Chain-of-responsibility pattern

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In Object Oriented Design, the chain-of-responsibility pattern is a design pattern consisting of a source of command objects and a series of processing objects. Each processing object contains a set of logic that describes the types of command objects that it can handle, and how to pass off those that it cannot to the next processing object in the chain. A mechanism also exists for adding new processing objects to the end of this chain.

In a variation of the standard chain-of-responsibility model, some handlers may act as dispatchers, capable of sending commands out in a variety of directions, forming a tree of responsibility. In some cases, this can occur recursively, with processing objects calling higher-up processing objects with commands that attempt to solve some smaller part of the problem; in this case recursion continues until the command is processed, or the entire tree has been explored. An XML interpreter (parsed, but not yet executed) might be a fitting example.

This pattern promotes the idea of loose coupling, which is considered a programming best practice.


[edit] Examples

[edit] Java

The following Java code illustrates the pattern with the example of a logging class. Each logging handler decides if any action is to be taken at this log level and then passes the message on to the next logging handler. The output is:

  Writing to debug output: Entering function y.
  Writing to debug output: Step1 completed.
  Sending via e-mail:      Step1 completed.
  Writing to debug output: An error has occurred.
  Sending via e-mail:      An error has occurred.
  Writing to stderr:       An error has occurred.

Note that this example should not be seen as a recommendation to write Logging classes this way.

Also, note that in a 'pure' implementation of the CoR a logger would not pass responsibility further down the chain after handling a message. In this example a message will be passed down the chain whether it is handled or not.

import java.util.*;
abstract class Logger 
    public static int ERR = 3;
    public static int NOTICE = 5;
    public static int DEBUG = 7;
    protected int mask;
    // The next element in the chain of responsibility
    protected Logger next;
    public Logger setNext( Logger l)
        next = l;
        return this;
    public void message( String msg, int priority )
        if ( priority <= mask ) 
            writeMessage( msg );
            if ( next != null )
                next.message( msg, priority );
    abstract protected void writeMessage( String msg );
class StdoutLogger extends Logger 
    public StdoutLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }
    protected void writeMessage( String msg )
        System.out.println( "Writing to stdout: " + msg );
class EmailLogger extends Logger 
    public EmailLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }
    protected void writeMessage( String msg )
        System.out.println( "Sending via email: " + msg );
class StderrLogger extends Logger 
    public StderrLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }
    protected void writeMessage( String msg )
        System.out.println( "Sending to stderr: " + msg );
public class ChainOfResponsibilityExample
    public static void main( String[] args )
        // Build the chain of responsibility
        Logger l = new StdoutLogger( Logger.DEBUG).setNext(
                            new EmailLogger( Logger.NOTICE ).setNext(
                            new StderrLogger( Logger.ERR ) ) );
        // Handled by StdoutLogger
        l.message( "Entering function y.", Logger.DEBUG );
        // Handled by StdoutLogger and EmailLogger
        l.message( "Step1 completed.", Logger.NOTICE );
        // Handled by all three loggers
        l.message( "An error has occurred.", Logger.ERR );

[edit] C#, Abstract class based implementation

using System;
namespace Chain_of_responsibility
        public abstract class Chain
                private Chain _next;
                public Chain Next
                                return _next;
                                _next = value;
                public void Message(object command)
                        if ( Process(command) == false && _next != null )
                public static Chain operator +(Chain lhs, Chain rhs)
                        Chain last = lhs;
                        while ( last.Next != null )
                                last = last.Next;
                        last.Next = rhs;
                        return lhs;
                protected abstract bool Process(object command);
        public class StringHandler : Chain
                protected override bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command is string )
                                Console.WriteLine("StringHandler can handle this message : {0}",(string)command);
                                return true;
                        return false;
        public class IntegerHandler : Chain
                protected override bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command is int )
                                Console.WriteLine("IntegerHandler can handle this message : {0}",(int)command);
                                return true;
                        return false;
        public class NullHandler : Chain
                protected override bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command == null )
                                Console.WriteLine("NullHandler can handle this message.");
                                return true;
                        return false;
        public class IntegerBypassHandler : Chain
                protected override bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command is int )
                                Console.WriteLine("IntegerBypassHandler can handle this message : {0}",(int)command);
                                return false; // Always pass to next handler
                        return false; // Always pass to next handler
        class TestMain
                static void Main(string[] args)
                        Chain chain = new StringHandler();
                        chain += new IntegerBypassHandler();
                        chain += new IntegerHandler();
                        chain += new IntegerHandler(); // Never reached
                        chain += new NullHandler();
                        chain.Message("1st string value");
                        chain.Message("2nd string value");
                        chain.Message(4.7f); // not handled

