Chacha (liquor)

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Making Chacha
Making Chacha

Chacha is traditionally a clear fruit homebrew, which is sometimes called "vine vodka," "grape vodka," or "Georgian vodka." Chacha is made of grape pomace (grape residue left after making wine). It can also be produced from non-ripe or non-cultured grapes and, in some cases, figs, tangerines, oranges, or mulberry.

Since Georgia is widely regarded as the birthplace of the cultivated grape more than 8,000 years ago, chacha is likely one of the oldest distilled products in the world, though such technology as needed for pot stills would date little more than 1,000 years old.[citation needed]

The term "chacha" is used in Georgia to refer to any type of moonshine made of fruits, though it most commonly refers to grape distillate.

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