Chickamauga Confederate order of battle

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The following Confederate States Army units and commanders fought in the Battle of Chickamauga of the American Civil War. The Union order of battle is listed separately.


[edit] Abbreviations Used

[edit] Military Rank

[edit] Other

  • w = wounded
  • mw = mortally wounded
  • k =killed

[edit] Army of Tennessee

Gen Braxton Bragg

Cpt Guy Dreux

  • Dreux's Company, Louisiana Cavalry: Lt O. De Buis
  • Holloway's Company, Alabama Cavalry: Cpt E. M. Holloway

[edit] Right Wing

LTG Leonidas Polk


  • Greenleaf's Company, Louisiana Cavalry: Cpt Leeds Greenleaf
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Cheatham's Division
     MG Benjamin F. Cheatham
Company G, 2nd Georgia Cavalry: Cpt Thomas M. Merritt

Jackson's Brigade

   BG John K. Jackson

  • 1st Georgia (Confederate), 2nd Battalion: Maj James Clarke Gordon
  • 5th Georgia: Col Charles P. Daniel
  • 2nd Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj Richard H. Whiteley
  • 5th Mississippi: Ltc W. L. Sykes, Maj John B. Herring
  • 8th Mississippi: Col John C. Wilkinson
Smith's Brigade

   BG Preston Smith
   Col, later General Alfred J. Vaughan, Jr.

  • 11th Tennessee: Col George W. Gordon
  • 12th-47th Tennessee Col William M. Watkins
  • 13th-154th Tennessee: Col A. J. Vaughan, Ltc R.W. Pitman
  • 29th Tennessee: Col Horace Rice
  • Dawson's Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj J.W. Dawson, Maj William Green, Maj James Purl
Maney's Brigade

   BG George Maney

  • 1st-27th Tennessee: Col Hume R. Feild
  • 4th Tennessee (Provisional Army): Col James A. McMurry, Ltc Robert N. Lewis, Maj Oliver A. Bradshaw, Cpt Joseph Bostick
  • 6th-9th Tennessee: Col George C. Porter
  • 24th Tennessee Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj Frank Maney
Wright's Brigade

   BG Marcus J. Wright

  • 8th Tennessee: Col John H. Anderson
  • 16th Tennessee: Col D. M. Donnell
  • 28th Tennessee: Col Sidney S. Stanton
  • 38th Tennessee: Col John C. Carter
  • 51st-52nd Tennessee: Ltc John G. Hall
  • 22nd Tennessee Battalion
Strahl's Brigade

   BG Otho F. Strahl

  • 4th-5th Tennessee: Col Jonathan J. Lamb
  • 19th Tennessee: Col Francis M. Walker
  • 24th Tennessee: Col John A. Wilson
  • 31st Tennessee: Col Egbert E. Tansil
  • 33rd Tennessee: Col Warner P. Jones

   Maj Melancthon Smith

  • Carnes' (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt William W. Carnes
  • Scogin's (Georgia) Battery: Cpt John Scogin
  • Scott's (Tennessee) Battery: Lt John H. Marsh, Lt A. T. Watson, Cpt William L. Scott
  • Smith's (Mississippi) Battery: Lt William B. Turner
  • Stanford's (Mississippi) Battery: Cpt Thomas J. Stanford

[edit] Hill's Corps

LTG Daniel Harvey Hill

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Cleburne's Division
     MG Patrick Cleburne
Sanders' Company Tennessee Cavalry: Cpt C. F. Sanders

Wood's Brigade

   BG S. A. M. Wood

  • 16th Alabama: Maj John H. McGaughy, Cpt Frederick A. Ashford
  • 33rd Alabama: Col Samuel Adams
  • 45th Alabama: Col E. B. Breedlove
  • 18th Alabama Battalion: Maj John H. Gibson, Col Samuel Adams
  • 32nd-45th Mississippi: Col Mark P. Lowrey
  • 15th Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj A. T. Hawkins, Cpt Daniel Coleman
Polk's Brigade

   BG Lucius E. Polk

  • 1st Arkansas: Col John W. Colquitt
  • 3rd-5th Confederate: Col J. A. Smith
  • 2nd Tennessee: Col William D. Robison
  • 35th Tennessee: Col Benjamin J. Hill
  • 48th Tennessee: Col George H. Nixon
Deshler's Brigade

   BG James Deshler (k)
   Col Roger Q. Mills

  • 9th-24th Arkansas: Ltc A. S. Hutchison
  • 6th-10th Texas Infantry-15th Texas Cavalry: Col Roger Q. Mills, Ltc T. Scott Anderson
  • 17th-18th-24th-25th Texas Cavalry (dismounted): Col F. C. Wilkes, Ltc John T. Coit, Maj William A. Taylor

