Certification listing
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A Certification listing is a document against which a field installation is compared to make sure that it complies with a regulation, such as a building code.
The article describes particular North American practices. Terms used may have different meaning and application elsewhere. Different approaches and legal requirements may apply elsewhere.
Products or items that are subject to product certification and must be used in a specific manner in order to be proven safe for use, are typically required to be installed or used in accordance with a subject-related listing, which is a document issued by an organisation that is nationally accredited for doing both testing and product certification work, in accordance with nationally accredited standards. The following is one example of millions of such listings that exist around the world for nearly countless numbers of products, such as toasters, fire extinguishers, fireproofing plasters, etc. This example is a duplicate of an Underwriters Laboratories firestop mortar listing based on the fire test depicted under the Fire-resistance rating article. This article is also augmented with real-life photographs from the test upon which this listing was based, for better understanding. The actual certification listing includes no photographs - only text and drawings.
Contents |
[edit] System No. C-AJ-8073
[edit] 1. Floor or Wall Assembly
Min 4-1/2 in. thick reinforced normal weight (140-150 pcf) concrete. Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Max area of opening is 24 sq ft with max dimension of 8 ft.
- See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers.
[edit] 2. Through Penetrants
A max of seven firestop configurations complying with Firestop Configuration A, B, C or D, and a max of four firestop configurations complying with Firestop Configuration E, F or G may be installed within the opening in any combination. The annular space between penetrating items and between penetrating items and periphery of opening shall be as specified in the individual firestop configurations. The maximum open area within the opening shall be 480 sq in. with smaller dimension not exceeding 10 in. Pipe, conduit, tubing, cable tray or cable to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. The T Rating of the system is dependent on the firestop configuration, as shown in the table below:
- Firestop Configuration A: 0 hr T Rating
- Firestop Configuration B: 0 hr T Rating
- Firestop Configuration C: 3/4 hr T Rating
- Firestop Configuration D: 2 hrs T Rating
- Firestop Configuration E: 0 hrs T Rating
- Firestop Configuration F: 0 hrs T Rating
- Firestop Configuration G: 0 hrs T Rating
[edit] Firestop Configuration A
[edit] 2. Metallic Penetrants
One metallic pipe, conduit or tubing to be installed within this firestop configuration. The annular space between pipes, conduit and tubing with a nom diam of 4 in. or less and the periphery of the opening shall be min 1/4 in. The annular space between pipes, conduit and tubing with a nom diam greater than 4 in. and the periphery of the opening shall be min 4-1/4 in. The annular space between pipes, conduit or tubing with a diam of 4 in. or less and other non-insulated penetrating items shall be min 1/2 in. The annular space between pipes, conduit and tubing with a nom diam greater than 4 in. and other non-insulated penetrating items shall be min 4-3/4 in. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used:
- A. Steel Pipe - Nom 8 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 (or heavier) steel pipe.
- B. Iron Pipe - Nom 8 in. diam (or smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe.
- C. Conduit - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) steel electrical metallic tubing or nom 6 in. diam (or smaller) steel conduit.
- D. Copper Tubing - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) Type M (or heavier) copper tubing.
- E. Copper Pipe - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) Regular (or heavier) copper pipe.
[edit] 3. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
- A. Forms - (Not Shown) - Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the penetrating item and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
- B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar - Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] Firestop Configuration B
[edit] 2. Metallic Penetrants
One metallic pipe or tubing to be installed within this firestop configuration. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes or tubing may be used:
- A. Steel Pipe - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe.
- B. Iron Pipe - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe.
- C. Copper Tubing - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) Type M (or heavier) copper tubing.
- D. Copper Pipe - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) Regular (or heavier) copper pipe.
[edit] 3. Tube Insulation – Plastics**
Nom 3/4 in. thick acrylonitrile butadiene/polyvinyl chloride (AB/PVC) flexible foam furnished in the form of tubing. The annular space between the insulated pipe or tubing and periphery of opening shall be min 6-1/2 in. The annular space between insulated pipe or tubing and other adjacent insulated penetrating items shall be min 1 in. The annular space between insulated pipe or tubing and other adjacent uninsulated penetrating items or cable trays shall be mm 5 in.
- See Plastics** (QMFZ2) category in the Plastics Recognized Component Directory for names of manufacturers. Any Recognized Component tube insulation material meeting the above specifications and having a UL 94 Flammability Classification of 94-5 VA may be used.
[edit] 4. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
[edit] A. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* Wrap Strip
Nom 1/4 in. thick intumescent elastomeric material faced on one side with aluminium foil, supplied in 2 in. wide strips. One nom 2 in. wide strip tightly-wrapped around tube insulation (Item 3) with ends butted and foil side exposed, and slid into through opening such that the bottom edge is flush with bottom surface of mortar in floors or both surfaces of mortar in walls. Wrap strip held in place with pressure-sensitive tape, steel tie wire, or equivalent.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - FS-195+
[edit] B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk
Generous bead of caulk applied to perimeter of tube insulation at its egress from the top and bottom of wrap strip.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - CP 25WB+
[edit] C. Forms - (Not Shown) - Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation.
Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the penetrating item and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
[edit] D. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] Firestop Configuration C
[edit] 2. Metallic Penetrants
One metallic pipe to be installed within the opening. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes may be used:
- A. Steel Pipe - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe.
- B. Iron Pipe - Nom 3 in. diam (or smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe.
[edit] 3. Pipe Covering Materials* - Cellular Glass Insulation
Nom 1 in. thick cellular glass units sized to the outside diam of pipe and supplied in nom 24 in. long half sections or nom 18 in. long segments. Pipe insulation installed on pipe in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The annular space between the insulated pipe and periphery of opening shall be min 6 in. The annular space between insulated pipe and other adjacent penetrating items shall be min 4-1/4 in.
[edit] 4. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk - (Not Shown)
Nom 1/4 in. diam bead of caulk applied between adjacent sections of pipe covering material at longitudinal and transverse joints.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - CP 25WB+
[edit] 5. Metal Jacket
Jacket, formed of min 0.0 15 in. thick aluminium sheet cut to wrap tightly around the pipe insulation with a min 2 in. lap and secured using min 18 gauge steel tie wire spaced 16 in. OC and nom 3/8 in. diam steel screws, located 1/2 in. from top of floor or both surfaces of wall.
[edit] 6. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
[edit] A. Forms - (Not Shown)
Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the penetrating item and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
[edit] B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] Firestop Configuration D
[edit] 2. Metallic Penetrants
One metallic pipe, conduit or tubing to be installed within the opening. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used:
- A. Steel Pipe - Nom 10 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe.
- B. Iron Pipe - Nom 10 in. diam (or smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe.
[edit] 3. Pipe Covering Material* - Fiberglass Insulation
Nom 2 in. thick hollow cylindrical heavy density (min 3.5 pcf) glass fiber units jacketed on the outside with an all service jacket. Longitudinal joints sealed with metal fasteners or factory-applied self-sealing lap tape. Transverse joints secured with metal fasteners or with butt tape supplied with the product. The annular space between the insulated pipe and periphery of opening shall be mm 2-1/4 in. The annular space between insulated pipe and other adjacent insulated penetrating items shall be min 1 in. The annular space between insulated pipe and other adjacent uninsulated penetrating items or cable trays shall be mm 8 in.
- See Pipe and Equipment Covering - Materials (BRGU) category in the Building aterials Directory for names of manufacturers. Any pipe covering material meeting the above specifications and bearing the UL Classification Marking with a Flame Spread Index of 25 or less and a Smoke Developed Index of 50 or less may be used.
[edit] 4. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
[edit] A. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Wrap Strip
Nom 1/4 in. thick intumescent elastomeric material faced on one side with aluminum foil, supplied in 2 in. wide strips. Two nom 2 in. wide strips tightly-wrapped around pipe covering material (Item 3) with the foil side exposed and slid into through opening such that the bottom edge is flush with bottom surface of mortar in floors or both surfaces of mortar in walls. Each layer of wrap strip to be installed with butted seam with butted seams in successive layers staggered. Wrap strip held in place with pressure-sensitive tape, steel tie wire, or equivalent.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - FS-195+
[edit] B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk
Generous bead of caulk applied to perimeter of pipe covering material at its egress from the top and bottom of wrap strip.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - CP 25WB+
[edit] C. Forms - (Not Shown)
Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the penetrating item and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
[edit] D. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] Firestop Configuration E
[edit] 2. Cable Tray*
Max 36 in. wide by max 6 in. deep open-ladder or solid back cable tray with channel-shaped side rails formed of galv steel and with rungs spaced 9 in. OC. The annular space between cable trays and the periphery of the opening shall be mm 0 in. (point contact) to max 10 in. The annular space between cable trays and other adjacent uninsulated penetrating items shall be min 2 in. The annular space between adjacent cable trays shall be 10 in.
[edit] 3. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
[edit] A. Forms - (Not Shown)
Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the cable tray and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
[edit] B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] 4. Cables
One cable to be centered in each of max two preformed or core-drilled openings within confines of cable tray. Diam of openings to be 1-3/8 in. Openings to be spaced min 21 in. OC and min 2-1/2 in. from back and sides of cable tray. Cables to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. Any of the following types and sizes of cables may be used:
- A. Max 1/C 500 kcmil aluminum conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- B. Max 1/C No. 4/0 AWG aluminum conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- C. Max 1/C No. 6/0 AWG copper conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- D. Max 2/C No. 16 AWG shielded copper conductor cable with flame retardant polyvinyl chloride (FR-PVC) insulation and jacket.
