Cattleya aclandiae

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Cattleya aclandiae is a species of orchid from the genus Cattleya.

The common name for Cattleya aclandiae is Lady Ackland's Cattleya. This species was named in honor of Sir Thomas Ackland who was the first European to grow the plant successfully.

This species is found growing on tree limbs and trunks in the Brazilian state of Bahia Cattleya aclandiae has a very small natural range and is found growing in the wind southwest of Salvador on elevated plateaus that border the drainage of the Paraguaca River. Its native habitat is seasonally dry forests between 100 and 400 meters in elevation near permanent bodies of water.

Cattleya aclandiae is compact and only grows 3-5 in. (7-12 cm) tall. The upright, short, cylindrical pseudobulbs have two fleshy leaves at the apex. Sometimes, purple blotches are found on the leaves when the plants are exposed to intense sunlight. Each growth produces between one and three 2.5 inches to 4 inches (6 to 10 cm) and the flowers are large for the size of the plant. Flowers are substantial, waxy, and long-lived. Flower color is white or near-white with purple blotches and spots. The lip has a dark purple blotch and the anther cap is yellow. Flowers bloom in the spring and summer on new growths.

There are coerulea forms available in the orchid trade. Cattleya aclandiae has been widely used by orchid breeders to produce compact hybrids. When crossed with other bifoliate cattleyas, the spotted pattern is present in the offspring. Hybrids of this species generally produce plants that flower two or more times per year.

In cultivation, Cattleya aclandiae prefers intermediate to warm orchid growing temperatures. Provide ample water during periods of active growth and less water during the winter. High humidity is appreciated as long as adequate air circulation is present. Grow on cork bark or tree fern mounts or in pots with a coarse, free-draining growing media (fir bark or equivalent).

There are several synonyms for this species: Cattleya acklandiae, Cattleya aclandiae, Cattleya aucklandiae, Cattleya auclandii, Epidendrum acklandiae, Epidendrum aclandiae.

[edit] References:

Denson, John (May 2008). Cattleya aclandiae. Cattleya Orchid Source. Retrieved on 2008-05-30. [1]

Pfal, Jay (May 2008). Cattleya aclandiae. ISOPE. Retrieved on 2008-05-30. [2]

Withner, Carl L. (1988). The Catttleya and their relatives, Vol 1. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.