Chilean Fox Terrier

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Chilean Fox Terrier

Chilean Fox Terrier
Other names Ratonero
Chilean Rat Terrier
Country of origin Flag of Chile Chile

The Chilean Fox Terrier, also known as Ratonero (rat hunter) or Chilean Rat Terrier, is the first Chilean breed of dog existing from 1870 and standarised in the late 1990's for international recognition. Its base is made up of the Fox Terrier of the mid 19th century and Native American dogs.


[edit] Appearance

The Chilean Fox Terrier has black and tan spots on a white fur, it is short-haired and has a grey undercoat which lets some dark spots visible on the white cover coat. The ears are set high, falling upwards in the form of a "V". Well-developed teeth, scissor bite. The Chilean Fox Terrier is easy to train, active, affective, and one of the healthiest and cleanest dog breeds.

[edit] Famous Chilean Fox Terriers

A famous Chilean Fox Terrier is Washington (from the comic "Condorito"), Condorito's dog. Though it's not recognised internationally, there have been several Ratoneros' exhibitions in Chile and now the breed is selling through internet pages all along Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, and other South American countries.

[edit] References

[edit] External links
