Charles Menzies (commandant)

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Charles Menzies
Born 1783
Bal Freike, Perthshire, Scotland.
Died August 22, 1866
Occupation Commandant of convict settlement
Spouse Maria Wilhelmina
Children Five
Parents Captain Charles Menzies & Sarah Menzies, née Walker

Sir Charles A. F. N. Menzies (1783August 22, 1866) was born at Bal Freike, Perthshire, Scotland.[1]

Although he became a respected soldier with the Royal Marines, fighting with Horatio Nelson in the Napoleonic Wars and later rising to the rank of general before becoming aide de camp to the Queen, Charles Menzies is best remembered for the founding of Newcastle, New South Wales and the successful commencement of its settlement between the age of 21 and 22.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Early life

Menzies was the son of Captain Charles Menzies of the 71st Regiment, and mother Sarah Menzies, née Walker.[1] He was educated at Stirling and his family who lived in their ancestral castle, as was done at that time, bought him a commission at the age of 15, as a second lieutenant in the marines on February 17, 1798.[1][2]

Following his commission he saw plenty of action having been posted to duties that involved blockading French ports and chasing the French and Spanish fleets around the Mediterranean sea. He was attached to Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson's squadron off Boulogne, on France's Atlantic coast and was repeatedly involved in attacking shore batteries and engaged in skirmishes with French boats.[2]

[edit] Arrival in Australia

In December 1803 Menzies sailed to Australia on board the HMS Calcutta which was transporting some convicts to New South Wales and then others to form a new settlement in Tasmania (then known as Van Diemen's land.[2]

Menzies was aboard a ship in Port Jackson, Sydney on March 5, 1804 when a rebellion involving a number of convicts broke out[2] in the area of Castle Hill. This incident would later be called the Vinegar Hill rebellion. Menzies with a detachment of marines landed from the ship to help quell the rebellion. He was promoted to lieutenant shortly thereafter.

Governor Phillip Gidley King faced with a need to prevent future outbreaks of this nature, hanged the nine leaders of the 300 rebels involved and instructed that resettlement of the Worst of the Irish sent here for Sedition from the others would occur.[1][2] On March 14, 1804, nine days after the rebellion Menzies wrote to the Governor offering his services to be commandant of the proposed new settlement. King accepted his offer and gazetted him as commandant of the settlement on March 18, 1804.[1]

[edit] Establishment of Newcastle

Menzies resigned his commission in relation to his detachment of Royal Marines and instead formed an expedition of skilled personnel including the surgeon James Mileham, Isaac Knight whose role was to be superintendent of the convicts, John Tucker a store-keeper, the botanist George Caley, Ferdinand Bauer an artist, and eleven military guards. Thirty-four especially chosen convicts, including three miners, three timber cutters, two carpenters, a gardener and a salt bailer (with the skill of making salt from salt water)[2] and which also fitted Governor King's description of the worst of the Irish left Sydney on March 28 in three small ships the Lady Nelson, Francis and Resource.[2]

The party arrived on March 30 by accounts at noon and Menzies' flotilla anchored of the entrance to Coal River. A boat from Menzies ship and seamen aboard the boat rowed him towards the southern shore of the river.[2]

Menzies initially named the settlement Kingstown - after the Governor. This later changed to Newcastle, which was the Governor's personal choice.[1][3]

In fact Governor King had provided Menzies with a Commission dated March 15, 1804 which appointed Lieutenant Charles A. F. N. Menzies of the Royal Marines to command the settlement of Newcastle. The Commission signed by the Governor noted:

Whereas it is expedient, in consequence of an instruction from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies and War Department, as well as from existing causes, that the settlement at the Coal Harbour and Hunter River, now distinguished by the name of Newcastle, in the county of Northumberland, should be re-established without loss of time; and you having offered to take the charge and command of that settlement, which you have been enabled to do by resigning the command of the detachment of Royal Marines, and by being discharged from His Majesty's Ship Calcutta at my request:
You are, therefore, hereby required and directed to take upon you the charge and command of the said settlement; and I do hereby charge and command all His Majesty's subjects that may be within our command to obey your directions, and you to obey all such Orders and directions as you may from time to time receive from me, or any other your superior officer (sic), according to the rules and discipline of war. For which this shall be your authority.[3]

[edit] Menzies' year in Newcastle

Other than the general Commission provided by the Governor, Menzies was instructed to use the convicts to get as many coals as possible, cutting cedar, clearing ground for cultivation and to enforce a due observance of religion and good order.[1][2]

Although only aged 21 when he arrived at Newcastle, Menzies proved to be both stern and forward thinking.

This was shown by his rules which dictated that convicts would work from sunrise to sunset but have a rest of two hours in the middle of the day.

To reduce the possibility of the convicts escape, food rations were only issued twice a week to stop the convicts from hoarding food for any escape attempt.[2]

Menzies befriended the local Awabakal and Worimi peoples[4] so that they would not assist any escapees.[2]

Then later when he discovered a plot by the convicts to assassinate him and the other expedition members he arrested and severely punished the ringleaders.[2]

Huts were constructed under his direction for both the expedition members and the convicts. He organised the building of a large stone wharf and established a coal beacon to assist other ships in their navigation into the harbour.

Governor King said of Menzies in the year that he was commandant that he fixed that Settlement and brought it to a forward degree of perfection.[2]

[edit] After Newcastle

After a year establishing Newcastle, Menzies submitted his resignation to Governor King so that he could return to England and his duty in the Royal Marines. King accepted his resignation and he left soon after, returning almost immediately to active service including a meritorious role in the war against Napoleon.

He was promoted to the rank of Captain in the Royal Marine Artillery during April, 1813.

He was promoted to command the Royal Marine Artillery from 1838 to 1844 indeed progressing through the ranks from major to lieutenant-colonel and then in 1857 to general.

He was appointed aide-de-camp to the Queen Victoria in 1852.[1]

[edit] Marriage and children

Menzies met Maria Wilhelmina, daughter of Dr Robert Bryant, physician to the Duke of Gloucester and they married and had five children. Despite all this meritorious service his principal importance in Australia is as the founder of the first permanent settlement at Newcastle.[1]

[edit] Death

He died at Hastings on August 22, 1866.[1]

[edit] References and notes

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Menzies, Sir Charles (1783-1866). Australian Dictionary of Biography – online edition. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Birth of Newcastle. Newcastle City Council. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
  3. ^ a b Menzies Commission. Newcastle City Council. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
  4. ^ Local History. Newcastle City Council. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.

[edit] Awards

  • K.H. in 1831
  • Knight Companion of the Order of the Bath in 1856

SHORT DESCRIPTION Commandant of Convict settlement
PLACE OF BIRTH Bal Freike, Perthshire, Scotland
DATE OF DEATH August 22, 1866