Chai Jin

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Nicknamed the 'Small Whirlwind' (小旋风), Chai Jin (柴进) was both a man of nobility and somewhat of an enigma in the epic Chinese tale, the Water Margin. Although a senior member amongst the 108 heroes of Liangshan as a member of the 36 Heavenly Spirits, Chai's role throughout the story straddled between an idling aristocrat interested in hooking up with pugilists and a maverick who toyed with the status quo associated with his royal blood.

[edit] Biography

Chai Jin's ancestor was Chai Rong, Emperor Shizong of the Zhou Dynasty of the Five Dynasties period. After the Chenqiao Mutiny, Zhao Kuangyin, founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, took over the Chai Family's throne. Zhao Kuangyin still treated the Chai family well and granted them power. Chai Jin was born with eyebrows like those of a dragon, eyes like a phoenix's and red lips with white teeth. Chai Jin was always willing to help those in need, and got to know many heroes, thus he was greatly respected and loved by the people. Once, when Song Jiang killed Yan Poxi and fled to Cangzhou, it was Chai Jin who offered him shelter as according to the law, no officials could enter Chai Jin's mansion and arrest anyone. Chai had also offered shelter to Lin Chong and Wu Song before, as well as other heroes whom had been forced to commit crimes by the government.

Once, Chai Jin's uncle at Gaotangzhou was being bullied by Gao Lian's relative, Yin Tianxi. Gao Lian was the cousin of Gao Qiu, the high-ranking, but corrupt, official in the Imperial Court and nemesis of the Liangshan heroes. Chai Jin's uncle died in front of him due to the wounds caused by Yin Tianxi. Li Kui, who was with Chai Jin at that time, killed Yin Tianxi in a fit of anger. Gao Lian was furious and had Chai Jin locked up in the prison, disregarding Chai Jin's power and status. Li Kui, in the meantime, had escaped back to Liangshan Mountain for help.

Song Jiang launched an assault on Gaotangzhou to rescue Chai Jin but Gao Lian countered Song Jiang's army and defeated Song Jiang's forces. Song Jiang was forced to invite Gongsun Sheng to counter Gao Lian. In the end, Gongsun Sheng broke through Gao Lian's defenses with his powerful strength and cleared the path for Song Jiang to conquer Gaotangzhou. The Liangshan heroes entered Gaotangzhou and killed Gao Lian, and rescued Chai Jin, who was on the verge of dying as Gao Lian had tortured him and hid him in a dry well.

Chai Jin eventually became the chief accountant of the Liangshan income and provisions (see also Li Ying). After Song Jiang had obtained amnesty from the Imperial Court, Chai Jin followed the heroes in their campaigns against the Liao troops and the rebels. When the heroes were attacking Fang La, Chai Jin managed to sneak into Fang La's territory and became Fang La's son-in-law. Chai worked as a spy and helped Song Jiang's forces to break through Fang La's defences and defeated Fang La. He was one of the few lucky survivors after the campaigns.

Later, due to his contributions to the Court, Chai Jin was offered an official position but he refused and chose to return home. Chai Jin led a happy life at home till the end of his days.

Water Margin characters
Founding Father
Chao Gai
108 Stars of Destiny
36 Heavenly Spirits
Song Jiang | Lu Junyi | Wu Yong | Gongsun Sheng | Guan Sheng | Lin Chong | Qin Ming | Huyuan Zhuo | Hua Rong | Chai Jin | Li Ying | Zhu Tong | Lu Zhishen | Wu Song | Dong Ping | Zhang Qing | Yang Zhi | Xu Ning | Suo Chao | Dai Zhong | Liu Tang | Li Kui | Shi Jin | Mu Hong | Lei Heng | Li Jun | Ruan Xiaoer | Zhang Heng | Ruan Xiaowu | Zhang Shun | Ruan Xiaoqi | Yang Xiong | Shi Xiu | Xie Zhen | Xie Bao | Yan Qing
72 Earthly Fiends

Zhu Wu | Huang Xin | Sun Li | Xuan Zan | Hao Siwen | Han Tao | Peng Qi | Shan Tinggui | Wei Dingguo | Xiao Rang | Pei Xuan | Ou Peng | Deng Fei | Yan Shun | Yang Lin | Ling Zhen | Jiang Jing | Lu Fang | Guo Sheng | An Daoquan | Huangfu Duan | Wang Ying | Hu San Niang | Bao Xu | Pan Rui | Kong Ming | Kong Liang | Xiang Chong | Li Gun | Jin Dajian | Ma Lin | Tong Wei | Tong Meng | Meng Kang | Hou Jian | Chen Da | Yang Chun | Zheng Tianshou | Tao Zongwang | Song Qing | Yue He | Gong Wang | Ding Desun | Mu Chun | Cao Zheng | Song Wan | Du Qian | Xue Yong | Shi En | Li Zhong | Zhou Tong | Tang Long | Du Xing | Zou Yuan | Zou Run | Zhu Gui | Zhu Fu | Cai Fu | Cai Qing | Li Li | Li Yun | Jiao Ting | Shi Yong | Sun Xin | Gu Dasao | Zhang Qing | Sun Er Niang | Wang Dingliu | Yu Baosi | Bai Sheng | Shi Qian | Duan Jingzhu