[edit] Interface based implementation

using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Chain_of_responsibility
        public interface IChain
                bool Process(object command);
        public class Chain
                private ArrayList _list;
                public ArrayList List
                                return _list;
                public Chain()
                        _list = new ArrayList();
                public void Message(object command)
                        foreach ( IChain item in _list )
                                bool result = item.Process(command);
                                if ( result == true ) break;
                public void Add(IChain handler)
        public class StringHandler : IChain
                public bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command is string )
                                Console.WriteLine("StringHandler can handle this message : {0}",(string)command);
                                return true;
                        return false;
        public class IntegerHandler : IChain
                public bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command is int )
                                Console.WriteLine("IntegerHandler can handle this message : {0}",(int)command);
                                return true;
                        return false;
        public class NullHandler : IChain
                public bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command == null )
                                Console.WriteLine("NullHandler can handle this message.");
                                return true;
                        return false;
        public class IntegerBypassHandler : IChain
                public bool Process(object command)
                        if ( command is int )
                                Console.WriteLine("IntegerBypassHandler can handle this message : {0}",(int)command);
                                return false; // Always pass to next handler
                        return false; // Always pass to next handler
        class TestMain
                static void Main(string[] args)
                        Chain chain = new Chain();
                        chain.Add(new StringHandler());
                        chain.Add(new IntegerBypassHandler());
                        chain.Add(new IntegerHandler());
                        chain.Add(new IntegerHandler()); // Never reached
                        chain.Add(new NullHandler());
                        chain.Message("1st string value");
                        chain.Message("2nd string value");
                        chain.Message(4.7f); // not handled

[edit] Delegate based implementation

using System;
namespace Chain_of_responsibility
        public class StringHandler
                private static int count;
                public void Process(object command)
                        if ( command is string )
                                string th;
                                if ( count % 10 == 1 ) th = "st";
                                else if ( count % 10 == 2 ) th = "nd";
                                else if ( count % 10 == 3 ) th = "rd";
                                else th = "th";
                                Console.WriteLine("StringHandler can handle this {0}{1} message : {2}",count,th,(string)command);
        public class StringHandler2
                public void Process(object command)
                        if ( command is string )
                                Console.WriteLine("StringHandler2 can handle this message : {0}",(string)command);
        public class IntegerHandler
                public void Process(object command)
                        if ( command is int )
                                Console.WriteLine("IntegerHandler can handle this message : {0}",(int)command);
        class Chain
                public delegate void MessageHandler(object message);
                public static event MessageHandler Message;
                public static void Process(object message)
        class TestMain
                static void Main(string[] args)
                        StringHandler sh1 = new StringHandler();
                        StringHandler2 sh2 = new StringHandler2();
                        IntegerHandler ih = new IntegerHandler();
                        Chain.Message += new Chain.MessageHandler(sh1.Process);
                        Chain.Message += new Chain.MessageHandler(sh2.Process);
                        Chain.Message += new Chain.MessageHandler(ih.Process);
                        Chain.Message += new Chain.MessageHandler(ih.Process); // Can also be reached
                        Chain.Process("1st string value");
                        Chain.Process("2nd string value");
                        Chain.Process(4.7f); // not handled

[edit] PHP

abstract class Logger {
        const ERR = 3;
        const NOTICE = 5;
        const DEBUG = 7;
        protected $mask;
        protected $next; // The next element in the chain of responsibility
        public function setNext(Logger $l) {
                $this->next = $l;
                return $this;
        abstract public function message($msg, $priority);
class DebugLogger extends Logger {
        public function __construct($mask) {
                $this->mask = $mask;
        public function message($msg, $priority) {
                if ($priority <= $this->mask) {
                        echo "Writing to debug output: {$msg}\n";
                if (false == is_null($this->next)) {
                        $this->next->message($msg, $priority);
class EmailLogger extends Logger {
        public function __construct($mask) {
                $this->mask = $mask;
        public function message($msg, $priority) {
                if ($priority <= $this->mask) {
                        echo "Sending via email: {$msg}\n";
                if (false == is_null($this->next)) {
                        $this->next->message($msg, $priority);
class StderrLogger extends Logger {
        public function __construct($mask) {
                $this->mask = $mask;
        public function message($msg, $priority) {
                if ($priority <= $this->mask) {
                        echo "Writing to stderr: {$msg}\n";
                if (false == is_null($this->next)) {
                        $this->next->message($msg, $priority);
class ChainOfResponsibilityExample {
        public function __construct() {
                // build the chain of responsibility
                $l = new DebugLogger(Logger::DEBUG);
                $e = new EmailLogger(Logger::NOTICE);
                $s = new StderrLogger(Logger::ERR);
                $l->message("Entering function y.",                Logger::DEBUG);           // handled by DebugLogger
                $l->message("Step1 completed.",                    Logger::NOTICE);  // handled by DebugLogger and EmailLogger
                $l->message("An error has occurred.",      Logger::ERR);             // handled by all three Loggers
new ChainOfResponsibilityExample();

[edit] Visual Prolog

This is a realistic example of protecting the operations on a stream with a named mutex.

