Ceres Brewery

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Ceres Bryggeriet A/S
Location Århus, Denmark
Owner(s) Royal Unibrew
Year opened 1856
Active beers
Ceres TOP Pilsner Pilsner
Ceres TOP Classic Pilsner
Bering Bryg Porter
Cerest MALT øl Pilsner
Seasonal beers
Julehvidtøl Christmas Beer

The Ceres Brewery is a brewery located in Aarhus, Denmark. Today, it is part of Royal Unibrew.

It was founded by a grocer named Malthe Conrad Lottrup, with help from the chemists A. S. Aagard and Knud Redelien, as the city's seventh brewery. It was named after the Roman goddess Ceres, and its opening was announced in the local newspaper, Stiftstidende, in 1856.

The brewery was successful, and Lottrup became one of the most prominent people of Aarhus. After ten years, he extended the brewery, adding a grand building as his own private residence, where he entertained other local figures.

Lottrup's son-in-law, L. Christian Meulengracht, took over the running of the brewery after that, and was in charge for nearly thirty years, expanding it further. He then sold it to another brewery, Østjyske Bryggerier A/S.

The brewery gained more esteem in 1914 when it was made "Purveyor to the Royal Danish Court".

The 7th of January 2008, Ceres in Aarhus have been closed, because of the very attractive buildings they live in.

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