Cerdanyola del Vallès

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Cerdanyola del Vallès
General information
Province Barcelona
Comarca Vallès Occidental
Demonym Cerdanyolenc
Land Area 31.29 km²
Altitude 32 m AMSL
Population 52,778 (2000)
Density 1687 hab./km²

Cerdanyola del Vallès( 'Cerdañola' or 'Sardañola' in Spanish language) is a municipality in the comarca of the Vallès Occidental in Catalonia, Spain. It is situated in the on the north side of the Collserola ridge. The town is served by the A-7 and C-58 autopistes, the N-150 road and the RENFE railway commuter lines R4, R7 and railway regional line Ca4. It is well known as the site of the main campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (at Bellaterra').

As befits a municipality which has increased its population more than fifty-fold in the last century, most of the buildings are modern. The parish church is in a Modernist style, while the Sant Marcel castle has been rebuilt in a Neogothic style. The botanical gardens of El Pedregar (at Bellaterra) have a notable collection of sculptures. Iberic remains have been found at el Turó de Ca n'Oliver.

Roman aquaduct at Cerdanyola del Vallès
Roman aquaduct at Cerdanyola del Vallès

Cerdanyola was part of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago, and there are several remains from Roman times, including an aqueduct, an amphitheater, and a trading route to Barcelona.

[edit] Demography

1900 1930 1950 1970 1986 2000
928 3026 4007 19,945 53,537 52,778

[edit] References

  • Panareda Clopés, Josep Maria; Rios Calvet, Jaume; Rabella Vives, Josep Maria (1989). Guia de Catalunya, Barcelona:Caixa de Catalunya. ISBN 84-87135-01-3 (Spanish). ISBN 84-87135-02-1 (Catalan).

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 41°30′N, 2°09′E