- E. Max 3/C No. 12 AWG copper conductor cable with flame retardant cross-linked polyethylene (FR-XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- F. Max 3/C No. 4 AWG copper conductor TECK 90 cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) inner and outer jackets.
[edit] 5. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk or Putty
Min 3 in. thickness of caulk or putty applied within the annulus around cables, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Additional caulk to be installed such that a min 1/4 in. crown is formed around the cables and at any voids between the cable trays and mortar, and between the cable trays and concrete floor or wall.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - CP 25WB+ Caulk or MPS-2+ Putty
[edit] Firestop Configuration F
[edit] 2. Cable Tray*
Max 36 in. wide by max 6 in. deep open-ladder or solid back cable tray with channel-shaped side rails formed of galv steel and with rungs spaced 9 in. OC. The annular space between cable trays and the periphery of the opening shall be mm 0 in. (point contact) to max 10 in. The annular space between cable trays and other adjacent uninsulated penetrating items shall be min 2 in. The annular space between adjacent cable trays shall be 10 in.
[edit] 3. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
[edit] A. Forms - (Not Shown)
Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the cable tray and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
[edit] B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] 4. Cables
One cable to be centered in each of max two preformed opening within confines of cable tray. Size of opening to be maximum 1-1/2 by 2-1/2 in. Openings to be spaced min 21 in. OC and mm 2-1/2 in. from back and sides of cable tray. Cables to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. Any of the following types and sizes of cables may be used:
- A. Max 1/C 500 kcmil aluminum conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- B. Max 1/C No. 4/0 AWG aluminum conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- C. Max 1/C No. 6/0 AWG copper conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- D. Max 2/C No. 16 AWG shielded copper conductor cable with flame retardant polyvinyl chloride (FR-PVC) insulation and jacket.
- E. Max 3/C No. 12 AWG copper conductor cable with flame retardant cross-linked polyethylene (FR-XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- F. Max 3/C No. 4 AWG copper conductor TECK 90 cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) inner and outer jackets.
[edit] 5. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus around cables, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Additional mortar to be installed such that a min 1/4 in. crown is formed around the cables. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] 6. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk - (Not Shown)
Min 1/4 in. bead of caulk to be installed at any voids between the cable trays and mortar, and between the cable trays and concrete floor or wall.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - CP 25WB+
[edit] Firestop Configuration G
[edit] 2. Cable Tray*
Max 36 in. wide by max 6 in. deep open-ladder or solid back cable tray with channel-shaped side rails formed of aluminum and with rungs spaced 9 in. OC. The annular space between cable trays and the periphery of the opening shall be mm 0 in. (point contact) to max 10 in. The annular space between cable trays and other adjacent uninsulated penetrating items shall be min 2 in. The annular space between adjacent cable trays shall be 10 in.
[edit] 3. Cables
Aggregate cross-sectional area of cables in cable tray to be max 51 percent of the cross-sectional area of the cable tray. Any of the following types and sizes of cables, up to the quantity shown, may be used:
- A. Max 10, max 1/C 500 kcmil aluminum conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- B. Max 29, max 1/C No. 4/0 AWG aluminum conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- C. Max 8, max 1/C No. 6/0 AWG copper conductor cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- D. Max 9, max 2/C No. 16 AWG shielded copper conductor cable with flame retardant polyvinyl chloride (FR-PVC) insulation and jacket.
- E. Max 2, max 3/C No. 12 AWG copper conductor cable with flame retardant cross-linked polyethylene (FR-XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket.
- F. Max 2, max 3/C No. 4 AWG copper conductor TECK 90 cable with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) inner and outer jackets.
[edit] 4. Firestop System
The firestop system shall consist of the following:
[edit] A. Forms - (Not Shown)
Used as a form to prevent leakage of mortar during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the cable tray and cables, and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after mortar has cured.
[edit] B. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Mortar
Min 3 in. thickness of mortar applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Additional fill material to be installed such that a min 2 in. crown is formed around the cables and lapping 2 in. beyond the cables. Cementitious mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.0 part dry mixture to 0.3 parts water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
- Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. - 3M Fire Barrier Mortar
[edit] 5. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk - (Not Shown)
Min 1/4 in. bead of caulk to be installed at any voids between the cable trays and mortar, and between the cable trays and concrete floor or wall.
- Minnesota Mining and Mfg Co. - CP 25WB+
Bearing the UL Classification Marking* Bearing the UL Recognized Component Marking**
The above is not intended to be used as a replacement for the actual listing. It is provided merely as an example of a certification listing.
[edit] See also
- Listing and approval use and compliance
- Product certification
- Firestop
- Fireproofing
- Fire door
- Firestop pillow
- Putty
- Fire test
- Fire-resistance rating
- Passive fire protection
- Fire protection