Charles Harding Firth

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Sir Charles Harding Firth (March 16, 1857, Sheffield, England - February 19, 1936, Oxford) was a British historian.

Born in Sheffield, he was educated at Clifton College and at Balliol College, Oxford. At university he took the Stanhope prize for an essay on Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley in 1877, became lecturer at Pembroke College in 1887, and fellow of All Souls College in 1901. He was Ford's lecturer in English history in 1900, and became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in succession to Frederick York Powell in 1904. Firth's historical work was almost entirely confined to English history during the time of the English Civil War and the Commonwealth; and although he is somewhat overshadowed by S.R. Gardiner, who wrote about the same period, his books were highly regarded.

[edit] Major works

  • Life of the Duke of Newcastle (1886)
  • Scotland and the Commonwealth (1895)
  • Scotland and the Protectorate (1899)
  • Narrative of General Venables (1900)
  • Oliver Cromwell (1900)
  • Cromwell's Army (1902)
  • the standard edition of Ludlow's Memoirs (1894).

He also edited the Clarke Papers (1891-1901), and Mrs Hutchinson's Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson (1885), and wrote an introduction to the Stuart Tracts (1903), besides contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography. In 1909 he published The Last Years of the Protectorate.

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition article "Firth, Charles Harding", a publication now in the public domain.