   Maj T. R. Hotchkiss (w)
   Cpt Henry C. Semple

  • Calvert's (Arkansas) Battery: Lt Thomas J. Key
  • Douglas' (Texas) Battery: Cpt James P. Douglas
  • Semple's (Alabama) Battery: Cpt Henry C. Semple, Lt R. W. Goldthwaite

Breckinridge's Division
     MG John C. Breckinridge
Foules' Company, Mississippi Cavalry: Cpt H. L. Foules

Helm's Brigade

   BG Benjamin Helm (k)
   Col Joseph H. Lewis

  • 41st Alabama: Col Martin L. Stansel
  • 2nd Kentucky: Ltc James W. Hewitt, Ltc James W. Moss
  • 4th Kentucky: Col Joseph P. Nuckols, Maj Thomas W. Thompson
  • 6th Kentucky: Col Joseph H. Lewis, Ltc Martin H. Cofer
  • 9th Kentucky: Col John W. Caldwell, Ltc John C. Wickliffe
Adams' Brigade

   BG Daniel W. Adams (w, c)
   Col Randall L. Gibson

  • 32nd Alabama: Maj John C. Kimbell, Col Randall L. Gibson
  • 13th-20th Louisiana: Col Leon von Zinken, Cpt E. M. Dubroca
  • 16th-25th Louisiana: Col Daniel Gober
  • 19th Louisiana: Ltc Richard W. Turner, Maj Loudon Butler, Cpt H. A. Kennedy
  • 14th Louisiana Battalion: Maj J. E. Austin
Stovall's Brigade

   BG Marcellus A. Stovall

  • 1st-3rd Florida: Col William S. Dilworth
  • 4th Florida: Col W. L. L. Bowen
  • 47th Georgia: Cpt William S. Phillips, Cpt Joseph S. Cone
  • 60th North Carolina: Ltc James M. Ray, Cpt James Thomas Weaver

   Maj Rice E. Graves (k)

  • Cobb's (Kentucky) Battery: Cpt Robert Cobb
  • Graves' (Kentucky) Battery: Lt S. M. Spencer
  • Mebane's (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt John W. Mebane
  • Slocomb's (Louisiana) Battery: Cpt C. H. Slocomb

[edit] Reserve Corps

MG William H. T. Walker

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Walker's Division
     BG States Rights Gist

Gist's Brigade

   BG States Rights Gist
   Col Peyton Colquitt (k)
   Ltc Leroy Napier

  • 46th Georgia: Col Peyton H. Colquitt, Maj A. M. Speer
  • 8th Georgia Battalion: Ltc Leroy Napier, Maj Z. L. Watters
  • 16th South Carolina: Col James McCullough
  • 24th South Carolina: Col Clement H. Stevens, Ltc Ellison Capers
Ector's Brigade

   BG Matthew D. Ector

  • Stone's (Alabama) Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj T. O. Stone
  • Pound's (Mississippi) Battalion Sharpshooters: Cpt M. Pound
  • 29th North Carolina: Col William B. Creasman
  • 9th Texas: Col William H. Young
  • 10th Texas Cavalry (dismounted): Ltc C. R. Earp
  • 14th Texas Cavalry (dismounted): Col J. L. Camp
  • 32nd Texas Cavalry (dismounted): Col Julius A. Andrews
Wilson's Brigade

   Col Claudus C. Wilson

  • 25th Georgia: Ltc A. J. Williams
  • 29th Georgia: Lt George R. McRae
  • 30th Georgia: Ltc James S. Bonton
  • 1st Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj Arthur Shaaff
  • 4th Louisiana Battalion: Ltc John McEnery
  • Ferguson's (South Carolina) Battery: Lt R. T. Beauregard
  • Howell's (Georgia) Battery: Cpt Evan Howell

Liddell's Division
     BG St. John R. Liddell

Liddell's Brigade

   Col Daniel C. Govan

  • 2nd-15th Arkansas: Ltc Reuben F. Harvey, Cpt A. T. Meek
  • 5th-13th Arkansas: Col L. Featherston, Ltc John E. Murray
  • 6th-7th Arkansas: Col D. A. Gillespie, Ltc Peter Snyder
  • 8th Arkansas: Ltc George F. Baucum, Maj A. Watkins
  • 1st Louisiana (Regulars): Ltc George F. Baucum, Maj A. Watkins
Walthall's Brigade

