Chashma Nuclear Power Complex

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The Chashma Nuclear Power Complex is located at Chashma, Punjab, Pakistan. It consists of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant I (CHASNUPP-1) and Chashma Nuclear Power Plant II (CHASNUPP-2).


[edit] Chashma Nuclear Power Plant I

Chashma Nuclear Power Plant I (CHASNUPP-1) is located at Kundian, Punjab, Pakistan. It is at 32°1′12.62″N, 72°12′27.02″E. It forms part of the Chashma Nuclear Power Complex.

The CHASNUPP-1 is a single-unit. The unit is of 300 MW and includes a two loop pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) furnished by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The nuclear island and conventional island of the plant utilizes proven design, similar to that of the Qingshan Nuclear Power Plant (QNPP) in China. The systems and the major equipment of the nuclear island, including the NSSS, are designed by Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI), and the system of the conventional island are designed by East China Electric Power Design Institute (ECEPDI).

Construction of plant started in 1993 and was made operational in year 2000. Since then it has gone three fuel changes. By third quarter of 2005 it has produced 9074 Giga Watt-hour of electricity. Its average capacity and availability factor for year 2004-05 were 93 % and 96.4 % respectively.

[edit] Chashma Nuclear Power Plant II

Chashma Nuclear Power Plant II (CHASNUPP-2) is a nuclear power station located at Kundian, Punjab, Pakistan. It is at 32°1′12.62″N, 72°12′27.02″E. It forms part of the Chashma Nuclear Power Complex in the northwestern region of the Thal Doab. The site is located in the south of Mianwali, near the Chashma Barrage and on the left bank of the Indus River.

The site is situated next to Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit-1 (CHASNUPP-1), which has been put into commercial operation since the middle of 2000. The CHASNUPP-2 will be a single-unit plant. The unit will be of 300 MWe Class and will include a two-loop pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) furnished by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The nuclear island and conventional island of the plant will utilize proven design, similar to that of CHASNUPP-1. The engineering and the major equipment of the nuclear island, including the NSSS, are designed by Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI), and the engineering of the conventional island is designed by East China Electric Power Design Institute (ECEPDI). The nuclear steam supply system is designed for a power output of 1,002 MWt which includes 3.4 MWt from the reactor coolant pumps. The corresponding gross electric output of the turbine generator is 325 MWe and the net output of the plant is around 300 MWe. The reactor containment will be of pre-stressed reinforced concrete structure in the form of a vertical cylinder with a torispherical dome and a flat base. The interior surface of the containment structure will be covered entirely by a leak-proof steel liner.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links