Chelsea pensioner

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Chelsea pensioners in scarlet coats and tricorne hats at the Founder's Day parade in the Royal Hospital Chelsea
Chelsea pensioners in scarlet coats and tricorne hats at the Founder's Day parade in the Royal Hospital Chelsea

The term Chelsea pensioner is used to refer to an in-pensioner at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, that is, a former British soldier who lives within the Royal Hospital.

Historically, however, the phrase applied more widely, referring to both in-pensioners and out-pensioners.


[edit] In- and Out-Pensioners

During the reign of King James II, the Royal Hospital was still under construction, so he introduced a system for distribution of army pensions in 1689. The pension was to be made available to all soldiers who had been injured in service, or who had served for more than 20 years.

By the time the Hospital had been completed, there were more pensioners than places available in the Hospital. Eligible soldiers who could not be housed in the Hospital were termed out-pensioners, receiving their pension from the Royal Hospital but living outside it. In-pensioners, by contrast, surrender their army pension and live within the Royal Hospital.

In 1703, there were only 51 out-pensioners. By 1815 this figure had risen to 36,757.

The Royal Hospital remained responsible for distributing army pensions until 1955, following which the phrase "out-pensioner" became less common, and "Chelsea pensioner" was used largely to refer to "in-pensioners".

A ward within the Royal Hospital Chelsea
A ward within the Royal Hospital Chelsea

[edit] Life of in-pensioners

Upon arrival at the Royal Hospital, each in-pensioner is given a "berth" in a ward, a small room (9 feet x 9 feet) on a long corridor, and is allocated to a company. In-pensioners surrender their army pension, and receive board, lodging, clothing and full medical care.

The size of the hospital berths has increased over time. There are 18 berths to a ward.

[edit] Conditions for admission as an in-pensioner

To be considered for admission as an in-pensioner, a candidate must be:

  • in receipt of an Army Service, or War Disability, Pension for Army Service (or in receipt of Service Retired Pay as a result of commissioned service in the British Army for more than 12 years full-time)
  • 65 years of age or over (though a candidate might be admitted between the ages of 55 and 65, if he is unable to earn his own living through disability, and is in receipt of an army pension)
  • free from the obligation to support a wife, partner or family

Formerly, a candidate must have been male, although this provision was dropped in 2007.[1] Female residents will have to fulfil the other entry requirements, and are expected to be received from 2009, on the completion of ongoing modernisation of the long wards.

[edit] Clothing

In-pensioners are entitled to come and go from the Royal Hospital as they please, and are permitted to wear civilian clothing wherever they travel.

Within the Hospital, however, and in the surrounding area, in-pensioners are encouraged to wear a blue uniform. If they travel further from the Hospital, they should wear the distinctive scarlet coats instead of the blue uniform. The scarlet coats are also worn for ceremonial occasions, accompanied by tricorne hats.

In uniform, the pensioners wear their medal ribbons and the insignia of the rank they reached while still with the colours. They may also wear other insignia they earned during their service and many pensioners now wear parachute jump wings and even SAS jump wings.

It is illegal to impersonate an in-pensioner.

[edit] References

[edit] External links