   BG Edward C. Walthall

  • 24th Mississippi: Ltc R. P. McKelvaine, Maj W. C. Staples, Cpt B. F. Toomer, Cpt J. D. Smith
  • 27th Mississippi: Col James A. Campbell
  • 29th Mississippi: Col William F. Brantly
  • 30th Mississippi: Col Junius I. Scales, Ltc Hugh A. Reynolds, Maj James M. Johnson
  • 34th Mississippi: Maj William G. Pegram, Cpt H. J. Bowen, Ltc Hugh A. Reynolds

   Cpt Charles Sett

  • Fowler's (Alabama) Battery: Cpt William H. Fowler
  • Warren Light Artillery (Mississippi Battery): Lt H. Shannon

[edit] Left Wing

LTG James Longstreet

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Hindman's Division
     MG Thomas C. Hindman
   BG Patton Anderson
Lenoir's Company, Alabama Cavalry: Cpt T.M. Lenoir

Anderson's Brigade

   BG Patton Anderson
   Col J. H. Sharp

  • 7th Mississippi: Col W. H. Bishop
  • 9th Mississippi: Maj T. H. Lynam
  • 10th Mississippi: Ltc James Barr
  • 41st Mississippi: Col. W. F. Tucker
  • 44th Mississippi: Col J. H. Sharp, Ltc R. G. Kelsey
  • 9th Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj W. C. Richards
  • Garrity's (Alabama) Battery: Cpt James Garrity
Deas' Brigade

   BG Zach C. Deas

  • 19th Alabama: Col Samuel K. McSpadden
  • 22nd Alabama: Ltc John Weedon, Cpt Harry T. Toulmin
  • 25th Alabama: Col George D. Johnston
  • 39th Alabama: Col Whitfield Clark
  • 50th Alabama: Col J. G. Coltart
  • 17th Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters: Cpt James F. Nabers
  • Dent's (Alabama) Battery: Cpt S. H. Dent
Manigault's Brigade

   BG Arthur M. Manigault

  • 24th Alabama: Col N. N. Davis
  • 28th Alabama: Col John C. Reid
  • 34th Alabama: Maj John N. Slaughter
  • 10th-19th South Carolina: Col James F. Pressley
  • Waters' (Alabama) Battery: Lt Charles W. Watkins

[edit] Buckner's Corps

MG Simon Bolivar Buckner, Sr. Escort

  • Clark's Company, Tennessee Cavalry: Cpt J. W. Clark
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Stewart's Division
     MG Alexander P. Stewart

Johnson's Brigade

   BG Bushrod Johnson
   Col John S. Fulton

  • 17th Tennessee: Ltc Watt W. Floyd
  • 23rd Tennessee: Col R. H. Keeble
  • 25th Tennessee: Ltc R. B. Snowden
  • 44th Tennessee: Ltc John L. McEwen, Jr., Maj G. M. Crawford
Bate's Brigade

   BG William B. Bate

  • 58th Alabama: Col Bushrod Jones
  • 37th Georgia: Col A. F. Rudler, Ltc Joseph T. Smith
  • 4th Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters: Maj T. D. Caswell, Cpt B. M. Turner, Lt Joel Towers
  • 15th-37th Tennessee: Col R. C. Tyler, Ltc R. Dudley Frayser, Cpt R. M. Tankesley
  • 20th Tennessee: Col Thomas B. Smith, Maj W. M. Shy
Brown's Brigade

   BG John C. Brown (w)
   Col Edmund C. Cook

  • 18th Tennessee: Col Joseph B. Palmer, Ltc William R. Butler, Cpt Gideon H. Lowe
  • 26th Tennessee: Col John M. Lillard, Maj Richard M. Saffell
  • 32nd Tennessee: Col Edmund C. Cook, Cpt Calaway G. Tucker
  • 45th Tennessee: Col Anderson Searcy
  • 23rd Tennessee Battalion: Maj Tazewell W. Newman, Cpt W. P. Simpson
Clayton's Brigade

   BG Henry De Lamar Clayton, Sr.


   Maj J. Wesley Eldridge

  • 1st Arkansas Battery: Cpt John T. Humphreys
  • T. H. Dawson's (Georgia) Battery: Lt R. W. Anderson
  • Eufaula Artillery (Alabama Battery): Cpt McDonald Oliver
  • Company E, 9th Georgia Artillery Battalion: Lt William S. Everett

Preston's Division
     BG William Preston

Gracie's Brigade

   BG Archibald Gracie, Jr.

