Characters in Call of Duty

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In the first person shooter series, Call of Duty, the player is able to control a wide variety of characters. Also, many non-playable characters appear, and aid the player throughout the series challenges. Some also purely appear for the sake of the game's plot.

Major characters are listed below.


[edit] Recurring Characters

Appears in Call of Duty and its expansion pack, Call of Duty: United Offensive. He fictionally led Baker Company during the Normandy invasion and led the unit in Bastogne. He usually takes the role of squad leader in the American missions.

Capt. Foley is voiced by Steven Blum.

  • Sgt. Moody (Baker Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division)

Appears in Call of Duty and its expansion pack, Call of Duty: United Offensive. Acts as a second-in-command to Foley in Baker Company, and usually takes the role of squad leader in missions where he is absent. He is easily recognized by his burly voice. He is also a skilled driver, as proven in both games. It's implied he became part of 2nd battalion by the time of United Offensive due to the helmet insignia he has; but this could be considered as an error.

Sgt. Moody is voiced by Gregg Berger

Cpt. Price in Call of Duty 4
Cpt. Price in Call of Duty 4
  • Capt. Price

Appears in Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2 and Call of Duty 4, respectively. He is easily recognized by his trademark red sideburns and handlebar moustache. In China, players of COD usually call him "Uncle Pringles(品客大叔)". This character is noted for having three different incarnations and is a staple character for the Call of Duty games developed by Infinity Ward.

The first incarnation acts as the player's squad leader, who is recruited by the Special Air Service (SAS) along with the player. He is later freed from a manor by American troops after being captured in Austria along with Maj. Ingram. This version of Price is killed onboard the Battleship Tirpitz while infiltrating it disguised as a Kriegsmarine officer.

The second incarnation in Call of Duty 2 is an officer in the 7th Armoured Division. He acts as the players' squad leader in most missions. He has a smaller role in this game, and does not die.

The third incarnation is in Call of Duty 4 as an SAS officer, seemingly descended from his 1942 counterpart. He is the players' squad leader in parts of the game, as well as being a playable character in a flash back mission. At the end of the game he is seen lying on the ground, wounded and unconscious, with a Russian soldier desperately attempting to revive him. His fate is left ambiguous.

Capt. Price is voiced by Michael Gough in COD and COD 2, and by Billy Murray in COD 4. Zied Rieke, lead designer of Call of Duty 2, refers to Price as his "favorite character."[1]

Appears in Call of Duty, its expansion pack, Call of Duty: United Offensive and Call of Duty 3. In Call of Duty, he is freed from an Austrian POW camp by American troops after being captured along with Price. In United Offensive, he is first encountered working with the Dutch resistance, saving Sgt. Doyle from a German patrol and recruiting him into the SOE, also leading the raid on Sicily. In Call of Duty 3, he and the player work together with the French resistance in Normandy. Ingram looks significantly older than most other NPC's, due to him being in his 40's.

Maj. Ingram is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes in the first two games, and by Mark Deklin in COD 3.

  • Sergeant James Doyle

Sergeant Doyle is one of three player protagonists in the Call of Duty: United Offensive expansion pack and is the only player character to appear in multiple Call of Duty games (with Call of Duty 3 being his second game). In United Offensive, he was a gunner for the British Royal Air Force No. 90 Squadron who helped facilitate a bombing run before his B-17 Bomber fell apart from enemy fire. Shortly after being shot down, Doyle was rescued by Major Gerald Ingram and helped destroy a train bridge in Holland with Ingram and local resistance. Shortly after, Ingram noticed that Doyle had great potential and requested for him to undergo S.O.E. training. Shortly after being inducted into S.O.E., Doyle, Ingram, and a British Commando squad infiltrate Sicily to destroy artillery batteries, a mission which was a success with Doyle and Ingram being the sole survivors of the operation.

In Call of Duty 3, Doyle and Ingram work together with the French resistance in Normandy.

[edit] Other Characters

[edit] Call of Duty

Befriended the player sometime during basic training, and fights alongside him in several missions. He can easily hotwire any car, and is often critical of Sgt. Moody. He can be killed on a mission to destroy an 88mm gun battery, depending on the players' actions.

Pvt. Elder is voiced by Giovanni Ribisi.

Waters is first encountered on the mission to destroy the Eder Dam. He is a veteran SAS operative and can operate several vehicles, ranging from small motor boats to transport aircraft. He assumes command in the final British mission, following Cpt. Price's demise.

Sgt. Waters is voiced by Jason Statham.

Based on the real-life Sgt. Yakov Pavlov. He commands the player during the Pavlov's House mission, based on a real-life event.

Sgt. Pavlov is voiced by Michael Bell.

[edit] Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 2 features a number of new and "better-looking" characters.[1] They include:

Officer who commands the player's platoon in the Soviet missions.

