Carl Edvard Marius Levy

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Carl Edvard Marius Levy
Carl Edvard Marius Levy
Carl Edvard Marius Levy
Born September 10, 1808
København (Copenhagen), Danmark
Died December 30, 1865
København (Copenhagen), Danmark
Nationality Danish
Fields Obstetrics, Pediatrics

Professor, Dr. Med. Carl Edvard Marius Levy (sometimes spelled "Carl Eduard Marius Levy" or in foreign literature "Karl Edouard Marius Levy") was professor and head of the Danish Maternity institution in Copenhagen (Fødsels- og Plejestiftelsen).

Graduated 1831 from Copenhagen University in Medicine and surgery. Earned the university gold medal in 1830. Licentiat (PhD) degree in 1832. Doctor degree in 1833. He then embarked on a three-year scientific journey which took him to France, Italy and England. Professor extraordinarius in obstetrics in 1841, professor ordinarius in 1850.

He founded the monthly medical journal: Hospitals-Meddelelser[1]. Founded the Doctor's Association Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening in 1857, which he headed until 1859. He suffered and eventually died from a heart defect.

Member of the Jewish church[2] but converted to Christianity[3] in 1840-1841 in order to pursue an academic career.

Rampant epidemics of childbed fever at the Copenhagen maternity institution tested his ingenuity and determination. Repeated closures of the institution and the creation of interim locales proved fruitless. After a study tour to England and Ireland in 1846 he completely rebuilt and reformed the maternity institution, however with unsatisfactory results.[4]

Professor Braun had said about the Copenhagen hospital, that "because this is the most appropriate and noteworthy newly constructed maternity hospital, in which every step has been taken to halt puerperal fever epidemics, we allow ourselves to estimate that in this new building under Levy's direction no puerperal fever epidemics will occur."[5].

He was an outspoken critic of Ignaz Semmelweis.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Orbituary p125
  2. ^ Biography p255. Translated from: "mosaiske Trosbekjendelse"
  3. ^ Biography p256
  4. ^ Translated from the biography p 257 (in Danish): "Barselfeberens fortsatte voldsomme Hærgen i Fødselsstiftelsen uafbrudt maatte holde ham i Aande og sætte hans Opfindsomhed og Handlekraft paa Prøve. Gjentagen Lukning af Fødselsstiftelsen og Oprettelsen af interimistiske Hjælpelokaler viste sig frugtesløse, og efter at han ved en Rejse til England og Irland i 1846 havde gjort sig bekjendt med de derværende vel ansete Fødselsstiftelsers Indretning, skred man da under hans Ledelse til en fuldstændig Ombygning og Reorganisation af vor Fødselsstiftelse, men ogsaa kun med utilfredsstillende Resultat. "
  5. ^ Semmelweis, Ignaz; K. Codell Carter (translator and extensive foreword) (1861). Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever. University of Wisconsin Press, September 15, 1983. ISBN 0299093646.  p187