Census in Egypt

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A census is an enumeration of all the people of a nation or a registration region, a systematic and complete count of all who are living in specified places, usually on a specific date. The practice of conducting a periodic census began in Egypt in the second millennium BC, where it was used for tax gathering and to determine fitness for military services.


[edit] Ancient censuses

[edit] Pharaonic Period, 3050 BC

Egypt is one of the first world countries to conduct a census. This is ensured by papyrus manuscripts, ancient monuments in Pharaonic temples, marking that the first census in Egypt was carried out in 3340 BC and in 3050 BC.

[edit] 600 AD

A census also took place in the era of Hesham Abdel Malek ben Marwan in the year 600 AD including the number of people, their ages and residences.

[edit] Landmark Censuses

[edit] 1798

  • 1798 - Egypt's population was estimated at 3 million when Napoleon invaded the country.

[edit] 1882

  • 1882 — The first census in Egypt had been carried out. The total population was 6.7 million.

[edit] 1947

  • In 1947, a census indicated that Egypt's population was 19 million.

[edit] 1976

  • A census in 1976 revealed that the population had risen to 36.6 million.

[edit] 1986

  • In 1986, a census indicated that the population of Egypt reached a total of 50.4 million, including about 2.3 million Egyptians working in other countries.

[edit] 1996

  • In 1996, the census found a population of 59.3 million.

[edit] 2006 census

  • In 2006, the thirteenth census in the Egyptian census series revealed that the Egypt's population hit 76.5 million inside and outside the country.

[edit] 2006 census details

[edit] Nationwide demographics

Statement Total country بيـــــــان
Total Population Census 2006 72,579,030 تعداد الســكان لســـنة 2006
%Change of Population compared with Census 1996 % 22 نسبة التغير في عدد السكان مقارنة بتعداد 1996
Population Under 6 Years Old % 14 نسبة السكان اقل من 6 سنوات
Population Under 15 Years Old % 32 نسبة السكان اقل من 15 سنة
Population Over 45 Years Old % 20 نسبة لسكان اكبر من 45 سنة
No Of Households 17,265,567 عدد الاسر
Household Population 72,131,096 عدد الافراد بالاسر
Family average 4.18 متوسط حجم الاسرة
No Bachelor's Graduates And Over 5,476,704 عدد خريجو الجامعات
No Illiterates 2006 16,806,657 عدد الاميون
Raw Birth Rate 26 معدل المواليد أحياء الخام
Raw Death Rate 6 معدل الوفيات الخام

[edit] Population by sex and residence

Residence Males Females Total
Urban areas 15,793,758 15,155,931 30,949,689
Rural areas 21,307,095 20,322,246 41,629,341
Total Egypt 37,100,855 35,478,177 72,579,030

[edit] Population by governorate

Governorate 1996 2006 Change %
Cairo 6,800,991 7,786,640 14.49
Giza 4,784,095 6,272,571 31.11
Sharqia 4,281,068 5,340,058 24.74
Dakahlia 4,223,338 4,985,187 18.04
Beheira 3,994,297 4,737,129 18.6
Gharbia 3,404,339 4,010,298 17.8
Alexandria 3,339,076 4,110,015 23.09
Minya 3,310,129 4,179,309 26.26
Qalyubia 3,281,135 4,237,003 29.13
Sohag 3,123,114 3,746,377 19.96
Asyut 2,802,334 3,441,597 22.81
Monufia 2,760,429 3,270,404 18.47
Qena 2,442,016 3,001,494 22.91
Kafr el-Sheikh 2,223,383 2,618,111 17.75
Faiyum 1,989,772 2,512,792 26.29
Beni Suef 1,859,213 2,290,527 23.2
Aswan 960,510 1,184,432 23.31
Damietta 913,555 1,092,316 19.57
Ismailia 714,828 942,832 31.9
Port Said 472,331 570,768 20.84
Suez 417,526 510,935 22.37
Luxor 361,138 451,318 24.97
North Sinai 252,160 339,752 34.74
Matruh 212,001 322,341 52.05
Red Sea 157,314 288,233 83.22
New Valley 141,774 187,256 32.08
South Sinai 54,806 149,335 172.48
Total Egypt 59,276,672 72,579,030 22.44%

[edit] References

[edit] External links