A hot-tempered, Scottish, bearded soldier who fights alongside the player in most British missions. He is famously known for his quarrels with Captain Price.

Pvt. MacGregor is voiced by James Patrick Stuart.

Randall is first encountered when he saves the players' life at Pointe du Hoc. He leads the players' squad in the American missions. He is promoted to Lieutenant by the battalion commander in the final mission, and recommends the player for promotion to Sergeant.

Sgt. Randall was voiced by Nolan North.

[edit] Call of Duty 4

A SAS recruit right out of selection, Soap is one of two player protagonists in the game. Soap fights alongside Gaz and Capt. Price in the SAS and SAS/USMC joint missions. In the last mission, after witnessing his squad's annihilation at the hands of the Ultranationalists, Capt. Price slides Soap his sidearm; Soap shoots and kills Zakhaev and his two bodyguards. As Russian Loyalist forces arrive to provide assistance, Soap passes out.

One of the two player protagonists. Sgt. Jackson is a U.S. Marine in Lt. Vasquez's Force Recon squad. Along with Vasquez and Griggs, Jackson searches for Khaled Al-Asad. Jackson's helicopter is disabled and crashes after a nuclear explosion occurs nearby. Jackson initially survives but dies soon after crawling out of the wreckage. Whether he died from radiation or his wounds is unknown.He and his team are the first U.S. Marines in the Call of Duty franchise.

A veteran SAS operative, he fights alongside the player and Cpt. Price in the British missions. He instructs the player in basic training and holds the record time for completing the SAS obstacle course. (Soap, however, can beat his record.) Gaz is shot in the head in the last mission by Zakhaev. He is voiced by Craig Fairbrass.

Vasquez is the players' squad leader during the American missions. Lt. Vasquez was modeled on an actual U.S. Marine stationed in Camp Pendelton. He is killed in a nuclear explosion after his squad's helicopter crashes; Jackson finds his body in the aftermath. Lt. Vasquez is voiced by David Sobolov.

Griggs is Vasquez' second-in-command, and the squad's SAW gunner. He escapes the nuclear explosion that killed many Marines, and joins forces with Cpt. Price's team to continue the fight against Imran Zakhaev. He is later shot in his upper chest or neck trying to drag a wounded Soap away from enemy fire. SSgt. Griggs is voiced by Infinity Ward developer Mark Grigsby and modeled after Grigsby. Grigsby performs an in-character rap over the end credits.

Capt. MacMillan is an SAS sniper, Capt. Price's mentor and superior officer. He leads Price on a mission to assassinate Imran Zakhaev 15 years before Call of Duty 4's main plot. (This event takes place ten years after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, as noted by Captain Price, therefore the year of the mission is 1996, and the main events of the game take place 15 years later, in 2011.) The mission is a failure; MacMillan is injured as the two attempt to retreat, but Price carries him to safety on board a helicopter. Capt. MacMillan is voiced by Zach Hanks.

  • Sgt. Kamarov (Russian Loyalists)

Sgt. Kamarov leads the loyalist Russian troops in combat when they fight alongside the players' SAS team. He also leads the rescue mission to save the player in the final mission.

  • Nikolai (Russian Loyalists)

Nikolai is a Russian informant working for the British who had infiltrated the Ultranationalist camp, but was discovered and captured. He is freed by the SAS and relocated to Hamburg, providing valuable information to them.

Nikolai is voiced by Joshua LaCross.

  • Imran Zakhaev (Russian Ultranationalists)

Zakhaev is one of the main antagonists of Call of Duty 4. He is the source of the nuclear weapon that kills a number of US Marines towards the beginning of the game. He is shot to death by Soap at the end of the game.

Khaled Al-Asad (Middle-Eastern Head of State)

Khaled Al-Asad is the head of the Middle-eastern country in which US military operations take place. He claimed power after a violent coup, which led to the execution of the current President, Al-Fulani, claiming that the government is submitting to western nations. He is in league and supported by the leader of the Ultranationalist Party in Russia, who are attempting to take over through civil war. It is Al-Asad himself who shoots President Al-Fulani. Al-Asad is executed by Captain Price after being captured in his safehouse in Azerbaijan.

[edit] Action figures

In 2004, Activision, Plan-B Toys, and Radioactive Clown worked on the Call of Duty: Series 1 line of action figures, including three American (82nd Airborne: Operation Market Garden, 101st Airborne: D-Day Paratrooper, and 101st Airborne: Bastogne) and three German (Totenkopf Division Officer, Das Reich Division: Ardennes Offensive, and Wiking Division: Eastern Front).[2] While The American G.I. action figure was made in 2004,[3] Plan B Toys discontinued a controversial Nazi SS guard action figure "based on the Nazi Totenkopf" in Call of Duty.[4]

[edit] References

[edit] External links