Chinese Garden of Serenity

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The great hall at the Chinese Garden of Serenity.
The great hall at the Chinese Garden of Serenity.
The opposite side of the great hall.
The opposite side of the great hall.

The Chinese Garden of Serenity (Ġnien is-Serenità) is a public Chinese garden in Santa Luċija, Malta.

The garden was constructed in the early 1990s. The most striking elements in the Chinese Garden are rocks and water, which feature prominently. They symbolise all that forms part of the basis of nature, the yin and yang. The fountain near the entrance of the garden represents the figure of birth.

There are other elements within the Chinese Garden that symbolise the active life. The winding corridor at the northern end of the garden represents the windings and challenges of life, the bamboo garden represents contemplation and the great hall which represents community.

A number of prominent Chinese leaders have planted flowers at the Chinese Garden of Serenity.