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Choujin (超人, Supermen?) is the Japanese word for Supermen. It is also the name of a fictional race from Yudetamago's manga and anime series Kinnikuman and its sequel Ultimate Muscle (Kinnikuman Nisei). This article focuses on the latter meaning.


[edit] About

Choujin are people whose abilities far surpass that of normal humans. Most, like Kinnikuman and Terryman, were born with these abilities while some, like Geronimo and the Brocken Clan achieved it through special means. Most of them reside on Earth. In earlier chapters they were known as Super Heros (スーパーヒーロー?), but it was changed to Choujin after the first Choujin Olympics.

In Nisei, the Zangyaku, Akuma, Perfect, and Jikan Choujin are collectively referred to as Akugyou Choujin (悪行超人, Evil Supermen?).

There are also anime and movie original Choujin such as the Gou'aku Choujin, Kakure Choujin, and the Senshi Choujin.

[edit] Main Choujin Classifications

[edit] Seigi Choujin

Seigi Choujin (正義超人, Justice Supermen?) are Choujin who use their powers for the sake of justice, mainly battling Kaijuu in earlier chapters. Analogous to Face wrestlers in the real world. There are said to be 1,000 of them on Earth.

Particullarly popular Seigi Choujin are referred to as Idol Choujin (Kinnikuman, Terryman, Robin Mask, Ramenman, Warsman, Buffaloman, Geronimo, Brocken Jr., Wolfman, Ashuraman, Neptuneman).

Friendship is absolute for Seigi Choujins, and if for some reason a crack begins to appear in their friendship the ancient Iron Sweat (アイアン・スエット?) begins to flow from their bodies. It continues to flow and wigh them down until their friendship is restored.

[edit] Zangyaku Choujin

Main article: Zangyaku Choujin

Zangyaku Choujin (残虐超人, Brutal Supermen?) are Choujin who fight brutally and kill their opponents for their own amusement. They are basically Seigi Choujins gone bad, and are even allowed to compete in the Choujin Olympics. Later on, they are divided between those who aid the Seigi Choujins (Seigi no Zangyaku Choujin (正義の残虐超人, "Good" Brutal Supermen?). This includes Ramenman, Ilioukhine, Warsman, Kinkotsuman, and others. Although very brutal after entering the ring, they are essentially Seigi Choujins) and those who oppose them (Aku no Zangyaku Choujin (悪の残虐超人, "Evil" Brutal Supermen?), this include the entire True Team Soldier, Shimaou, and others. They mostly appear in the sequel series). Zangyaku Choujin are roughly the equivalent of Tweener wrestlers in "real" pro-wrestling, although some lean more towards Heels.

[edit] Akuma Choujin

Main article: Akuma Choujin

Akuma Choujin (悪魔超人, Demon Supermen?) are Choujin who have sold their bodies, minds, and blood to demons, and fight under the control of Great Demon King Satan (大魔王サタン, Daimaou Satan?). The Kinnikuman equivalent of Heel wrestlers. To them, winning means killing your opponent and losing means "death". Ex: Buffaloman, Springman, Ashuraman, etc.

Originally the Zangyaku Choujin were included with the Akuma Choujin, but this was later changed.

[edit] Perfect Choujin

Perfect Choujin (完璧超人?) (Read as Kanpeki Choujin in the first anime, Kanpeki being the non-ateji reading of the character 完璧) are Choujin who were so strong that nobody in this world could oppose them, so they exiled themselves to the heavens. There they sparred with each other for thousands of years, transcending emotions and gaining power that rivaled the gods. They follow many strict rules, such as "Never use weapons", "Never show your back to an enemy", and "Defeat is absolutely inexcuseable". Ex: Neptuneman, Neptune King, Seiuchin, etc.

[edit] Five Fated Princes

The Five Fated Princes (運命の五王子, Unmei no Go Ouji?) are five Choujin who are successorship candidates for the Planet Kinniku Throne and are being controlled by the Evil Choujin Gods. Because the possess the powers of a god, each one has a Choujin Kyoudo of 100,000,000 Power. Ex: Super Phoenix, Zebra, Big Body, Mariposa, Soldier.

Most of the Choujin who compete on the Five Fated Prince's teams are never classified as a specific Choujin. Some exceptions are Team Phoenix's The Omegaman (Perfect Choujin), Team Phoenix's Satan Cross, (Akuma Choujin), and the members of the True Team Soldier (Zangyaku Choujin).

[edit] Jikan Choujin

Jikan Choujin (時間超人, Time Supermen?) are mysterious Choujin whose true identities are unknown. A mutated breed of Akugyou Choujin, they have revealed themselves to Meat and the others, but their origin and background is still unknown. When the Majikaku (魔時角, Demonic Time Horn?) that sprout from their heads are broken off, they gain the ability to travel a single period of time from within their own lifetimes. At present, only Thunder and Lightning have appeared (although it has been hinted that Chaos may be one as well). They also have the ability to transform parts of their bodies into pieces of a clock (bells, minute hands, etc), but whether this is an ability exclusive to the Jikan Choujin is unknown.

[edit] Classified by Physical Features, Jobs, etc

[edit] Jinrui-type no Choujin

[edit] Doubutsu-gata Choujin

[edit] Uchuujin-gata Choujin

[edit] Robo Choujin

[edit] Kikai Choujin

[edit] Keshin Choujin

[edit] Maskedmen

[edit] Youhei Choujin

Youhei Choujin (傭兵超人, Mercenary Supermen?) are, as their name implies, Choujin who work as mercenarys. The only confirmed one is The Hawkman, however Team Zebra member Parthenon, who had only joined with Zebra for money and a cabinent position, could possibly be one as well.

[edit] See also