Carl Peter Holböll

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Carl Peter Holböll (1795 - 1856) was an officer in the Danish Royal Navy.

Holböll served as Royal Inspector or Colonies, Whaling and Inspector of South Greenland (1825-1828) then Inspector of North Greenland (1828-1856). While in this post he became interested in natural history. He described the Hoary Redpoll, which he named for Jens Wilken Hornemann. At one time the Gyrfalcon and the Red-necked Grebe bore his name. Reclassification necessitated changes in nomenclature, causing Holböll's name to be dropped as a species name. His name continued to be used as a common name for the grebe until 'Red-necked', approved by the American Ornithologists' Union Checklist Committee gradually took over. Holböll was also a botanist and entomologist.

[edit] Works

  • Ornithologiske Biddrag til den grønlandske Fauna. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift 4: 361-457.(1843)

[edit] References

  • Biographical Appendix of The Dictionary of American Bird Names, Revised Edition, by Ernest A. Choate, The Harvard Common Press, 1985.Biographical information indicates Mr. Holboell died at sea.
  • Henriksen, K. L. 1926: [Holboll, C. P.] Ent. Meddel. 15(5) 195, Portr.