Charles XIV John of Sweden

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Charles XIV John
King of Sweden and Norway

Charles XIV John by Fredric Westin
Reign 5 February 18188 March 1844
Coronation 11 May 1818
in Norway 7 September 1818
Full name Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte
Born 26 January 1763(1763-01-26)
Birthplace Pau, France
Died 8 March 1844 (aged 81)
Place of death Stockholm, Sweden
Buried Riddarholmskyrkan, Stockholm
Predecessor Charles XIII
Successor Oscar I
Consort Désirée Clary
Issue Crown Prince Oscar
Royal House Bernadotte
Father Henri Bernadotte
Mother Jeanne de St. Vincent

Charles XIV John (Swedish: Karl XIV Johan), born Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, later renamed Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte (January 26, 1763March 8, 1844) was King of Sweden and Norway (where he was known in Norwegian as Karl III Johan) from 1818 until his death. He was also the first Sovereign Prince of Pontecorvo.

French by birth, Bernadotte served a long career in the French Army. He was created a Marshal of France by Napoleon I, though the two had a turbulent relationship. His service to France ended in 1810, when he was elected heir to the Swedish throne.


[edit] Early life and ancestry

He was born in Pau, France, as the son of Jean Henri Bernadotte (Pau, Béarn, October 14, 1711Pau, Béarn, March 31, 1780), procurator at Pau, and wife (married at Boëil-Bezing, February 20, 1754) Jeanne de Saint-Vincent (Pau, Béarn, April 1, 1728Pau, Béarn, January 8, 1809). His Christian names were Jean-Baptiste (he added Jules later, from Julius Caesar, in the classicizing spirit of the French Revolution). The family name was originally de Pouey, but was changed to Bernadotte (surname of a female ancestor) at the beginning of the 17th century.

He had a brother named Jean Bernadotte (Pau, Béarn, 1754Pau, Béarn, August 8, 1813) who was made 1st Baron Bernadotte and married Marie Anne Charlotte de Saint-Paul. Their paternal grandparents were Jean Bernadotte (Pau, September 29, 1683Pau, October 3, 1760) and wife (married at Pau, May 1, 1707) Marie du Pucheu dite de La Place (Pau, February 6, 1686Pau, October 5, 1773), daughter of Jacques du Pucheu de La Place and wife Françoise de Labasseur. Their maternal grandparents were Jean de Saint-Vincent (Boëil-Bezing, c. 1690 – Boëil-Bezing, 21 May 1762) and wife (married at Assat, 30 May 1719) Marie d'Abbadie de Sireix (Sireix, 25 March 1694 – Boëil-Bezing, 16 October 1752), daughter of Doumengé Habas d'Arrens and wife Marie d'Abbadie, Lay Abbess of Sireix. Finally, they were the great-grandsons of Jean Bernadotte (Pau, November 7, 1649Pau, July 14, 1689) and wife (married at Pau, June 18, 1674) Marie de la Barrère-Bertandot; he was the son of Pierre Bernadotte and wife Margalide Barraquer and paternal grandson of Joandou du Poey, born in 1590, and wife Germaine de Bernadotte.

[edit] Military career

Bernadotte joined the army as a private in the Régiment de Royal-Marine on September 3, 1780, and first served in the newly-conquered territory of Corsica. Following the outbreak of the French Revolution, his eminent military qualities brought him speedy promotion. He was promoted to colonel in 1792 and by 1794 was a brigadier attached to the army of the Sambre et Meuse. After Jourdan's victory at Battle of France and, from June 1804 to September 1805, served as governor of Hanover. During the campaign of 1805, Bernadotte with an army corps from Hanover co-operated in the great movement which resulted in the shutting up of Mack in Ulm. As a reward for his services at Austerlitz (December 2, 1805) he became Prince of Ponte Corvo (June 5, 1806), but during the campaign against Prussia, in the same year, was severely reproached by Napoleon for not participating with his army corps in the battles of Jena and Auerstädt, though close at hand. In 1808, as governor of the Hanseatic towns, he was to have directed the expedition against Sweden, via the Danish islands, but the plan came to nought because of the want of transports and the defection of the Spanish contingent. In the war against Austria, Bernadotte led the Saxon contingent at the Battle of Wagram (6 July 1809), on which occasion, on his own initiative, he issued an Order of the Day attributing the victory principally to the valour of his Saxons, which order Napoleon at once disavowed. It was during the middle of that battle that Marshal Bernadotte was stripped of his command after retreating against Napoleon's orders.

[edit] Offer of the Swedish throne

Bernadotte, considerably piqued, thereupon returned to Paris, where the council of ministers entrusted him with the defence of the Netherlands against the British expedition in Walcheren. In 1810 he was about to enter upon his new post as governor of Rome when he was unexpectedly elected heir to King Charles XIII of Sweden, partly because a large part of the Swedish Army, in view of future complications with Russia, were in favour of electing a soldier, and partly because Bernadotte was very popular in Sweden, owing to the kindness he had shown to the Swedish prisoners during the late war with Denmark. The matter was decided by one of the Swedish courtiers, Baron Karl Otto Mörner, who, entirely on his own initiative, offered the succession to the Swedish crown to Bernadotte. Bernadotte communicated Mörner's offer to Napoleon, who treated the whole affair as an absurdity. Bernadotte thereupon informed Mörner that he would not refuse the honour if he were duly elected. Although the Swedish government, amazed at Mörner's effrontery, at once placed him under arrest on his return to Sweden, the candidature of Bernadotte gradually gained favour there, and, on August 21, 1810, he was elected Crown Prince and made Generalissimus of the Swedish Armed Forces.[1]

