Child cannibalism

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Child cannibalism, or fetal cannibalism describes the act of eating a child or fetus. Accounts, especially modern ones, are often dismissed as rumours or urban legends. However, there have been several media stories pursuing incidents involving the consumption of children and fetuses[1][2] Controversy was sparked when images showing what appeared to be human fetuses and babies being served in an array of dishes. Reports later explained that the images were part of an artist's exhibition[3]


[edit] Blood libel

Main article: blood libel

Critics[1] see the propagation of these purported rumours as a form of Blood libel, or accusing one's enemy of eating children, and accuse countries of using this as a political lever.

[edit] Ritual practice myths

In 330-340 AD Alexandrian bishop Epiphanius claimed to have defected from a sect called the Phibionites, which were claimed to worship a snake, have sexual intercourse during religious ceremonies, and eat aborted fetuses - considered to be "the perfect mass". This account was used by the Christian church to attack its enemies.[4]

[edit] Benefits of an economy based on child cannibalism

Jonathan Swift's 1729 satiric article "A Modest Proposal" proposed the utilization of an economic system based on poor people selling their children to be eaten, claiming that this would benefit the economy, family values, and general happiness of Ireland. He used many instances of irony to express that his proposition was just as bad as what was really being done to help the poor.

[edit] References in popular culture

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources

  1. ^ CHINA New evidence on the "cooked child" story as police investigates the discovery of 123 skulls - Asia News
  2. ^ Extract from UPI article, viewed 9 March 2007
  3. ^ Baby-eating photos are part of Chinese artist's performance Taipei Times, viewed 9 March 2007
  4. ^ Bill Ellis , Aliens, Ghosts, and Cults: Legends We Live p54 University Press of Mississippi

[edit] External links