Carmen Naranjo

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Carmen Naranjo Cato (born January 30, 1928), is a Costa Rican author.

She was born in Cartago, the capital city of the Cartago Province. She received her primary education there at the Escuela República de Perú and her secondary at the Colegio Superior de Señoritas. She received her licenciatura in Philology from the University of Costa Rica and pursued post-graduate studies at the Universidad Autónoma de México and the University of Iowa.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Cancion de la ternura, 1962
  • Misa a oscuras, 1964
  • Hacia tu isla, 1966
  • Los perros no ladraron, 1966
  • Memorias de un hombre palabra, 1968
  • Diario de una multitud, 1974
  • Cinco temas en busca de un pensador, 1977
  • El caso 117.720, 1987
  • En partes, 1994
  • Más allá del Parismina, 2001
  • En esta tierra redonda y plana, 2001
  • Marina Jiménez de Bolandi: recordándola, 2002
  • El Truco Florido,

Translations of her short stories into English include:

  • Rosario Santos (ed.), And We Sold the Rain: Contemporary Fiction from Central America (title story in the collection), Seven Stories Press, (2nd edition 1996), ISBN 1888363037
  • Barbara Ras (ed.), Costa Rica: A Traveler's Literary Companion, Whereabouts Press (1993), ISBN 1883513006

[edit] External links

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