Chimera Ants

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Chimera ants are a fictional species of insect that appear in the Japanese manga series Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Chimera ants are extremely dangerous, and are ranked first among insects that should be quarantined.[1] Also known as the "Gourmet Ant," they have voracious appetites and can consume several times their own weight within a single day.[2] In every nest, one queen chimera ant exists to produce more ants in order to ensure the success of the species. Chimera ant queens possess an entirely unique method of reproduction, known as Phagogenesis (摂食交配 (Sesshoku Kouhai?))[3], a fictional term meaning creation/reproduction through eating. By eating other creatures, a chimera ant queen can impart the characteristics of ingested creatures onto the next generation of chimera ants it gives birth to.[2] To take advantage of the genes of a particular species, chimera ants have been known to feed until the fodder species is driven to extinction in its ecosystem.

A chimera ant colony is organized into a military-like chain of command.[4] At the top of the hierarchy is the queen ant, initially protected by the three Royal Guards. Under them are thirty-six[5] Squadron Leaders, who each command four or five Officers, each of whom in turn are in charge of ten to fifteen Drudges.[6] The later a chimera ant is born by the queen, the stronger and higher ranking it is in their hive. After enough ants have been produced to form a colony, the queen ant focuses all her efforts on giving birth to a King ant. Upon his birth, the Royal Guards solely follow the commands of the King, who leaves the nest to find various creatures to mate with and impregnate in order to create the next queen ant.[7]

Although normal chimera ants are the size of large insects (with a queen capable of growing to a length of 10 centimeters), the Chimera Ant story arc begins with the introduction of a chimera ant queen over two meters tall. The core conflict of the arc arises when the Queen starts to feed upon humans, after discovering the nutritional value of humans to be far superior to that of other prey. As a secondary effect, the ants born by the Queen also become more intelligent and humanoid shaped, while retaining traits of various animals consumed by the Queen.

Newer generations of chimera ants are capable of using both human speech and a form of telepathy to communicate. In contrast, while the prior generation ants and the Queen may only use telepathy, while the Royal Guards are wholly incapable of telepathy. Chimera ants are also capable of surviving wounds that would be fatal to a human and can regenerate damage to their body within a day if their heads are not destroyed.[8] The later generation of ants produced possess a great degree of individuality, as a result of the Queen's mostly human diet (shown when the ants request permission from the queen to give themselves names.[9]) Several of these ants also possess memories from the lives of the humans eaten by the queen, in the form of personality or knowledge of language and other subjects.


[edit] Royal Family

[edit] The Queen

Chimera Ant Queen
First appearance Volume 18 Chapter 186
Last appearance Volume 21 Chapter 215
Gender Female

The Chimera Ant Queen is the first chimera ant to be seen in the series. The Queen has the appearance of a man-sized ant, but walking upright on two legs, and with only four insectoid limbs instead of the normal six an ant would have. The Queen also has a set of human-like teeth in addition to two sets of ant mandibles. It is unknown how the Queen came into being; Though chimera ants were not an unknown species in the Hunter × Hunter world, but a normal chimera ant queen grows to only 10 centimeters long.[2]

The Queen's first appears in the story when she washes up, injured and missing a hand, on the shores of the Autonomous State of Neo Green Life (or simply NGL), a small insular nation located on an island known as the Mitene Federation. Driven by her reproductive instincts, the Queen immediately begins to feed on fish and bats in order to give birth to soldier ants, which she uses to gather larger prey in greater amounts. By chance, one of the soldier ants gathers two human children and feeds them to the Queen; She finds this food more delicious and nutritious than any other food and subsequently orders her soldiers to concentrate on gathering humans. Due to NGL being a Neo-Luddite nation, forbidding the use of modern technology within its borders, news of the giant chimera ant infestation was slow to reach the outside world. By the time curious Hunters arrive in NGL to investigate, the Queen has given birth to all the chimera ants seen in the story, with the exception of the Royal Guards and the King.

