featured competitions for people to enter with Fashion & Make-Up, Visual Arts, Music, Skating or Short Films which reflect the theme 'Loud'. Competition entries were displayed at the conference and prizes of $500 were awarded.

Phenomena '08, "Now", running from 21st to 24th April, features speakers including James Murray, Judah Smith, Chelsea Smith and Ra Toko, as well as the popular band "Delirious?". Competitions similar to those of Phenomena '07 will also be run.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links