Chito Cano

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Chito Cano is a legendary Mexican folklore character who is idolized in various Mexican Ballads.[1] Specifically, Chito Cano is idolized in famous Mexican artist/songwriter Ramon Ayala's ballad, "El Corrido De Chito Cano."[2] This ballad references the life of a valiant Mexican solitary man who was unknown but recognized for his valor and numerous encounters with death.[3]Here, he is described as a valiant man who was betrayed and shot from behind, the only way he could be shot, by cowards. [4]Upon falling, he laughed and yelled for these cowards to finish him off rather than cowering away. [5]

Folklore also describes Chito Cano as a "narcotraficante," a.k.a. drug trafficker.[6]

Jose y Jose, two Mexican ballad artists, also dedicated a ballad to Chito Cano titled El Retorno De Chito Cano. [7]

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