Channing School For Girls

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The Channing School for Girls is an independent day school for girls aged 4-18 located in Highgate, London. The school was founded in 1885 and is affiliated with the Unitarian faith although it is open to all girls of various faiths and backgrounds. Channing currently enrolls approximately 560 girls. It scores highly in GCSE and A levels.

Channing achieved the best english a level results in country and is home to the highest scoring financial studies student of 2007.

[edit] Buildings

Channing Junior School (also known as Fairseat) was the home of sir warterlow, who donated the park next door to the public after he died. The main building houses all the main classrooms plus the cloakrooms, art dept. cookery dept. and PE supplies.

Channing Senior School has four buildings: Brunner House, Haigh House, the New Hall and Founders Hall. Founders Hall, once the Old Hall, was re-opened in February 2008 after renovations split the hall into two floors in order to extend the 6th Form Centre. An upper floor was added to Brunner House in 2003, and constitutes staff offices and classrooms which double as the form rooms of year groups 7 to 9. Haigh House has the science department, music department, art department, ICT department, and changing rooms. The music department takes the place of the old dormitories, as the school was once a boarding school. The ICT department is forever adding new security systems, for example, bars on the windows and an alarm system, as the high-tech Apple computers have a habit of being stolen during the summer holidays. In the New Hall, assembly and gym take place.

[edit] Grounds

Fairseat's Grounds are extensive and beautiful. They are part of sir waterlow's park, and there is a Cedar tree which is over 100 years old, and is the sign of Fairseat. It also has a cottage and adventure playground and tennis courts.

The senior school has a rounders pitch, tennis courts and crickit pitch. It also owns a large expanse of grass down the road where summer sports are played.

[edit] External links