[edit] Meruem

First appearance Volume 21 Chapter 213
Nicknames The King
Gender Male

The Chimera Ant King, Meruem, is the most powerful offspring of the Chimera Ant Queen. His design bears resemblance to Dragon Ball Z's Cell, from his appearance (humanoid with green patches, tail with a single spike) to his ability (absorbing the powers of others). Meruem is first seen when he violently rips through the womb of his mother, the Chimera Ant Queen, from the inside, ready to emerge into the world and unwilling to wait for a natural birth. Shortly after his birth, Meruem leaves the hive and NGL with the Royal Guards, in search of a place to start his kingdom. He descends on East Goruto, another nation on the Mitene Federation island and takes over over the country by killing its leader, Diego (whom Nefelpitou now controls as a puppet). Meruem then uses the Diego puppet to order the country's population of approximately five million[10] to gather simultaneously in the capital city, for a national rally. This however, is a ruse, designed to create a situation where entire towns and villages could be secretly abducted for a "selection",the forcible awakening of nen[11], without their disappearance being noticed.[12]

Meruem's eventual plan was to take the one percent[13] of the population that would survive such an awakening and turn them into soldiers for an army he will use to conquer the world.[14] This plan is temporarily disrupted by Killua, who assassinates a number of "selectors", but a backup plan is soon implemented; East Goruto is put under martial law, and the population undergo selection in their own homes, though this slows down the process considerably, and only 500,000 people are processed, with 5,000 predicted survivors.[14] Soon after this occurs, the Hunters Netero, Morau, Knuckle, Shoot, Killua, and Gon attack the palace, with the intention of separating the Royal Guards from Meruem and assassinating him.

Meruem's initial personality, when he his first shown in the story, is that of arrogance. The Queen's intention to give birth to a perfect offspring is reflected in Meruem's mentality. He considered himself superior to all other forms of life and felt no concern for his dying mother after his "birth." Meruem was also merciless, instantly killing any chimera ant he considered disrespectful. Meruem was seen killing and eating other chimera ants, something no other chimera ant had ever done.

After reaching East Goruto and putting his plans into motion, Meruem took an interest in various board games, and gathered various champion-level players to his palace. Simply by reading the rule books, Meruem was able to master any game in under ten matches, simultaneously learning from his opponents while disrupting the "flow" of their play style. After defeating the best player for each game, Meruem proceeded to kill them, as they were of no further use to him.

The final game Meruem learns is Gung-Gi, a fictional shogi-like board game invented by East Goruto. The world champion for the game is Komugi, a seemingly dimwitted blind girl; However, as Meruem played against her, he found himself unable to disrupt her flow, while at the same time, the challenge of playing against Meruem caused Komugi's skills to increase. Much to the shock of the Royal Guards, Meruem even starts show respect for Komugi and concern for Komugi's well being. In one instance Meruem rips his left arm off, as an apology to Komugi for asking her to bet her left arm on a game, to which she replied that she always bet her life. In another instance, after watching Komugi's nen suddenly awaken, and realizing she would grow exponentially stronger, but only in terms of Gung-gi, Meruem momentarily decides that his power of "violence" was the strongest type of strength, and ultimately Komugi's abilities are meaningless; Yet, moments after this decision, Meruem finds Komugi under attack by a large bird of prey, and is unable to bring himself to do anything except protect her, ultimately unable to understand his own emotions toward Komugi. This leaves Meruem in a contemplative state, wondering about the purpose for his existence in the world.

In the latest issues of the manga, Meruem is preparing to battle Netero, who attacked his castle in order to assassinate him. Before the battle, Komugi is gravely injured by a nen ability meant to cause confusion within the palace, and Meruem orders Nefelpitou to save her life. The way Meruem is drawn in this scene suggests he has learned what it means to have concern for someone else's well being.

  • Nen Ability

Meruem's has the ability to absorb the raw aura of nen-users he has killed. By devouring their brain, he adds their nen to his own, and further increases his power, though he does not gain any nen abilities. His fighting ability is such that even Netero, President of the Hunter committee, expresses doubt that he could defeat him.

[edit] Royal Guards

[edit] Nefelpitou

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 197
Nicknames Pitou
Gender Male
Nen Information
Nen type: Specialization[15]
Nen abilities: Corpse Puppeteer
Doctor Blythe

A cat-humanoid Chimera ant, the first born of the King's three royal guards. Nefelpitou's, known as Neferpitou in the Viz Media translation, 'En' is irregularly shaped; rather than a sphere, it takes the form of spiky tendrils of nen, a single one of which can be extended up to two miles. He also has an ability called "Doctor Blythe", which has no use whatsoever outside of healing. Doctor Blythe cannot move from the position which it is initially summoned and it is connected to Pitou's tail, which limits Pitou's radius of movement to 20 meters while it is active. Nefelpitou killed Kaito and had later revived him as a puppet using his abilities--repairing human body parts and puppeteering. Nefelpitou gets distracted easily and loves to play a lot. He is the most naive, or rather simple-minded of the three Royal Guards.

