Cathkin High School

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Cathkin High School is a state secondary school in Cambuslang, South Lanarkshire (Greater Glasgow), Scotland, United Kingdom.

Cathkin High School
Image: catlogo.jpg
Motto Be All You Can Be
Established 1969
Type State School
Students 926 approx
Grades S1-S6
Location Western Road,
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
District South Lanarkshire
Accreditation Scottish Qualifications Authority
Colours Red & Yellow
Mascot Mark "Spanky" Dunsmore
Head Boy Andrew Rooney
Head Girl Rachel Thomson
Official school website to be updated by senior students at a later date.


[edit] General Information

General information regarding Cathkin High School.

Head of establishment Mrs Anne Marie McNair

School Roll 926

Feeder Schools James Aiton Primary, Cairns Primary, Cathkin Primary, Hallside Primary, Loch Primary, West Coats Primary.

School hours 9am-3.35pm

Lunch time 1pm-1:50pm

Letting information Accommodation for community lets is available in some South Lanarkshire schools after school hours. (Contact school for information)

[edit] Notable Students/Teachers

Adam McNaughton - Scottish folk singer, noted for his songs on post-War Glasgow. Amongst his works are The Jeely Piece Song. He was a teacher of English at the now-defunct Rutherglen Academy, and later at Cathkin High School. He later owned a second-hand book shop in Parnie Street in Glasgow.

[edit] New Build

The new Cathkin High School which will share facilities with the new Rutherglen High School (Both will still be considered independent schools) is scheduled for completion in August 2008 and pupils are expected to move into the school after the summer holiday. All pupils get an extra 2 days off of school and will only be attending on the Thursday for a school tour.

[edit] References

All information taken from various locations on the Local Authority Website; [[1]]