[edit] Crown Prince and Regent

Coronation of Karl III Johan as King of Norway
Coronation of Karl III Johan as King of Norway

On November 2 Bernadotte made his solemn entry into Stockholm, and on November 5 he received the homage of the estates and was adopted by Charles XIII under the name of "Charles John" (Karl Johan). The new crown prince was very soon the most popular and the most powerful man in Sweden. The infirmity of the old king and the dissensions in the Privy Council placed the government, and especially the control of foreign affairs, entirely in his hands. The keynote of his whole policy was the acquisition of Norway and Bernadotte proved anything but a puppet of France. In 1813 he allied Sweden with Napoleon's enemies Britain and Prussia of the Sixth Coalition, in order to secure this. After the defeats of Lützen (2 May 1813) and Bautzen (21 May 1813), it was the Swedish crown prince who put fresh heart into the allies; and at the conference of Trachenberg he drew up the general plan for the campaign which began after the expiration of the Truce of Plaswitz. Charles John, as commander-in-chief of the northern army, successfully defended the approaches to Berlin against Oudinot in August and against Ney in September at the Battles of Grossbeeren and Dennewitz; but after Leipzig he went his own way, determined at all hazards to cripple Denmark and secure Norway.

[edit] King of Sweden and Norway

Swedish Royalty
House of Bernadotte
Charles XIV John
   Oscar I
Oscar I
   Charles XV
   Gustaf, Duke of Upland
   Oscar II
   Princess Eugenie
   August, Duke of Dalarna
Charles XV
   Lovisa, Queen of Denmark
   Carl Oscar, Duke of Södermanland
Oscar II
   Gustaf V
   Oscar, Duke of Gotland
   Eugén, Duke of Närke
   Carl, Duke of Västergötland
   Princess Margaretha
   Märtha, Crown Princess of Norway
   Astrid, Queen of Belgium
   Carl, Duke of Östergötland
Gustaf V
   Gustaf VI Adolf
   Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland
   Erik, Duke of Västmanland
Gustaf VI Adolf
   Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten
   Sigvard, Duke of Uppland
   Ingrid, Queen of Denmark
   Bertil, Duke of Halland
   Carl Johan, Duke of Dalarna
   Princess Margaretha
   Princess Birgitta
   Princess Désirée
   Princess Christina
   Carl XVI Gustaf
Carl XVI Gustaf
   Crown Princess Victoria
   Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland
   Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland
Equestrian in Stockholm depicting Charles XIV John.
Equestrian in Stockholm depicting Charles XIV John.

As unional king, Charles XIV John, who succeeded to that title in 1818 following the death of Charles XIII, was initially popular in both countries. Upon his accession he converted from Roman Catholicism to the Lutheranism of the Swedish court. He would never learn to speak Swedish or Norwegian, though this did not pose a serious obstacle to his rule, as French was widely spoken by the aristocracy of the time.

Charles XIV John's reign witnessed the completion of the southern Göta Canal, begun 22 years earlier, to link Lake Vänern to the sea at Söderköping 180 miles to the east. Though his ultra-conservative views were unpopular, particularly from 1823 onward, his dynasty never faced serious danger. Swedes and Norwegians alike were proud of a monarch with a European reputation.[citation needed] Though the Riksdag of the Estates of 1840 meditated compelling him to abdicate, he survived this controversy and his silver jubilee was celebrated with great enthusiasm in 1843.

Monarchical Styles of
King Charles XIV (Sweden), Karl III Johan (Norway)
Reference style His Majesty
Spoken style Your Majesty
Alternative style Sire

Charles XIV John died at Stockholm on March 8, 1844. His reign was one of uninterrupted peace, during which his kingdoms experienced great material development. He was succeeded by his son, Oscar I of Sweden and Norway.

The main street of Oslo, Karl Johans gate is named for him, while the Fortress of Karlsborg (Karlsborgs fästning) located in Karlsborg Municipality (Karlsborgs kommun) in Västra Götaland, was named by him after Charles XIII, his adoptive father.

During the French Revolution, Bernadotte belonged for a time to the Jacobin Club, a radical political organization. According to a popular myth, after his death a tattoo was found on his body that read Mort aux rois! ("Death to kings!"), presumably a legacy of his Jacobin days. However, no evidence has been found to confirm this.

[edit] Ancestry

4. Jean Bernadotte
2. Jean Henri Bernadotte
5. Marie du Pucheu dite de La Place
1. Charles XIV John of Sweden
6. Jean de Saint Vincent
3. Jeanne de Saint Vincent
7. Marie d'Abbadie de Sireix

[edit] Line of descendants

Following only the lines of the thrones of Sweden, Charles is the male-line ancestor to the heirs of that nation.

[edit] See also

[edit] Literature

  • Dunbar Plunket Barton: The amazing career of Bernadotte, 1930
  • Alan Palmer: Bernadotte: Napoleon's marshal, Sweden's king, 1990
  • Lord Russell of Liverpool: Bernadotte: Marshal of France & King of Sweden, 1981
  • Jean-Marc olivier: "Bernadotte Revisited, or the Complexity of a Long Reign (1810-1944)", in Nordic Historical Review, n°2, 2006.

[edit] External links

Karl XIV/III Johan
Born: January 26, 1763 Died: March 8, 1844
Regnal titles
Preceded by
King of Sweden
Succeeded by
Oscar I
King of Norway
Political offices
Preceded by
Louis Marie de Milet de Mureau
French minister of War
Succeeded by
Edmond Louis Alexis Dubois-Crancé

[edit] References

  1. ^ (Swedish) Ancienneté och Rang-Rulla öfver Krigsmagten år 1813