Carly Tenney

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Carly Tenney

Maura West as Carly
As the World Turns
Portrayed by Maura West (1995 to present)
First appearance 1995
Gender Female

Carly Tenney (previously Munson, Dixon, Lowe, and Snyder) is a fictional character on the CBS soap opera, As The World Turns. The character was originated in 1995 by Daytime Emmy-winning actress, Maura West, who continues to portray her today.


[edit] Character history

When she first arrived in Oakdale from Musselshell, Montana, Carly was a schemer who attempted to break up her wealthy half-sister, Rosanna Cabot's engagement to Mike Kasnoff. Dirt poor and unloved outcast Carly was jealous of the half sister who had the advantage of their mother's love, social acceptance, and a hefty inheritance. Carly became pregnant with Mike's child even though he was engaged to Rosanna, but Carly eventually lost the baby. Rosanna responded by promising Carly $50 million if she was married to someone other than Rosanna's fiancé, Mike, and had a baby with her new husband to by year's end (1998). Carly left town to mourn the loss of her unborn baby, became involved in a dangerous business deal in Hong Kong, and then eventually returned to Montana, where she met and generated major sparks with former FBI agent Jack Snyder. When she returned to Oakdale, Carly was determined to meet Rosanna's stipulations and get her hands on the $50 million dollars. To that end, she romanced and eventually married an unsuspecting Detective Hal Munson when Jack was injured and clearly out of the marrying and baby making sweepstakes. Eventually Hal caught on and divorced Carly, but she was already pregnant. Still determined to get Rosanna's money, Carly claimed her child was fathered by a not so anonymous sperm donor, John Dixon, and not her ex husband. She married John Dixon to ensure the $50 mlllion trust fund, gave birth to a healthy baby assisted by Jack who just happened to be on hand at the time, and, with the help of her scheming cousin Molly Conlon, switched the paternity results of the baby she was carrying (who turned out to be Hal's). Carly and John divorced, Carly kept the money and shared custody of her baby with John, and she was set to pursue Jack, but then was blackmailed into another loveless marriage by Jack's brother Brad Snyder, who learned the truth of Parker's paternity from Molly. Brad attempted to win Carly's heart, to no avail, because she still pined for Jack. Carly and Jack finally gave into their passion when they came together for a secret tryst and declared their love. Carly divorced Jack's brother Brad so that she would be free to be with Jack, and it seemed that she finally had everything she wanted- her son, her true love, and lots of money- but she was still harboring the secret of Parker's paternity. Eventually the truth of Parker's paternity was revealed in a scene of public humiliation orchestrated by Brad, who had pretended to go along with the divorce with no hard feelings, but was secretly seething over the demise of his loveless marriage to Carly. Carly lost the $50 million and custody of her son, as well as the respect of nearly everyone in Oakdale, effectively becoming the town pariah; she also lost (or so it seemed at the time) any chance she might have had with the one man she truly loved, Jack Snyder, who was hurt that he was kept in the dark about Parker's paternity and the real reason behind her marriage to Brad.

An aspiring fashion designer, Carly had initially attempted to team up with Lisa Grimaldi to start Get Real Fashions, but the venture proved disastrous, and indirectly resulted in Carly and Lisa both becoming deeply involved with very dangerous men in Hong Kong (Carly with the obsessed, much older Winston Lowe, who forced her to marry him and then held her captive, and Lisa with shady Martin Chedwyn, who also forced her to marry him, as part of a scheme to smuggle assets out of Hong Kong before the changeover in government). The experience ended Lisa's friendship with Carly, and also led to Carly's being further ostracized. Since that time, Carly has not really been able to get her fashion career off the ground, thought at a couple of points things did briefly seem promising, but her involvement with roguish Craig Montgomery undermined what would otherwise have been a career breakthrough in 2002.

Around this same time, vindictive Barbara Ryan and her husband James Stenbeck had Carly and two other women (Emily Stewart and Rose D'Angelo) kidnapped and carted off to a "spa" in a remote region of Europe, where they were held captive and forced to be research subjects in a deranged scientist's experiments in manipulating the aging process. The women were eventually rescued by Jack, Hal and Paul Ryan (Barbara's son).