Despite his cheerful and seemingly naive manner, he has been shown to have terrifying power and have a level of extreme sadism. Kaito, Gon, Killua, and other hunters have commented that his power is unlike anything they've ever sensed before. Even the Hunter Association President Netero, who in his younger days was considered the world's strongest nen user, wondered aloud whether Pitou might be stronger than him.[16]

Due to Nefelpitou's very feminine appearance, as well a reference to his stance being 'mother-like' when healing Komugi, there is some confusion as to Pitou's gender. However, in the official Hunter's Guide, Nefelpitou is confirmed as being male.[17]

[edit] Shauapufu

First appearance Vol 20 Chapter 202
Nicknames Pufu
Gender Male

The butterfly-humanoid chimera ant, and one of the King's royal guard. Shauapufu, known as Shaiapouf in the Viz Media translation, appears to be the most calm and intelligent of the three guards, relying on logic and reason more than his emotions. In reality, Pufu is the most emotional of the three guards, often experiencing mood swings relating to his idealization and idolization of the Chimera Ant King.

Having wholeheartedly devoted his entire being to the protection of the King and the eventual domination of the world by the King, Pufu's temperament is grossly disturbed by the King's obsession with the "insignificant" human, Komugi. The King is unable to defeat the girl at the game of Gung-Gi, and even seems care about her well being. Pufu views Komugi as a threat to the King, as his obsession with a mere human could undermine the King's rightful domination of the world as the most perfect form of life. Pufu considers killing Komugi, but upon the realization that killing the girl would forever deny the King any victory over her, bursts into tears and swears to end his own life after helping the King attain complete dominion.

Pufu's state of mind is even further distressed during the attack on the King's palace by the Chimera Ant Extermination Team, when he dashes to the King's room and finds it empty. Pufu not only realizes that the King must be in Komugi's room, but that he had known in his heart the King would be with Komugi in her room and rushed to the King's room anyway.

Nen Abilities
Shauapufu's ability is Spiritual Message. Using his scales as a specialized En, he can read his opponent's emotions through their aura. Another ability is a hypnotic moth dust he disperses with his wings.

[edit] Montutuyupi

First appearance Volume 20 Chapter 206
Nicknames Yupi
Gender Male

The third member of the King's royal guard. Montutuyupi, known as Menthuthuyoupi in the Viz Media translation, (usually referred to as just "Yupi", "Youpi" in the Viz Media translation ) has the appearance of a heavily muscled human male with no obvious features that mark him as a chimera ant, except his irregularly shaped ears and his razor sharp teeth, but he is the largest of the Royal Guards, easily over seven feet tall. Yupi is the only royal guard that is a demon beast hybrid, and as a result, is a shape shifter. He has been shown to have the ability to grow wings, extra arms, and extra eyes. He has the most straightforward personality of the royal guards, and possesses a strength that comes from complete selflessness and devotion to the King's safety.

In recent issues of the manga, Knuckle estimates the size of Yupi's aura to be at least 10 times greater than Morau's, or at least 700,000.

[edit] Squadron Leaders

[edit] Brouda

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 188

Brouda is a Crayfish squadron leader.

[edit] Bee-Horn

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 188

A bull chimera ant. Bee-Horn was been identified as having the greatest raw physical strength among the chimera ants by Pike.

[edit] Koruto

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 188
Gender Male

Koruto, known as Colt in the Viz Media translation, is avian chimera ant with angel-like wings on his back. He was among the first chimera ants to be born by the Queen following her change to an all-human diet. Koruto is first seen in the manga leading his division on a food-gathering attack on a human farming settlement. Throughout his appearances, Koruto projects a very strict and formal attitude. Koruto is seen pressuring other division commands to become better organized, and also seen monitoring the work of other commanders. He is extremely devoted both to the Queen and his work, and was the only division commander that always gave all the humans he killed to the Queen as food. When the Queen was grievously injured as a result of the King's birth, Koruto was the ant that decided to surrender contacted the Hunters in order to secure medical attention for her, and even offered his own organs to save her life.

