Carry On Again Nurse

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Carry On Again Nurse is the name given to three scripts for an intended sub-sequel to the successful Carry On Nurse film, the second instalment of the Carry On series. All three attempts failed, and so the film has never been made.


[edit] 1967

The first attempt to create Carry On Again Nurse came in 1967, but was later released as Carry On Doctor. It is unclear why the film was renamed, though it is possibly because Anglo-Amalgamated Ltd owned the first 12 Carry On films, and the new producers did not wish to enter a lawsuit. Despite all this, Carry On Nurse was alluded to twice in Carry On Doctor, firstly with the sub-titles (one reading Nurse Carries On Again and Death of a Daffodil), and again in a later scene with Frankie Howerd commenting on a vase of daffodils in his ward.

[edit] 1979

A second attempt at Carry On Again Nurse came in 1979, after the franchise left Rank Films and moved to Hemdale. This film was to be released after Carry On Emmannuelle, and as such was announced as the 31st film in the series. A completed script was produced by George Layton and Jonathon Lynn, and moderate earnings from Carry On Emmannuelle by 1979 made another film possible. However, the X-rated script was dropped by Peter Rogers, feeling that the AA certificate for Emmannuelle had worked against it.

[edit] 1988

The final attempt to create Carry On Again Nurse came in 1988, with a script written by Norman Hudis (the script is featured in the book, "The Lost Carry Ons", also by Hudis). The film was green-lighted, and was to star Kenneth Williams and Barbara Windsor, but was cancelled (possibly because of Williams' death that year) before production could begin.

[edit] External links