Carly finally married Jack Snyder in 2002, though it was a stormy relationship. On the eve of their wedding, in a moment of drunken abandonment after a fight with Jack over her shady business partner, she slept with her ex, Mike Kasnoff, which later caused considerable drama for Carly and Jack, as well as for Mike and Carly's cousin, Molly (who was seeing Mike at that point). Though they survived that ordeal, they also had to contend with Jack's obsessed, psychotic ex-wife, Julia Lindsey, who had in the past kidnapped Jack, raped him, attempted to kill him, and escaped town. A "cured" Julia arrived shortly after Jack and Carly's wedding with her therapist and a baby in tow, claiming it was the product of that rape. Jack and Carly discovered that Julia had stolen that baby, and she escaped once again. Carly soon discovered she was pregnant with Jack's baby...or possibly Mike's, from their one night stand. She tried to lie about the paternity and Jack found out, but he eventually forgave Carly and vowed to love the baby no matter who the biological father turned out to be, and after the birth of the baby girl, Sage, they renewed their vows in the place they had met many years ago- Montana. After the ceremony, Carly and Jack received the paternity results- Sage was Jack's daughter after all.

In 2004, Carly's sister Rosanna, whom she had finally forgiven and formed a sisterly bond with after having fought bitterly with one another for most of their lives, was involved in an accident which put her into a coma (from which she still has not emerged). At the time of the accident, Rosanna had been attempting to adopt the illegitimate baby of homeless teenager, Gwen Norbeck. Carly and Jack decided to take the baby and raise him until such time as Rosanna could emerge from her coma and take him. In the mean time, however, Gwen had decided that she wanted her biological baby back, and Carly and Gwen spent the next several months battling fiercely over the child, with Carly drugging Gwen (cleverly arranging so that town matriarch Nancy Hughes would witness the events) to make her look like an unfit mother; the scheme backfired, and Gwen was awarded custody, but not before it could be revealed that Carly and Gwen were in fact half-sisters (they shared the same father, Ray Tenney). It was later revealed, however, that the baby thought to be Gwen's was actually the child of Craig Montgomery and Jennifer Munson, whom Craig had switched at birth; Gwen's baby, Billy, had in fact died shortly after birth in causes attributed to poor pre-natal care. This trauma brought Carly and Gwen closer, where they were able to put the bitterness and animosity of the custody battle behind them and love one another as sisters. The strain of the sisters' custody fight took its toll on Carly's relationship with Jack, however. In an uncharacteristically shady move, Jack buried evidence that would have implicated Carly as having drugged Gwen, and when this was found out, Jack was suspended from the police force. Carly tried to help Jack win his job back through an ill-conceived, convoluted scheme, but it only exacerbated the problem, and eventually the marriage collapsed. They separated in early 2006, and though each of them indicated at various points that they regretted splitting, they suffered from mixed signals and bad timing, and have not reunited. In the fall of 2006, Carly began a professional relationship with Australian bad boy, Simon Frasier, which soon evolved into an affair. This has put her at odds with her friend (and Simon's true love) Katie Peretti, and Katie's husband (and Carly's ex) Mike Kasnoff.

In October 2006, after months of creating a building, Carly and Simon found themselves with a lack of finance. They needed to find a way to make money fast, or else they would be unable to complete their building, and would have lost everything. At first, Simon went to a loan shark. However, unable to give back the money, they were now in an even messier situation. Simon, being an ex-con, was quick to come up with a scheme. He came up with the idea to steal the crown jewels of Prince Adolpho (a visiting monarch) from around the neck of one of Simon's former lovers. The plan worked, and they were able to finish the project - with money left over. No one suspected a thing for months...until Simon gave Carly a diamond from the necklace to wear around her neck. Katie, whom now despised Carly, saw this, and wrote about how they stole the jewels. The police - including Carly's ex-husband, Jack, who still secretly loved her and tried to warn her that she was going to pay for Simon's crimes if she didn't cut him loose- were now hot on the trail of Simon Frasier. After trying to hide Carly's diamond, the police found it. They temporarily arrested Carly, on grounds that she tried to help Simon escape. However, just as Carly felt she was never going to see Simon again, he showed up and freed her. The two began to fly to Canada, but Carly forced them to turn around so she could say goodbye to her children. When she arrived, she found Jack. After arguing with him over whether or not she should turn herself in, Jack realized the best thing he could do for Carly was to let her go live her new life with Simon, so he came up with a plan. Jack allowed Simon to hit him over the head and handcuff him to a chair, so it would look like they escaped. Carly and Simon headed back to the plane, where she professed that though she would always love Jack, her future was now with Simon.