Koruto's loyalty and desire to protect is a trait inherited from the first human eaten by the Queen, a young boy trying to protect his sister Reina. Koruto was partly born of the boy's genetic material, and had residual memories of Reina, even mentioning her name without realizing it. After the Queen's death he cursed his inability to protect her and Reina, but soon noticed a tiny infant, no larger than a finger, among the Queen's remains and vowed to protect and raise it. Following this emotional scene, a tearful Morau declared he himself would protect Koruto and his ward from harm if they could learn not to eat humans.

[edit] Leol

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 192
Last appearance Volume 24 Chapter 255
Gender Male
Nen Information
Nen type: Materialization
Nen ability: Rental Pod (レンタルポッド 「謝債発行機」)[18]
Inamura (イナムラ 「TUBE」)[19]

Leol is a chimera ant resembling an anthropomorphic lion, formerly known as Hagya. He is one of the squadron leaders under the queen, and among the first to defect from her orders. Following the death of the chimera ant queen, he changes his name from Hagya for unknown reasons. Leol's memories of his previous life are not that of a human's, but those of a lion.[20] During Morau and Novu’s primary infiltration of the King's palace in East Goruto, Leol faces Morau in combat. He assumes to be victorious after submerging Morau in an underground church using a stolen ability, but dies by asphyxiation due to a cunning strategy put into plan by Morau.

  • Nen Ability: Rental Pod (レンタルポッド 「謝債発行機」), lit. "Favor Issuing Machine"

Leol's Hatsu allows him to temporarily borrow the nen abilities of other people. Leol must fulfill two conditions for each ability he wants to borrow; First, he first know the name of the ability or have seen it being used, and second, he must do the owner of the ability a favor, and confirm a debt with a question along the lines of "You owe me, ok?" Once Leol fulfills the conditions, the name of the owner, the name of the ability, and the number of times it can be used (once per favor done for the owner) automatically recorded in Leol's issuing machine, a small device resembling an iPod. If an ability owner dies, their information is automatically erased from the machine and their ability can no longer be used. To access an ability, Leol uses the device to print out and tear up a receipt, which grants him use of the ability for one hour.[21] During this time, the ability cannot be used by its original owner.[18]

  • Nen Ability: Inamura (イナムラ 「TUBE」)

A borrowed nen ability Leol uses during his fight against Morau, named after Inamura Point, a popular location for surfing in Japan. The ability is owned by an friend of Morau's named Gura-chan, and can only be used on a rainy day.[19] A surfing board and a trident harpoon are materialized by the user, as huge waves of water appear, seemingly from nowhere. Both the surfing board and trident are razor sharp and are used as weapons.

While this ability is active, Leol can use a technique called Tornave (トルナイヴ 「渦波」),[22] lit. "Spiral Wave", by spinning the surfboard in place horizontally, creating a vortex of water that sucks anything nearby to the center, becoming an easy target for a harpoon attack. Leol can also use a technique called Big Wall (ビックウォール 「大波」),[23] lit. "Big Wave", causing the water underneath him to swell up into a gigantic tidal wave and crash down on anything or anyone in front of it.

[edit] Meleoron

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 189
Gender Male
Nen Information
Nen ability: Perfect Plan
God's Accomplice

A pacifistic chameleon-like ant, Meleoron's defining ability is to make himself invisible. He is an eccentric among chimera ants, as he dislikes fighting killing. Even though Meleoron has the rank of a squadron leader, he himself admits his fighting strength is only on par with a common soldier ant. Meleoron dresses in a hooded sweatshirt ands sweatpants, and is often seen smoking. His original name was Jael.

Nen Abilities: Perfect Plan; God's Accomplice In addition to Meleoron's natural ability to turn invisible, he also has two secret nen abilities unknown to other chimera ants.

Perfect Plan While holding his breath, Meleoron can use an advanced form of his invisibility, becoming not only invisible, but also becoming completely indetectable by scent, contact, or En. By using his normal invisibility, Meleoron can lull others into believing he can be detected by non-visual means, and is therefore only a minor threat. Under battle conditions, Meleoron is able to hold his breath for approximately one minute.

God's Accomplice Meleoron's Perfect Plan can in turn be used on any person he is in physical contact with. Meleoron planned to use this ability to defeat the Chimera Ant King, by finding a partner who is able to strike a fatal blow at the Chimera Ant King while they are hidden.

