Cassiopeia (Battlestar Galactica)

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Race Human
Gender Female
Portrayed by Laurette Spang
Rank Medtech
Affiliation Colonials

Cassiopeia was a fictional character in the original Battlestar Galactica which ran on ABC from 1978 to 1979. The role was portrayed by Laurette Spang.

[edit] History

When we are first introduced to Cassiopeia, she is a refugee on the freighter Gemini, who escaped the destruction of the Twelve Colonies at the hands of the Cylons. Cassiopiea's former occupation was as a 'socialator', which is a euphemism for a prostitute (her actual job was implied more along the lines of the classic definition of a geisha), but this background is played down in the subsequent episodes of the series where she serves as part of the Battlestar Galactica's medical staff.

She develops a romantic relationship with Lieutenant Starbuck early on, and this persists to the end of the series. Initially, she is a rival to Starbuck's other girlfriend, Lieutenant Athena, but Cassiopeia has clearly won the contest by later episodes.

She is the one person that Chameleon trusts with the knowledge that he is Starbuck's father, and she is able to talk Starbuck out of fighting with Ortega.

Earlier in life, Cassiopeia was romantically linked to Commander Cain and considered reuniting with him when the Battlestar Pegasus was discovered.

In "The Return of Starbuck" episode of the sequel series Galactica 1980, Starbuck tells Boomer to give Cassiopeia his love, when it appears he will not be able to return to the Fleet, though he also mentions Athena.

[edit] Analog in the new Battlestar Galactica

There is currently no Cassiopeia in the new Battlestar Galactica. There is no prominent medical technician or nurse, either. The most prominent substitute on the new BSG was Shevon, who has a relationship with Apollo, not Starbuck.

[edit] External links