Carl E. Heiles

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Carl Eugene Heiles (born 1939) is an American astrophysicist noted for his contribution to the understanding of diffuse interstellar matter through observational radio astronomy.


[edit] Biography

Heiles was born in Toledo, Ohio.[1] He did his undergraduate work at Cornell University, receiving a degree in engineering physics, and then received his doctorate in 1966 from Princeton University in astrophysical sciences. He has worked at the University of California, Berkeley since, and is currently a professor of astronomy.

[edit] Research

Much of Heiles' work has been in studying the diffuse gas in the interstellar medium, primarily through observation of the hydrogen line. His role in this field was such that a conference at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico on diffuse matter was held in honor of Heiles' 65th birthday.[2] Observations of this gas has helped develop a better understanding of star formation and galactic gravitational and magnetic fields.

[edit] Honors

  • Heineman Prize in 1989 for outstanding work in astrophysics[3]
  • Noyce Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2002[4]

[edit] Notes and references