[edit] Peggy

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 189
Last appearance Volume 21 Chapter 213

A chimera ant officer resembling a macaroni penguin. In his human life, Peggy was the foster parent of Meleoron. Peggy is immediately killed by the chimera ant King after worrying about saving the queen's life. His sudden death causes Meleoron to regain some fragments of memory of his human life and turn traitor in order to avenge Peggy's death.[24]

[edit] Werefin

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 188
Nen Information
Nen ability: Missile Man

A humanoid chimera ant resembling a wolf. Werefin, a drudge at the bottom of the chimera ant hierarchy, is secretly aiming to reach the top of the kingdom by trying to gain favor with the King. Gaining better relations with the kingdom's secretary, Bizef, Werefin reports anything out of the ordinary that he notices. He has an exceptional sense of smell, and is among the few figuring out exactly who the intruders into the King's palace are. He is striving to be the "Shadow King". He is extremely paranoid, shown by his hatsu, and is constantly suspecting everyone around him.

[edit] Yunju

Yunju is a centaur-like chimera ant that Gon, Killua, and Kaito meet in a narcotics factory in the N.G.L., deployed there along with two squad captains in order to prevent the trio from getting closer to the ants' nest. He is killed by Kaito, while the squad captains are killed by Gon and Killua in one on one combat.

[edit] Zazan

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 190
Last appearance Volume 22 Chapter 229
Gender Female
Nen Information
Nen ability: Queen Shot

A scorpion-like ant, Zazan has the an upper-body of an attractive woman and a tail that can stun her prey or transform it into an ant subservient to herself (the Queen Shot). Zazan is first introduced when she subdues Pokkuru with her stinger, saving her doting subordinate Pike from Pokkuru's attacks. After the Queen's death she proclaims herself to be a queen, taking over a colony near Ryuuseigai, turning a large number of humans there into subservient minions with her sting.

Zazan is extremely vain and gets furious if anything damages her beauty. Her ultimate ability is to transform herself into a hideous monster with even greater strength and super-hard skin, which she uses as a last resort against Feitan. It does her little good though, as Feitan ends up incinerating her with his Pain Packer ability.

[edit] Zitoh

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 189
Last appearance Volume 26 Chapter 278
Gender Male
Nen Information
Nen ability: Crossbow

A Leopard chimera ant. Zītoh, known as Cheetu in the Viz Media translation, is the fastest of all the chimera ants. His speed is unparalleled, allowing him to dodge bullets with ease, punch even experienced Hunters several times before their body can move, and literally run circles around his opponents.

Personality wise, Zītoh is very simpleminded. He is commonly very impressed with his own speed. Unlike some other chimera ants, Zītoh has no greater plans, and is simply content with being the fastest. Zītoh also enjoys fighting only as a way of boasting and showing off his abilities; He does not seek the "thrill of the kill". In confrontation against a group police officers, Zītoh waited until the last possible moment to dodge a barrage of bullets fired at him, then dismembered the fingers of all his attackers, before asking them to "bring some faster guys tomorrow". When fighting Morau, Morau openly declares the reason he was able to win is because Zītoh is stupid.

Zītoh is first introduced along with the other recurring Division Commanders early in the Chimera Ant story arc. After the birth of Meruem and the death of the Queen, he leaves NGL and starts heading East, along the way causing an incident in nearby Pata City, at which point Morau and Knuckle are called to confront him. Neither side is able to declare victory, with Zītoh unable to damage the two Hunters and the two Hunters unable to land any serious hits on Zītoh. This causes Zītoh to realize he needs a power greater than pure speed, eventually seeking Shauapufu for help in developing his own Hatsu in exchange for servitude. With his new power, he confronts Morau again, but is defeated by psychological attacks. Zītoh escapes, and later is seen boasting about yet another ability. He finally meets his end by Silva's hands during the attack on Meruem's palace; Zītoh is crushed to death by Silva from above while attempting to pick a fight with Zeno, all the while boasting of his magnificent new technique.

  • Nen Ability: Tag

The nen ability Zītoh uses against Morau is never official named, however, it resembles a game of Tag. Zītoh activates the ability by making physical contact with his target, at which point they are both enclosed in an artificial Nen-space resembling a savanna. the approximate size of a baseball field, [25] The space is isolated from the real world by a dome painted with images of the sky, and is approximately the size of a baseball field. Both Zītoh and his target are stuck inside this area. To leave, the victim of the ability must touch Zītoh before a time limit of eight hours (represented by a giant hourglass standing in the middle of the area) runs out. The consequence of not accomplishing this is never revealed, as Zītoh is caught by Morau, and as a condition of the ability, is never able to use it again.