Carly returned to Oakdale in May 2007 to reunite with her children. She was dismayed to learn that after she was forced to abandon her children to flee the law with Simon, a lonely Jack had befriended and begun dating her nemesis, Katie Peretti. Carly eventually realized she wanted her old life back with Jack and their children, but bitter Jack was now determined not to let Carly back into his heart, claiming he preferred his new, baggage free relationship with Katie. Katie and Jack's relationship proceeded at lightening speed, propelled by Carly's return to town as Jack attempted to bury his feelings for his ex, and Jack proposed to Katie.

Carly got into a car accident with Sage on the way to Jack and Katie's engagement party, and at the hospital, the doctor said that she will need a neurosurgeon. The week of September 17th she finds out she has a brain lesion and only has several month to live; she lies to her friends and family about her condition. Brad, Jack's brother, stumbles upon the truth of her condition and was for a while, the only one to know of her illness.

Following the discovery of her illness, Carly is continually accused of causing problems for attention and to further distrupt Jack and Katie's relationship. It wasn't until the day of Jack and Katie's wedding that her condition comes out into the open.

After gazing at the ticking clock on the wall, Carly stood and left her home. In Old Town, she looks at her reflection before collapsing to the ground. People crowd around her, rousing her; she has no idea who she is. An officer arrives and recognizing her, tells her who she is. He mentions Jack which restores her memory. The officer takes her to the station, refusing to let her leave alone. At a loss, she calls Brad, unknowingly interrupting Jake and Katie's wedding. Brad hurries to her aid, bringing the wedding to a temporary halt.

Brad finally convinces Carly to go, reluctantly, to the hospital for further testing. After all this, Brad returns to the wedding, which has resumed without him. He arrives among much irritation, and endures Jack's tirade before telling him that Carly is very ill. At first Jack is reluctant to believe him but finally accepts it and goes to see her at the hospital. There he discovers the seriousness of her illness and vows to her to be there for her, despite the fact that he has a newlywed wife.

In the following weeks, Carly slowly reveals to her loved ones her illness, all the while secretly trying to cope with the idea of leaving her children, family and friends behind. Jack is persistent in his support no matter how much Carly tells him to leave and be with Katie.

Parker, unable to accept that his mother is dying, attempts to find an alternative method of medication; one that is experimental and requires a trip to Berlin. He insists that even if it's a small chance it's worth it and that if she asked Rosanna to pay for it, she would. After reading about this alternative, Carly explains that the tumors they are experimenting on are completely different than hers. Parker is not diterred; he attempts to make light of the situation, claiming that she should stop taking her medication because it makes her sleep so deeply.

Jack talks to Parker, explaining that when he says things like 'She's not that sick', it hurts Carly and makes it all harder. He then takes Parker to Carly's doctor in the hopes that if he sees the medical facts he will be able to accept it. Following this visit with the doctor, upon returning home, Parker claims that he wants Jack to adopt him, something that Carly has been wanting for years. She tearfully embraces her son and sends him back to school.

A few moments later she passes out into Jack's arms. He carries her to the couch, awakening her. She begins to cry and say that she just wants more time. Jack, suspiscious about the severity of her symptoms, begs her to tell him what's going on and if she's hiding something from him. She reveals that the tumor is growing more rapidly than expected; her symptoms are that of the final stages of her illness.

Jack and Carly's feelings for each other become stronger as they spend more time with each other. Jack is abandoning Katie more and more which is making there new marriage start on shaky ground. Katie's jealous in a way of Carly and Jack spending so much time together. Carly ask Jack for one final request. One more time to feel loved and to be held. She then feels embarrassed but Jack still kisses her.

