Talk:Caucasian Avars
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Avars or Caucasian Avars are a modern people of Caucasus, mainly of Daghestan, which are the predominant group. The Capital city of Caucasian Avars is Khunzakh which means “At the Huns” or “The city of Huns”. Their self designation is “Avaral” and “Ma’arulal” (from “mu’rul Avaral”, “Avarian Highlanders”). The Caucasian Avar language is said to show some affinity ancient Mesopotamian agglutinative languages like Hurrian, Sino-Tibetan and also Ket (Yenissei Ostyak) of which there are now less than 500 speakers left in Siberia. It appears from Chinese sources that a Yenisseian group was among the peoples that up the tribal confederation known as the Huns (Xiong-Nu, Hsiung-Nu).
The linguistic data showed that the contacts of Yenisseian languages with Caucasian languages were later than with Basque and Burushaski not to speak about the Indian languages of America. This fact permitted to assume that Indians diverged first from that Union, then the Basques and Burushaski and later on the Caucasian people. Taking into consideration the Indian settlements in America to be 15 thousand years ago, A.Dulson approximately defined the Caucasian-Yenisseian language contact at 6-7 thousand years ago. He devoted his last period of life to Yenisseian languages and their comparison with other language families. Ket having preserved the most ancient structure in the conjugation system gave the key to the explanation of the conjugation system in such languages as Finno-Ugric, Uralo-Altaic, and Indo-European, which was based on pronouns.
In the Caucasian Avar language the word "Avar" is always used any time Avars mention the names of Messengers, Prophets: Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus or Muhammad. For example: Ibrahim-Avarag, Isa-Avarag or Muhammad-Avarag.Thus the word Avarag seems to mean the descendants or followers of the Messenger, Prophet, Messia or Archangel.
One of the prominent figures in Avar history is Sheikh Shamil (1797 – 1871) political and religious leader of the anti-Russian national liberation movement of the Caucasian peoples in 1817 – 1859. He was third imam of Daghestan and Chechnya (1834 – 1859).
-- 19:14, 22 May 2006 (UTC)
Author is Russian nationalist
Autor wrote that language of Avars are "Avar and Russian".This is most strange. Armenians,Aserbaijans,Georgians an others knows Russian Language bat about ther's non wrote there's Languages are "Russian" and other.Autor of "caucasian Avars" is russian nationalist. Russian Language is non-Avarian Language. Author wrote "Imam Shamil" bat non wrote about Shamil. Who was Imam Shamil was unknown. Bad Information about Avars from Wiki. Other Author (user 22 May 2006)wrothe good about Avars. -- 14:24, 24 May 2006 (UTC)
Only Avarian language is language of Avars
Language of Avars is Avarian Language.Only. language of Russians is Russian language. Only.Language of Armenians, Georgians are Armenian and Georgian languages.
- Well, considering the fact that most Avars live in Russia, I would assume that some of them know Russian (at least the ones that live in cities like Makhachkala). —Khoikhoi 01:24, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
The fact that most Avars know Turkish
Answer to HOI. Well, bat the fact that most Avars know Turkish (Qumuq-Turkish and Oghuz Turkish).Avars of Temirkhan-Shura (Buynaksk),Kizilyurt and Khasavyurt know Qumuq Turkish, Avars of Aserbaidjan know Azeri Turkish (Oghuz Turkish), Avars of Turkiye know Turkiye Turkish. AND THIS IS FACT! MOST AVARS KNOW TURKISH! All Armenians of Armenia know Russian, all Georgians know Russian, all Uzbeks, Kazachs, Aserbaidjanians know Russian. Bat who wrote about in Wikipedia? About Makhachkala... Only 23% of people of Makhachkala are Avars."Regions with significant populations Russia (primarily Dagestan". NON-PRIMARILY...BAT THE DAGHESTANIAN REPUBLIC! THE DAGHESTAN IS REPUBLIC. Awarenstuermer-- 09:22, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
Answer to Khoikhoi
Khoikhoi wrote: "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Joseph Stalin. Hello Khoikhoi,Stalin were russian-sovjetian disgusting diktator.Stop with stalinist propaganda from user-Khoikhoi in Wikipedia!-- 09:45, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
