Catalan people

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Catalan people
Salvador Dalí · Pau Casals · Antoni Gaudí · Jacint Verdaguer
Total population

Over 7 Million

Regions with significant populations
Flag of Spain Spain: 7,134,697
Flag of France France: 302,000[citation needed]
Flag of Argentina Argentina: 176,000

Flag of Cuba Cuba:173,230[citation needed]
Flag of Mexico Mexico: 53,000[citation needed]
Flag of Germany Germany: 49,000[citation needed]
Flag of the United States USA: 43,000[citation needed]
Flag of Venezuela Venezuela: 5,500[citation needed]
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Chile and other parts of Americas

Catalan; Spanish, French, Aranese
Roman Catholicism, Atheism, Agnosticism
Related ethnic groups
Andalusians, Asturians, Castilians, Galicians and other Spanish peoples; Occitans

The Catalans are the people from Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain, or, additionally, people originating in that region living elsewhere. The inhabitants of the adjacent portion of southern France— known in Catalonia proper as Northern Catalonia, and in France as Pays Catalan— are often included in this definition.


[edit] Historical background

The history of Catalonia entails major events that have shaped the western Mediterranean and local histories that often overlap with those of modern Spain and France. The area that is now Catalonia was inhabited by early Iberian peoples and later Celts who morphed into a localized variant known as Celtiberians by the 8th century BCE. These groups came under the rule of various invading groups starting with the Phoenicians and Carthaginians who set-up colonies along the coast including Barcino (present-day Barcelona) itself. Following the Punic Wars, the Romans replaced the Carthaginians as the dominant power in Catalonia by 206 BCE and established Latin as the official language and imparted a distinctly Roman culture upon the local population that merged with Roman colonists from the Italian peninsula. An early precursor to the Catalan language began to develop from a local vulgarized form of Latin before and during the collapse of the Roman Empire. Various Germanic tribes arrived following nearly six centuries of Roman rule which had completely transformed the area into the Roman province of Tarraconensis. The Visigoths established themselves in the 5th century CE and would rule the area until 718 when Muslim Arab-Berbers conquered the region and held it for close to a century. The Franks held back small Muslim raiding parties which had penetrated virtually unchallenged as far as central France and Frankish suzerainty became established over much of present-day Catalonia. Larger wars with the Muslims began with the Spanish March which led to the beginnings of the reconquista (reconquest) by Catalonian forces of most of Catalonia by the year 801. It was during this period that a Catalan national identity fully emerged as Barcelona became an important center for Christian forces in the Iberian peninsula.

Catalonia emerged from the conflicts in Muslim Spain as a regional power as Christian rulers entrenched themselves in the region during the Carolingian period. Rulers such as Wilfred the Hairy became masters of a larger territory encompassing Catalonia. The Crown of Aragon included Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. The marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon and the conquest of the last Muslim kingdom of Granada in 1492, tied Catalonia politically to the fate of the new Spanish kingdom, while a regional culture continued to survive and thrive.

Some sporadic regional unrest led to conflicts such as Germanies in Valencia and Majorca, and the 1640 revolt in Catalonia known as the Reapers' War. This latter conflict embroiled Spain in a larger war with France as many Catalan nobles allied themselves with Louis XIII. The war continued until 1659 and ended with the Peace of the Pyrenees which effectively partitioned Catalonia as the northern tip of the March came under French rule, while the rest remained under Spanish hegemony. Still restive under Spanish rule, the Catalans rebelled against Bourbon rule during the War of the Spanish Succession that started in 1705 and ended in 1714. The Catalan failure to defend the perpetuation of Habsburgian dynasty in Spain culminated in the surrender of Barcelona on September 11, 1714, which came to be commemorated as Catalonia's National day.

During the Napoleonic Wars, much of Catalonia was seized by French forces by 1813 as France ruled the entire region briefly until driven out by British and Spanish armies in 1814. Catalan uprisings continued throughout the 19th century to no avail. In France, strong assimilationist policies integrated many Catalans into French society, while in Spain a Catalan identity was increasingly suppressed in favor of a national identity. The Catalans regained autonomy during the Spanish Second Republic from 1932 until Francisco Franco's nationalist forces retook Catalonia by 1939. It was not until 1975 and the death of Franco that the Catalans began to fully regain their right to a national identity, which was established by the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Since this period, Catalan nationalism has emerged as a political force mainly in Spain that seeks to attain ever greater autonomy and/or independence for Catalans in Spain and France.

[edit] Geography

The vast majority of Catalans reside in Spain, where they number over 7 millions. At least 100,000 Catalan speakers live in France, while over 31,000 live in Andorra and 20,000 in Italy (principally in Sardinia). An indeterminate number of Catalans emigrated to the Americas during the height of the Spanish Empire with important colonies establishing themselves in Chile, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, as well as throughout mainland Latin America. [2]

[edit] Culture and society

Described by author Walter Starkie in The Road to Santiago as a subtle people, he sums up their national character with a local term seny (pronounced /seɲ/) meaning common sense or a pragmatic attitude towards life. The masia or mas is a defining characteristic of the Catalonian countryside and includes a large house, land, cattle, and an extended family, but this tradition is in decline as the nuclear family has largely replaced the extended family, as in the rest of western Europe. While Catalans in Spain are recognised as a "nationality" and enjoy a high degree of political autonomy, leading to reinforcement of a Catalan identity, the situation in France has been drastically different as French policies have favored the assimilation of Catalans. This has reduced the number of citizens who still identify themselves as such within the French Republic.