[edit] Criminal Record

  • Purposely let Rosanna hear, on her wedding day, that Carly and Mike had had an affair [1996]
  • Crashed Mike & Rosanna's private dinner and initiated an argument with Rosanna that indirectly led to the loss of Carly's unborn child [1996]
  • Mismanaged her business and lost her partner (Lisa Grimadi's) money [1996 to 1997]
  • Seduced Memorial lab technician, Doug, to get information on Lily Snyder [October 2, 1997]
  • Lied to Hal Munson to get a job at the Oakdale P.D. by telling him she typed 90 wpm. [October 16, 1997]
  • Lied about a car plowing into her car as an excuse as why she was late to work at her job at the Oakdale P.D. [October 22, 1997]
  • Used a screwdriver to manipulate the cell door to the former Oakdale drunk tank jail [October 22, 1997]
  • Stole evidence in a crime; a diamond [November 10, 1997]
  • Lifted Jack Snyder's keys and stole his car {December 16, 1997]
  • Stole Emma Snyder's Christmas cookies and sold them. [December 22, 1997]
  • Struck up a deal with John Dixon to help her get pregnant. [April 7, 1998]
  • With Dr. John Dixon, broke into Dr. Audrey Samuel's office and got John to artificially inseminate her to pass off the child as Hal Munson's [April 21, 1998]
  • Fraud; purposely got pregnant to collect money [Spring 1998]
  • Threatened David Stenbeck [March 24, 1998]
  • Attempted to blackmail Nikki. [April 13, 1998]
  • Grabbed Barbara and gives her a warning about Hal [April 13, 1998]
  • Lied to Hal that she had a heart arrhythmia. [May 1, 1998]
  • Slapped Nikki Munson [May 28, 1998]
  • Arrested for assaulting Nikki. [June 18, 1998]
  • Escaped from jail. [June 18, 1998]
  • Lied to Julia Lindsey that she was pregnant with Jack's child. [June 18, 1998]
  • Threatened John Dixon [July 17, 1998]
  • Involved in a hit and run (Julia Lindsey) [July 17, 1998]
  • Covered up evidence in a crime; painted over the dent in her car from the hit and run of Julia Lindsay. [July 21, 1998]
  • Fraud; faked a car accident and runs into a tree. [July 28, 1998]
  • Bigamy; still married to Winston Lowe when she married Hal Munson & Brad Snyder [1998 & 1999]
  • Threatened Nikki again. [August 5, 1998]
  • Sentenced to six months community service for the hit and run involving Julia Lindsey. [August 5, 1998]
  • In an effort to escape captivity, bit David Stenbeck's hand. [September 1, 1998]
  • In an effort to escape captivity, lied to David Stenbeck that Molly was pregnant with his baby. [September 2, 1998]
  • Grabbed Rosanna by the throat and shoved up against a wall. [October 6, 1998]
  • Threatened John Dixon, to remain silent, by telling him she'd tell Barbara about his role in the artificial insemination. [October 28, 1998]
  • Threatened to take John to the Memorial Hospital Review Board over his part in her artificial insemination. [October 31, 1998]
  • Stole John's office keys and broke into his office. [October 31, 1998]
  • Attempted to break into a sperm bank using a fingernail file. (was caught by Jack) [October 21, 1998]
  • Lied to Lisa Grimaldi about not seeing John while they were in the Caribbean. [November 16, 1998]
  • Lied to Hal that she was not artificially inseminated. [November 23, 1998]
  • Fraud; attempted a fake marriage ceremony, with Molly's help, between Molly and Brad Snyder, to throw Lisa off the true marriage ceremoney between Carly and John Dixon. (November 24, 1998)
  • Purposely induced labor early [late 1998]
  • Stole $50,000 from the safe at Monte Carlo [December 9th, 2002]
  • Secretly put her compass in Julia Larrabee's purse to make it appear as if Julia had stolen it. [January 14, 2005]
  • Disrupted a crime scene; wiped any evidence of Lily Snyder being at Julia's apartment the night of her death [March 2, 2005]
  • Arrested as an accessory, after the fact, in the murder of Julia Larrabee [March 28, 2005 to April 11, 2005]
  • Drugged Gwen Norbeck's water and arranged for her baby to be "lost" so Gwen would be considered an unfit mother. [September 9, 2005]
  • Tried to set up Nick Kasnofff to be found by a prostitute by having him drugged. [March 7, 2006]
  • Arrested for trespassing and breaking and entering [July 25, 2006]
  • With Simon, stole a diamond from Vienna Hyatt (charges dropped when necklace was returned) [late 2006]
  • Ran from the police to avoid arrest [January 18, 2007 to late May 2007]
  • To keep from being prosecuted, lied that Simon coerced her into fleeing from the police [May 25, 2007]
  • Sedated Kit Fowler in an effort to gaslight her [February 21, 2008]
  • Killed Kit in self defense [March 13, 2008]

[edit] Family and relationships

[edit] Other relatives

  • Lee Washburn (maternal aunt)
  • William "Billy" Norbeck (nephew, deceased)
  • Hallie Munson (adopted niece)
  • Molly Peterson McKinnon (paternal cousin)
  • Abigail Williams (paternal first cousin once removed)

[edit] See also