Centre for Military and Strategic Studies
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The Centre for Military and Strategic Studies (CMSS) at the University of Calgary is part of Canada's Department of National Defence nation-wide security and defence forum research centres. Currently it has over 50 students at both the Masters and PhD level with over 20 affiliated faculty members and 4 staff members.
The Masters program is currently completed by thesis, course work or co-op and the PhD program is by Special Case only (however, this will change in the coming years). Alumni of the Master of Strategic Studies program include:
- Claire Bennett
- Russ Benneweis
- Christopher Bullock
- Ty Curran
- Jillian Dowding
- Keane Grimsrud
- Lars Herwig
- Geoffrey Jackson
- Steven James
- Dylan Kirk
- Richard Kott
- Robert Lovsin
- Jean-Pierre Marchant
- William McAuley
- John McCoy
- Jamie Millroy
- Tammy Moharram
- Karin Oxtoby
- David Peabody
- Danielle Romanick
- Maureen Shields
- Diana Shvarz
- Pamela Stewart
- Ray Szeto
- Karsten von Hoesslin
- David Turnbull
- Rian Wall
- Stephen Wheatley
Alumni of the PhD program include:
- Major i.G. Pierre Lépine
- Dr. Robert Bergen
Research conducted at the Centre by both faculty and students is broad, but recent research has included work on terrorism, Canadian, American and Israeli military, European security, African conflict and military anthropology.