  • Nen Ability: Crossbow

In the middle of Zītoh's game of Tag with Morau, when it is obvious he is about to be caught, Zītoh's desperation causes him to develop a new ability on the spot; He materializes a miniature crossbow attached to his arm. This proves to be a futile gesture, as the crossbow is much slower than Zītoh himself, and only causes Morau to call Zītoh "stupid".

  • Nen Ability: Monroe Walk

Only the name of this ability is known, as he was killed by Silva before revealing its actual abilities.

[edit] Unnamed Squadron Leaders

Many other squadron leaders are seen, but not named, including:
An alligator commander
A praying mantis commander
A raccoon commander
A turtle commander
A squid commander
There are also several division commanders only referred to by name (after they have been wiped out by Netero, Novu, and Morau) and never shown on-panel. "Chona" (Chiona in the Viz Media translation) and "Reikei" are mentioned in Volume 20 Chapter 204. "Goran", "Baital", "Zemo" (Zem in the Viz Media translation), "Pokoro", and "Kabutsu" (Gaftz in the Viz Media translation) are mentioned in Volume 20 Chapter 205.

[edit] Squad Captains

[edit] Baro

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 195
Last appearance Volume 19 Chapter 195

An armadillo chimera ant. Baro was killed by Gon.

[edit] Flutter

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 194
Nen Information
Nen ability: Super-Eye[26]

A dragonfly chimera ant, Flutter serves in Hagya/Leol's division and possesses reconnaissance abilities. His rank and division are uncertain. At times he seems to take orders from Hagya and refers to him as "-sama", however, he in turn gives orders to the Oroso Siblings (Squad Captains) and is called "-sama" by them. He is ambushed and killed by Novu, and subsequently is being used as a host body by Ikarugo through the Living Dead Dolls ability. Ultimately, his body is destroyed by Brouda.

[edit] Hina

A female Chimera Ant, member of Leol's troop. Hina has the ability to remove nen, which is stored in her belly. She dresses in cutesy clothes, and worries about the effect her ability has on her figure.

[edit] Ikarugo

First appearance Volume 23 Chapter 236
Created by Yoshihiro Togashi
Gender Male
Nen Information
Nen ability: Fleadom[27]
Living Dead Dolls

An octopus Chimera Ant who is befriended by Killua. Ikarugo wishes he had been a squid instead of an octopus. The division he belongs to is not stated. Ikarugo's ability is to inhabit and control the body of a dead host.

[edit] Oroso Siblings

Oroso Siblings
First appearance Volume 23 Chapter 239
Last appearance Volume 23 Chapter 240
Nen Information
Nen ability: Darts de Darts[28]

Brother and sister chimera ants. They have features of aquatic animals, such as scaled legs and webbed feet. They were decapitated by Killua. Their nen ability worked in conjuction; the sister created a tag that when placed on someone, would link her brother's dart board to the target. The brother can then shoot the darts at the board and cause damage to the target according to where the darts hit the board. The tag cannot be removed until the target has died.

[edit] Pike

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 190
Last appearance Volume 22 Chapter 228
Gender Male
Nen Information
Nen type: Reinforcement[15]

Pike is a spider-like chimera ant squad captain in Zazan's division. He is shown to be simple-minded and poor in tactics. He shoots sticky webs from his anus. He is killed by Shizuku.

[edit] Rammoto

First appearance Volume 19 Chapter 191
Last appearance Volume 21 Chapter 219

Rammoto, known as Rammot in the Viz Media translation, is a squad captain in Koruto's division. After he barely survived Gon and Killua's attacks, his shouko were opened and he became the first chimera ant to be able to control nen. He sought revenge on Gon and Killua, but was decapitated by the latter.

[edit] Unnamed Captains

A koala captain in Meleoron's division.
A frog captain in Hagya's division.
A bombadier beetle captain
A boa captain, attacks Gon in Volume 22 Chapter 231
An Owl/Gorilla captain, attacks Gon in Volume 22 Chapter 232
A Bat captain, attacks Gon in Volume 22 Chapter 231

[edit] Other

[edit] Jairo

Jairo, known as Gyro in the Viz Media translation, is the former king of Neo Green Life. As a human, he suffered an abusive childhood at the hands of an alcoholic father. His ambition is to spread the seeds of evil all over the world. Jairo's will was so strong, after he became a chimera ant, he was able to break free of the Chimera Ant Queen's control long before her death. Jairo was in NGL at the same time as Gon and Killua, though they never met.