  • 43rd Alabama: Col Young M. Moody
  • 1st Alabama Battalion: Ltc John H. Holt, Cpt George W. Huguley
  • 2nd Alabama Battalion: Ltc Bolling Hall, Jr., Cpt W. D. Walden
  • 3rd Alabama Battalion: Ltc John W. A. Sanford
  • 4th Alabama Battalion: Maj John D. McLennan
  • 63rd Tennessee: Ltc Abraham Fulkerson, Maj John A. Aiken
3rd Brigade

   Col John H. Kelly

  • 65th Georgia: Col R. H. Moore
  • 5th Kentucky: Col Hiram Hawkins
  • 58th North Carolina: Col John B. Palmer
  • 63rd Virginia: Maj James M. French
Trigg's Brigade

   Col Robert C. Trigg

  • 1st Florida Cavalry (dismounted): Col G. Troup Maxwell
  • 6th Florida: Col J. J. Finley
  • 7th Florida: Col Robert Bullock
  • 54th Virginia: Ltc John J. Wade
9th Georgia Artillery Battalion

   Maj A. Leyden

  • Company C: Cpt Andrew M. Wolihin
  • Company D: Cpt Tyler M. Peeples
  • Jeffress' (Virginia) Battery: Cpt William C. Jeffress
Corps Reserve Artillery

   Maj Samuel C. Williams

  • Kolb's (Alabama) Battery: Cpt R. F. Kolb
  • McCants' (Florida) Battery: Cpt Robert P. McCants
  • Darden's (Mississippi) Battery: Cpt Putnam Darden
  • Baxter's (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt Edmund D. Baxter

Johnson's Provisional Division
     BG Bushrod R. Johnson

Gregg's Brigade

   BG John Gregg (w)
   Col Cyrus A. Sugg

  • 3rd Tennessee: Col Calvin H. Walker
  • 10th Tennessee: Col William Grace
  • 30th Tennessee: Ltc James J. Turner, Cpt Charles S. Douglass
  • 41st Tennessee: Ltc James D. Tillman
  • 50th Tennessee: Col Cyrus A. Sugg, Ltc Thomas W. Beaumont, Maj Christopher W. Robertson, Col Calvin H. Walker
  • 1st Tennessee Battalion: Maj Stephen H. Colms, Maj Christopher W. Robertson
  • 7th Texas: Col H. B. Granbury, Maj K. M. Vanzandt
  • Bledsoe's (Missouri) Battery: Lt R. L. Wood
McNair's Brigade

   BG Evander McNair (w)
   Col David Coleman

  • 1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles (dismounted): Col Robert W. Harper
  • 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles (dismounted): Col James A. Williamson
  • 25th Arkansas: Ltc Eli Hufstedler
  • 4th-31st Arkansas-4th Arkansas Battalion: Maj J. A. Ross
  • 39th North Carolina: Col David Coleman
  • Culpeper's (South Carolina) Battery: Cpt James F. Culpeper

[edit] Longstreet's Corps

MG John Bell Hood

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

McLaws' Division
     BG Joseph B. Kershaw
     MG Lafayette McLaws

Kershaw's Brigade

   BG Joseph B. Kershaw

  • 2nd South Carolina: Ltc Franklin Gaillard
  • 3rd South Carolina: Col James D. Nance
  • 7th South Carolina: Ltc Elbert Bland, Maj John S. Hard, Cpt E. J. Goggans
  • 8th South Carolina: Col John W. Henagan
  • 15th South Carolina: Col Joseph F. Gist
  • 3rd South Carolina Battalion: Cpt Joshua M. Townsend
Humphreys' Brigade

   BG Benjamin G. Humphreys

  • 13th Mississippi: Ltc Kennon McElroy
  • 17th Mississippi: Ltc John C. Fiser
  • 18th Mississippi: Cpt W. F. Hubbard
  • 21st Mississippi: Ltc D. N. Moody

Hood's Division
     MG John B. Hood (w)
     BG Evander M. Law

Robertson's Brigade

   BG Jerome B. Robertson

  • 3rd Arkansas: Col Van H. Manning
  • 1st Texas: Cpt R. J. Harding
  • 4th Texas: Ltc John P. Bane, Cpt R. H. Bassett
  • 5th Texas: Maj J. C. Rogers, Cpt J. S. Cleveland, Cpt T. T. Clay
Law's Brigade

   BG Evander M. Law
   Col James Sheffield

  • 4th Alabama: Col Pinckney D. Bowles
  • 15th Alabama: Col William C. Oates
  • 44th Alabama: Col William F. Perry
  • 47th Alabama: Maj James M. Campbell
  • 48th Alabama: Ltc William M. Hardwick
Benning's Brigade