First the outputStream interface (a simplified version of the real one):

interface outputStream
      write : (...).
      writef : (string FormatString, ...).
end interface outputStream

This class encapsulates each of the stream operations the mutex. The finally predicate is used to ensure that the mutex is released no matter how the operation goes (i.e. also in case of exceptions). The underlying mutex object is released by a finalizer in the mutex class, and for this example we leave it at that.

class outputStream_protected : outputStream
      new : (string MutexName, outputStream Stream).
end class outputStream_protected

#include @"pfc\multiThread\"

implement outputStream_protected
      mutex : mutex.
      stream : outputStream.
      new(MutexName, Stream) :-
         mutex := mutex::createNamed(MutexName, false), % do not take ownership
         stream := Stream.
      write(...) :-
         _ = mutex:wait(),  % ignore wait code in this simplified example
         finally(stream:write(...), mutex:release()).

      writef(FormatString, ...) :-
         _ = mutex:wait(),  % ignore wait code in this simplified example
         finally(stream:writef(FormatString, ...), mutex:release()).
end implement outputStream_protected

Usage example.

The client uses an outputStream. Instead of receiving the pipeStream directly, it gets the protected version of it.

#include @"pfc\pipe\"

   Stream = pipeStream::openClient("TestPipe"),
   Protected = outputStream_protected::new("PipeMutex", Stream),

[edit] ColdFusion

<cfcomponent name="AbstractLogger" hint="Base Logging Class">
        <cfset this['ERROR'] = 3 />
        <cfset this['NOTICE'] = 5 />
        <cfset this['DEBUG'] = 7 />
        <cfset mask = 0 />
        <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="AbstractLogger" hint="Constructor.">
                <cfreturn this />
        <cffunction name="setMask" access="public" returntype="AbstractLogger" output="false" hint="I set the mask value.">
                <cfargument name="maskName" type="string" required="true" />
                <cfset mask = this[arguments.maskName] />
                <cfreturn this />
        <cffunction name="setNext" access="public" returntype="AbstractLogger" output="false" hint="I set the next Logger in the chain">
                <cfargument name="logger" type="AbstractLogger" required="true" />
                <cfset next = arguments.logger />
                <cfreturn this />
        <cffunction name="message" access="public" returntype="void" output="true" hint="I generate the Log Message.">
                <cfargument name="msg" type="string" required="true" />
                <cfargument name="priority" type="numeric" required="true" />
                <cfset var local = StructNew() />
                <cfif arguments.priority lte mask>
                        <cfset writeMessage(arguments.msg) />
                        <cfif StructKeyExists(variables, 'next')>
                                <cfset next.message(arguments.msg, arguments.priority) />
<cfcomponent name="DebugLogger" extends="AbstractLogger" hint="Standard Logger">
        <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="DebugLogger" hint="Constructor.">
                <cfreturn this />
        <cffunction name="writeMessage" access="public" returntype="void" output="true" hint="Generate the message.">
                <cfargument name="msg" type="string" required="true" />
                <cfoutput>Writing to debug: #arguments.msg#</cfoutput>
<cfcomponent name="EmailLogger" extends="AbstractLogger" hint="Email Logger">
        <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="EmailLogger" hint="Constructor.">
                <cfreturn this />
        <cffunction name="writeMessage" access="public" returntype="void" output="true" hint="Generate the message.">
                <cfargument name="msg" type="string" required="true" />
                <cfoutput>Sending via email: #arguments.msg#</cfoutput>
<cfcomponent name="ErrorLogger" extends="AbstractLogger" hint="Error Logger">
        <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="ErrorLogger" hint="Constructor.">
                <cfreturn this />
        <cffunction name="writeMessage" access="public" returntype="void" output="true" hint="Generate the message.">
                <cfargument name="msg" type="string" required="true" />
                <cfoutput>Sending to error: #arguments.msg#</cfoutput>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<title>ColdFusion Example of Chain of Responsibility Pattern</title>
<h1>ColdFusion Example of Chain of Responsibility Pattern</h1>
<cfset logger = CreateObject('component', 'DebugLogger').init().setMask('DEBUG') />
<cfset emailLogger = CreateObject('component', 'EmailLogger').init().setMask('NOTICE') />
<cfset errorLogger = CreateObject('component', 'ErrorLogger').init().setMask('ERROR') />
<cfset logger.setNext(emailLogger.setNext(errorLogger)) />
<!--- Handled by StdoutLogger --->
<cfset logger.message("Entering function y.", logger['DEBUG']) /><br /><br />
<!--- Handled by StdoutLogger and EmailLogger --->
<cfset logger.message("Step1 completed.", logger['NOTICE']) /><br /><br />
<!--- Handled by all three loggers --->
<cfset logger.message("An error has occurred.", logger['ERROR']) /><br /><br />

[edit] See also

[edit] External links