[edit] Bizef

The Secretary of State of East Goruto. He is left alive by the Chimera Ants after they take control of the government to run the bureaucratic system.

[edit] Komugi

Hunter × Hunter character
Created by Yoshihiro Togashi
Gender Female

Komugi is a blind girl who is a genius at Gung-gi, a fictional board game of Hunter x Hunter. She is introduced during the Chimera Ant arc and frequently plays Meruem, the Chimera Ant King, in Gung-Gi games. Meruem seems to be developing some feelings towards her, despite her being a human. As of chapter 267, she is severely injured in her midsection, probably as a result of the Diving Dragons attack of Zeno, which he used when both he and Netero stormed Meruem's castle.

[edit] References

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  1. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2003). "Chapter 187", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 18. Shueisha, Pg.192. ISBN 978-4-08-873516-0. 
  2. ^ a b c Togashi, Yoshihiro (2003). "Chapter 187", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 18. Shueisha, Pg.193. ISBN 978-4-08-873516-0. 
  3. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2008). "Chapter 187", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 18. Viz Media, Pg.192. ISBN 978-1-4215-1471-0. 
  4. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). "Chapter 194", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 19. Shueisha, Pg.108. ISBN 978-4-08-873562-7. 
  5. ^ 32 commanders are left after 4 entire divisions disappear.
    Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). "Chapter 204", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 20. Shueisha, Pg.82. ISBN 978-4-08-873607-5. 
  6. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). "Chapter 204", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 20. Shueisha, Pg.81. ISBN 978-4-08-873607-5. 
  7. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). "Chapter 194", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 19. Shueisha, Pg.109. ISBN 978-4-08-873562-7. 
  8. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). "Chapter 193", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 19. Shueisha, Pg.100. ISBN 978-4-08-873562-7. 
  9. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). "Chapter 188", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 19. Shueisha, Pg.16. ISBN 978-4-08-873562-7. 
  10. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2005). "Chapter 230", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 22. Shueisha, Pg.110. ISBN 978-4-08-873792-8. 
  11. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2005). "Chapter 223", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 21. Shueisha, Pg.187. ISBN 978-4-08-873661-7. 
  12. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2005). "Chapter 230", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 22. Shueisha, Pg.109. ISBN 978-4-08-873792-8. 
  13. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2005). "Chapter 223", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 21. Shueisha, Pg.188. ISBN 978-4-08-873661-7. 
  14. ^ a b Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). "Chapter 251", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 24. Shueisha, Pg.56. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. 
  15. ^ a b Results of the water test. Hunter x Hunter, manga Volume 19 Chapter 198.
  16. ^ Netero's comments when first seeing Pitou's aura from a distance. Hunter x Hunter, manga Volume 20 Chapter 201.
  17. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2004). Hunter × Hunter, Hunter's Guide. Shueisha, Pg.150. ISBN 978-4-08-872788-2. 
  18. ^ a b Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). "Chapter 248", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 24. Shueisha, Pg.16. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. 
  19. ^ a b Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). "Chapter 253", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 24. Shueisha, Pg.93. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. 
  20. ^ Leol's interior monologue. Hunter x Hunter, manga Volume 19 Chapter 197.
  21. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). "Chapter 253", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 24. Shueisha, Pg.92. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. 
  22. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). "Chapter 253", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 24. Shueisha, Pg.98. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. 
  23. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). "Chapter 254", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 24. Shueisha, Pg.106. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. 
  24. ^ Meleoron's conversation with Gon. Hunter x Hunter, manga Volume 21
  25. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (2006). "Chapter245", Hunter × Hunter, Volume 23. Shueisha, Pg.157. ISBN 978-4-08-873882-6. 
  26. ^ Ability name thought bubble while observing Killua. Hunter x Hunter, manga Volume 23 Chapter 237.
  27. ^ Ability name thought bubble while shooting Killua. Hunter × Hunter, manga Volume 23 Chapter 236.
  28. ^ Ability name thought bubble when throwing darts. Hunter x Hunter, manga Volume 23 Chapter 239.