Cerf theory

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In mathematics, Cerf theory in the subfield of differential topology is the study of families of smooth functions

f:M \to \mathbb R

where M is a smooth manifold.


[edit] Motivation

Marston Morse proved that any continuous function

f:M \to \Bbb R

could be approximated by a Morse function. So for many purposes, one can replace arbitrary functions on M by Morse functions. As a next step, one could ask, 'if you have a 1-parameter family of functions which start and end at Morse functions, can you assume the whole family is Morse?' In general the answer is no: for example the function


considered as a 1-parameter family of functions with M=\mathbb R starts at


with no critical points, but at


it has two critical points

x=\pm 1.\,

Cerf showed that a 1-parameter family of functions between two Morse functions could be approximated by one that is Morse at all but finitely many degenerate times. The degeneracies involve a birth/death transition of critical points, as in the above example when t = 0 an index 0 and index 1 critical point are created (as t increases).

[edit] An analogy to stratified spaces

Let \operatorname{Morse}(M) denote the space of Morse functions

f : M \to \mathbb R\,

and \operatorname{Func}(M) the space of smooth functions

f : M \to \mathbb R.\,

Morse proved that

\operatorname{Morse}(M) \subset \operatorname{Func}(M)\,

is an open and dense subset in the C^\infty topology. For the purposes of intuition, here is an analogy. Think of the Morse functions as the top-dimensional open stratum in a stratification of \operatorname{Func}(M) (we make no claim that such a stratification exists, but suppose one does). Notice that in stratified spaces, the co-dimension 0 open stratum is open and dense. For notational purposes, reverse the conventions for indexing the stratifications in a stratified space, and index the open strata not by their dimension, but by their co-dimension. This is convenient since \operatorname{Func}(M) is infinite-dimensional if M is not a finite set. By assumption, the open co-dimension 0 stratum of \operatorname{Func}(M) is \operatorname{Morse}(M), ie: \operatorname{Func}(M)^0=\operatorname{Morse}(M). In a stratified space X, frequently X0 is disconnected. An essential property of the co-dimension 1 stratum X1 is that any path in X which starts and ends in X0 can be approximated by a path that intersects X1 transversely in finitely many points, and does not intersect Xi for all i > 1.

Thus Cerf theory is the study of the positive co-dimensional strata of \operatorname{Func}(M), i.e.: \operatorname{Func}(M)^i for i > 0. In the case of


only for t = 0 is the function not Morse, and


has a cubic degenerate critical point corresponding to the birth/death transition.

[edit] Origins

Marston Morse gave an alternative proof of the h-cobordism theorem where the idea was to simplify the Morse function on a manifold rather than eliminating the handles in a handle-presentation of an h-cobordism. In the process, he created 1-parameter families of functions that were Morse at all but finitely many degenerate times.[1]

[edit] Applications

Cerf theory was pioneered by Jean Cerf[2], who used it to prove that every diffeomorphism of the 3-sphere is isotopic to an isometry of the 3-sphere (i.e.: an element of the orthogonal group O4).[3] He also used it in his proof of the pseudoisotopy theorem.[4] Robion Kirby used it as a key step in justifying the Kirby calculus.

[edit] Generalization

Nowadays, Cerf theory is considered a particularly nice case of catastrophe theory, or singularity theory.

[edit] References

  1. ^ R.Bott, Marston Morse and his mathematical works. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1980), 907--950.
  2. ^ French mathematician, born 1928.[1]
  3. ^ J.Cerf, Sur les difféomorphismes de la sphère de dimension trois (Γ4=0), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 53. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York 1968.
  4. ^ J.Cerf, La stratification naturelle des espaces de fonctions différentiables réelles et le théorème de la pseudo-isotopie, Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 39 (1970) 5--173.