Cautín Province

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Provincia de Cautín

Location in the Araucanía Region
Flag of Chile Chile
Capital Temuco
Area 18,409 km2
 - Total
 - Density

667,920 (2002 Census)
Governor Yolanda Pérez
Communes 21, see article

Cautín Province is a province in the Araucanía Region of southern Chile, bounded on the north by Arauco and Malleco provinces, on the east by Argentina, on the south by Valdivia Province, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Its population at the 2002 census was of 667,920. The most important communes are Temuco, Villarrica, Padre Las Casas, and Nueva Imperial. Cattle, forestry, and agriculture make up most of Cautin's economy. Its climate is humid, rainy in winter, and generally warm in summer.


[edit] History

Cautín Province was the last area to be occupied by Chile during the occupation of the Araucanía. Cautin is known for the 1971 Agrarian revolt. This revolt was started by the peasants whose starvation was so severe that their extinction appeared imminent. This led to the peasantry seizure of the Tres Hijuelas farm. Mapuche Indian families from the neighboring Reducción Alhueco quietly threaded their way across the wheat fields of Cautín Province in southern Chile to pitch crude tents of wheat sacks and old blankets under a hillside cluster of eucalyptus trees on the farm with which they had a boundary dispute lasting many years. The Mapuches posted guards at the deserted clapboard farmhouse of the Fundo Tres Hijuelas-the Owner, Carlos Taladriz, lived in the neighboring town of Lautaro and was away in Santiago at the time-as well as at the machine shed, at the roadside entrance to the farm and at the bridge of planks that crossed over a small stream to the house. The only persons living on the 1,250-acre (5.1 km²) farm at the time were a shepherd and a tractor driver.

The Mapuches, following what seemed to be a carefully prepared course of actions, decorated the house around the farm's main facility with red and black banners of the Castroite MIR (Movement of the Revolutionary Left) and of its peasant affiliate, Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario (MCR). On the next morning the provincial newspaper, El Diario Austral, printed a front-page photograph of the Mapuches, armed with thin short sticks and pitchforks, gathered at the entrance to the farm, which had been barred with poles that came from tall trees that bore a glowering portrait of Che Guevara. Above their heads a large banner was tied to the gateposts that read: CAPAMENTO LAUTARO. TIERRA O MUERTE. VENCEREMOS. MOVIMIENTO CAMPESINO REVOLUCIONARIO. The newspaper reported "total intransigence" on the part of the Indians, who claimed that the lands were stolen from their community in the past and insisted upon remaining on the farm until it was repossessed by the Agrarian Reform Corporation (CORA) (mapuche).

This is significant because in 1971 and 1972 some 120 farms were repossessed in this manner. Also it shows the desperate need that Chile was in which is why in 1970 to 1973 they attempted to repair the economy with Marxism. One of the major factors in the extreme poverty in Chile was because while the acre of food increased 20 percent, the population increased by nearly eighty percent (mapuche). The rural poor is forced to feed the 76 percent urban (mapuche). However, whatever comfort the Marxist government could offer was quickly withdrawn as less than three years later, in 1973 a dictatorship government was installed.

[edit] Tourism

Coastal sector of the commune of Carahue

Within the tourism, the Province of Cautín, stands out in its lakes and beaches located in the call lacustrine zone of the region, within this zone the most well-known city at international level is Pucón. Here and in their route until Villarrica beaches are located, Villarrica Volcano, and different places to spend their vacations.

Also one is to the south of Villarrica and borders of Calafquén Lake, the bath of Licán Ray, who is also one of the so many places with beaches, landscapes and much more, that the Licán Ray offers.

Towards the coast, the Province of Cautín also offers beaches, such as the places of Saavedra, Chile, Budi Mouth and bath near these places.

[edit] Economy

Cautín lies within the temperate agricultural and forest region of the south, and produces cereal crops such as wheat and oats. In Carahue, the potato cultivation has a significant position. In addition, cattle production is remarkable.

[edit] Communes

The Province of Cautín is divided in 21 communes, of the 32 of the region, who correspond a:

[edit] References

"Chile". The World Factbook is in the public domain and may be used freely by anyone at anytime without seeking permission. However, US Code prohibits use of the CIA seal in a manner which implies that the CIA approved, endorsed, or authorized such use.