   BG Henry L. Benning

  • 2nd Georgia: Ltc William S. Shepherd, Maj W. W. Charlton
  • 15th Georgia: Col Dudley M. Du Bose, Maj P. J. Shannon
  • 17th Georgia: Ltc Charles W. Matthews
  • 20th Georgia: Col J. D. Waddell
Reserve Artillery

   Maj Felix H. Robertson

  • Lumsden's (Alabama) Battery: Cpt Charles L. Lumsden
  • Havis' (Georgia) Battery: Cpt Minor W. Havis
  • Massenburg's (Georgia) Battery: Cpt T. L. Massenburg
  • Le Gardeur's (Louisiana) Battery: Cpt G. Le Gardeur, Jr.
  • Barret's (Missouri) Battery: Cpt Overton W. Barret

[edit] Cavalry

MG Joseph Wheeler

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Wharton's Division
     BG John A. Wharton

1st Brigade

   Col C. C. Crews

  • Malone's (Alabama) Regiment: Col J. C. Malone, Jr.
  • 2nd Georgia: Ltc F. M. Ison
  • 3rd Georgia: Col R. Thompson
  • 4th Georgia: Col Isaac W. Avery
2nd Brigade

   Col Thomas Harrison

  • 3rd Confederate: Col W. N. Estes
  • 3rd Kentucky: Ltc J. W. Griffith
  • 4th Tennessee: Ltc Paul F. Anderson
  • 8th Texas: Ltc Gustave Cook
  • 11th Texas: Col G. R. Reeves
  • White's (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt B. F. White, Jr.

Martin's Division
     BG William T. Martin

1st Brigade

   Col John Tyler Morgan

  • 1st Alabama: Ltc D. T. Blakey
  • 3rd Alabama: Ltc T. H. Mauldin
  • 51st Alabama: Ltc M. L. Kirkpatrick
  • 8th Confederate: Ltc John S. Prather
2nd Brigade

   Col A. A. Russell

  • 4th Alabama (Russell's Regiment): Ltc J. M. Hambrick
  • 1st Confederate: Cpt C. H. Conner
  • Wiggins' (Arkansas) Battery: Lt J.P. Bryant

[edit] Forrest's Corps

BG Nathan Bedford Forrest


  • Jackson's Company, Tennessee Cavalry: Cpt J. C. Jackson
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Armstrong's Division
     BG Frank Crawford Armstrong

Armstrong's Brigade

   Col James T. Wheeler

  • 3rd Arkansas: Col A. W. Hobson
  • 2nd Kentucky: Ltc Thomas G. Woodward
  • 6th Tennessee: Ltc James H. Lewis
  • 18th Tennessee Battalion: Maj Charles McDonald
  • 1st Tennessee1
Forrest's Brigade

   Col George Gibbs Dibrell

  • 4th Tennessee: Col. William S. McLemore
  • 8th Tennessee: Cpt Hamilton McGinnis
  • 9th Tennessee: Col Jacob B. Biffle
  • 10th Tennessee: Col Nicholas Nickleby Cox
  • 11th Tennessee: Col Daniel Wilson Holman
  • Shaw's Battalion, O. P. Hamilton's Battalion, and R. D. Allison's Squadron (consolidated): Maj Joseph Shaw
  • Huggins' (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt A. L. Huggins
  • Morton's (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt John W. Morton, Jr.

Pegram's Division
     BG John Pegram

Davidson's Brigade

   BG H. B. Davidson

  • 1st Georgia: Col J. J. Morrison
  • 6th Georgia: Col John R. Hart
  • 6th North Carolina: Col George N. Folk
  • Rucker's Tennessee Legion: Col E. W. Rucker (12th Tennessee Battalion: Maj G. W. Day, and 16th Tennessee Battalion: Cpt John Q. Arnold)
  • Huwald's (Tennessee) Battery: Cpt Gustave A. Huwald
Scott's Brigade

   Col John S. Scott

  • 10th Confederate: Col C. T. Goode
  • Detachment of John H. Morgan's command: Ltc R. M. Martin
  • 1st Louisiana: Ltc James O. Nixon
  • 2nd Tennessee: Col H. M. Ashby
  • 5th Tennessee: Col George W. McKenzie
  • Robinson's (Louisiana) Battery (one section): Lt Winslow Robinson

[edit] References

  • Civil War Home
  • Cozzens, Peter. This Terrible Sound: The Battle of Chickamauga. University of Illinois Press: Chicago, 1992. ISBN 0-252-01703-X
  • Wyeth, John Allan. That Devil Forrest. Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Louisiana State University Press, 1989.