- It was a joke, I've now removed it, ok? And why do you think most Avars know Turkish? They're not even a Turkic people! Is Pan-Turkism expanding it's borders? —Khoikhoi 14:45, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
Answer to khoikhoi
Sen Azerisin. Bu bellidir. Ve bu konuda cahilsin. "Panturkism" (Turkculuk) baska mesele. Ben dedim ki Avarlarin bir buyuk kismi Turkce bilir. Sen ise bana "Panturkizmin" hakkinda yaziyorsun.Dil ve Politik doktrin ayni anlamlar degil. Turkce bilenler automatik olarak "Turkculer" olamazlar.-- 03:56, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
To Anti-Caucasian Panturkist Wiki-Vandals
Ne bilirler Turkculer Hurrri ve Urartu dillerinin hakkinda? Kim theoriler yapar? Gordugumuz gibi hem Turkiyede hem Azerbaycanda theoriler yapan adamlar yalniz TURK MILLIYETCILERI'DIR. Siz once akilli adamlarin eserlei okuyun sonra buraya geliniz. Sizinle neyin hakkinda konusmam gerekiyor? Siz ne bilirsiniz Kafkasyalilarin hakkinda? Bildiginiz hictir.-- 14:55, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
Non-Andala bat ANDALAL Anadala degil, "Andalal" ('Andalal). Ve ben anlamadim nicin burada Kumuk Tuerklerinin hakkinda yazmislar? Kumuk Turklerine baska sayfalari verininz. AVARLARA DAIR QUMUQ TURKLERI SOKMAK LAZIM DEGIL.-- 16:39, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
About Shamkhals and Qumuq Turks
Du schreibst:The 15th century saw the decline of the Horde and the rise of the Kumyk shamkhalate at Tarki, with whom the Avars could not compete until the 18th century, when they increased their prestige by routing the army of Nadir Shah at Andala. Alles ist falsch was hier steht. In Daghestan war Qaziqumuq Dorf-Zentrum der Nach-Daghestanisch sprechende Laken (Qazikumuken). Und Nadirschah Afschar ziemlich leicht okkupierte Qaziqumuq.Tarki Qumuqen (Qumuq Kypcak Turken) waren Allerten des iranische Kaiser Nadirschah Afschar. Du auch schreist dass Qumuqen waren "Power" in Daghestan. Es klingelt laecherlich. Ueber die Bewegung der Qumuq Turken ich kann auch sagen dass die ganze Turken haben seine Heimat in Altaj und Qasaqstan.-- 22:14, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
About your edits of Avarian Site
Вы пишите по-английски на аварской странице, что "Шамхальство Тарковское съыграло выдающуюся роль в разгроме Надиршаха в местности Андала". Во-первых,не "Андала", а "Андалал", а во-вторых вы всё перепутали. Кумыки (тюркоязычный народ в Дагестане) были не только покорены Надиршахом, но выступили даже в качестве его союзников. что же касается Казикумухцев (кавказоязычных лакцев), то они первоначально попытались сопротивляться Надиршаху, однако были разбиты.Шамхал Сурхайхан сдался в плен. Егьо сын-Муртазаали сумел бежать с небольшим отрядом. Аварские вольные общества вместе с самым крупным вольным обществом- Андалал ('Andalal четыре дня (под трёхдневным проливным дождём) бились с Надиршахом. Никакой помощи от лакского Муртазаали не было. Он явился со своей конницей лишь на четвёртый день, когда исход битвы был уже решён.-- 22:37, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
- Dear user from Makhachkala: This is the English Wikipedia, so please use English. I understand German, but other might not. Registering yourself on Wikipedia might also be a good idea. — N-true 03:12, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
About "Urog" and "Andala"
- dear user from...))) ich weiss nicht wo bist du her. Meiner Meinung nach, wo bin ich und da bist du. ))) Sehr interessant. Nordkaukasier-true))), jetzt diese Seite nicht schlimm. Und die Darlegung ist gut.Zwei Fehler sehe ich..."Saragur, Urog and Unogur" (Nicht-Urog aber UGOR).noch..da steht "Andala" (nicht-Andala aber ANDALAL)-- 14:52, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "related groups" info removed from infobox
For dedicated editors of this page: The "Related Groups" info was removed from all {{Infobox Ethnic group}} infoboxes. Comments may be left on the Ethnic groups talk page. Ling.Nut 23:15, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Link about Halil-Beg Mussayassul 06:21, 18 June 2007 (UTC)
[edit] "Linkspam"
There's no reason to remove the external link. It provides useful information such as a map for the Avars in Dagestan, some information about the people themselves and about their religious believes. Which criterion makes this link "spam"? — N-true 14:31, 14 October 2007 (UTC)