[edit] Language

The Catalan language is a Romance language of the Iberian group. It is the language closest to Occitan, and it shares many features with other Iberian languages such as Spanish and Portuguese. It also shares some features with French and Italian. Apart from the most spoken dialect, Central Catalan, there are some other varieties (which some, under mostly political motivations, have been considered separate languages) notably: Valencian, North-Western Catalan, and Balearic.

The number of Catalan speakers is well over 7 million, but exact figures are difficult to obtain - especially for those in France who speak Catalan only as their second language.

In September 2005, the .cat TLD, the first Internet language-based top-level domain, was approved for all webpages intending to serve the needs of the Catalan linguistic and cultural community on the Internet. This community is made up of those who use the Catalan language for their online communications or promote the different aspects of Catalan culture online.

[edit] Traditional clothes

The traditional clothes (now, practically only used in folkloric celebrations) included the barretina and the "faixa" among men and "ret" among women. The traditional footwear was the espardenya.

[edit] Traditional diet

The Catalan diet is part of the Mediterranean diet. They fry with olive oil, and milk is widely consumed. Catalan people eat fowl more than the red meat of the English diet and like to eat young cows (vedella) and sheep (xai).

There are three main daily meals:

  • In the morning: a very light breakfast, consisting of fruit or fruit juice, milk, coffee, or pa amb tomàquet "bread with tomato". Although it's considered less consistent than the British breakfast, Catalan breakfast is also important; people tend to divide their breakfast into two parts: one early in the morning before going to work or study (first breakfast), and the other one between 10:00 and 12:00 (second breakfast).
  • Afternoon (roughly from 13:00 to 14:30): the main meal of the day. Usually three dishes: the first consisting of pasta or vegetables, the second of meat or fish and the third of fruit or yogurt. It is common to drink moderate quantities of wine.
  • In the evening (roughly from 21:00 to 22:30): more food than in the morning but less than at lunch. Very often only a single big dish and fruit.

In Catalan gastronomy, embotits (a wide variety of Catalan sausages) are very important; these are pork sausages such as botifarra or fuet. In the past, bread (similar to French bread) figured heavily in the Catalan diet; now it is used mainly in the morning (second breakfast, especially among young students and some workers) and supplements the noon meal, at home and in restaurants. Bread is still popular among Catalans; some Catalan fast-food restaurants don't serve hamburgers but a wide variety of sandwiches.

In the past, the poor ate soup each day and rice on Thursday and Sunday.

The discipline of abstinence, not eating meat during Lent, was once very strong but has practically disappeared in the 20th century.

Spicy food is rare in the Catalan diet, but there are quite spicy sauces such as allioli or romesco.

[edit] Traditional dishes

One type of Catalan dish is escudella soup which contains chick peas, potatoes, and vegetables such as green cabbage, celery, carrots, turnips, and meats like botifarra (a Catalan sausage), pork feet, salted ham, chicken, and veal. In Northern Catalonia, it's sometimes called ollada.

Other Catalan dishes are calçots (similar to leeks and often eaten with a romesco sauce) and escalivada.

[edit] Religion

The majority of Catalans are of Roman Catholic tradition, while significant numbers of Catalans profess either no religion or appear to be atheists or agnostics.

[edit] Social conditions

Catalonia has traditionally been one of the richest and most well developed regions of Spain. Barcelona is the most industrialized metropolis and is both a regional capital and a magnet for various migrants from other regions in Spain as well as foreign immigrants. Catalan people have made numerous contributions from art and architecture to film and science.

[edit] Identity and nationalism

Due to the continued identification with a distinct national identity, some support Catalan nationalism or Catalan independentism in Spain and, to a lesser extent, in France.

[edit] Famous Catalans

Main article: List of Catalans

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Balcells, Albert et al. Catalan Nationalism : Past and Present (Palgrave Macmillan, 1995).
  • Collier, Basil. Catalan France (J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1939).
  • Conversi, Daniele. The Basques, the Catalans and Spain: Alternative Routes to Nationalist Mobilization (University of Nevada Press, 1997).
  • Guibernau, Montserrat. Catalan Nationalism: Francoism, Transition and Democracy (Routledge, 2004).
  • Hargreaves, John. Freedom for Catalonia?: Catalan Nationalism, Spanish Identity and the Barcelona Olympic Games (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
  • Simonis, Damien. Lonely Planet Catalunya & the Costa Brava (Lonely Planet Publications, 2003).
  • Starkie, Walter. The Road to Santiago (John Murray, 2003).
  • Michelin THE GREEN GUIDE France (Michelin Travel Publications, 2000).
Puntual references
  1. ^
  2. ^

[edit] Online references