Carabinieri Regiment "Tuscania"

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Carabinieri Regiment "Tuscania"

Paratroopers of the regiment parade in Rome in 2006
Active 1940-43, 1975-date
Country Italy
Branch Carabinieri
Type Paratroopers
Role Special operations, diplomatic protection
Size 550
Engagements Lebanon, Namibia, Somalia, West Bank, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq
Tuscania parading in 2007
Tuscania parading in 2007

The Regiment Carabinieri "Tuscania" (or more properly the 1st Regiment Carabinieri "Tuscania") is a Special Forces unit of the Italian Carabinieri. It is formed from paratroopers and is part of the Carabinieri Second Mobile Brigade along with the 7th Carabinieri Regiment based on Laives ( BZ), the 13th Carabinieri Regiment based in Gorizia, and the Special Intervention Group.

The Tuscania is currently based in Livorno, and has approximately 550 personnel.

Despite its peculiarities, it adapts perfectly to role always played by Benemerita , combining effectively training and military type operations.


[edit] History

The department perpetuates the traditions of the 1 Battalion Royal Carabinieri paratroopers, formed on July 1, 1940, used in Second World War on the North African front (1941).

Elements of what would become the present regiment significantly contributed to the actions in the 1960's against guerrillas, as opposed to the initiatives of terrorist - separatist by certain local independentist movements.

In 1975, in conjunction with military organization, it assumed the name of 1st Battalion Carabinieri Paratroopers "Tuscania". The current designation of Regiment was awarded on June 1, 1996, and it was subordinated to the 2nd Brigade Mobile Carabinieri.

The regiment took part in the most important operations conducted by the Italian military in Lebanon, Namibia, Somalia, West Bank, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq.

It also conducted security operations in support of Italian embassies and diplomatic missions exposed to conditions of severe risk.

[edit] Recruitment and training

The course (which is accessed after a preliminary screening of persons who are not eligible), which lasts nine months, which among other things provides for the achievement of special status of military paratrooper.

Only one candidate out of three attains the rank of Explorer.

But it is not over: the military resulted in a generic preparation, is assigned to Battalion (operational structure), and alternating missions institute frequency of such specialized courses at home or abroad

Despite being awarded the status of an Armed Force to the Carabinieri on 5 October 2000, the Tuscania remains closely connected to its cousins of the Folgore Parachute Brigade , with which it shares the red beret

[edit] Structure

  • Headquarters Battalion, comprising:
    • 3 Companies operational training
  • Logistical support company

The Regiment also has a Sport Parachute Section, which is placed directly under the General Command of the Carabinieri .[1]

[edit] Use

Tuscania the parade of 2 June 2007
Tuscania the parade of 2 June 2007

From the foregoing, it is already possible to understand that the areas of intervention of Tuscania cover the following areas.

In related matters, it should be noted that all members of the Special Intervention Group (formerly appointed at the beginning of this item) come from the ranks of Tuscania.

[edit] Individual Armament

Apart from special allocations of certain operators (see, for example Barrett M82), possibly related to the use of squad weapons or to the needs of unconventional warfare, any Tuscania member carries the same sidearm as common Carabinieri, the Beretta 92S — and, like most Italian paratroopers, carries the foldingstock SC 70/90 or the shortened SCS 70/90 version of the Beretta AR70/90 assault rifle , or Beretta Model 12 sub-machine gun currently provided to the Italian armed forces.

[edit] Sports

1976 Tuscania also includes a Sport Parachute Unit, which boasts many brilliant results both in the civil and military, including several world titles achieved in the years 1990, 1994, 1998, 1999.

While it is not proper to sports activities, notably the military involvement of Tuscania some editions of the "raid"Overland Site TV program and the raid.

To be precise, staff dell'Arma employee participates in these shipments under purely voluntary and taking advantage of its "licensing" (ie, consuming holidays).

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Magazine Il Carabiniere, November 2006
  2. ^ L'Arma (Italian for: The military corps) is a traditional way of referring to Carabinieri, as well as La Benemerita.
  3. ^ See above for explaination of Arma territoriale ("Territorial Organisation").
  4. ^ Highly skilled airborne (helicopter) police unit, acting in difficult territories like Aspromonte and Sardinia.

[edit] External links

Law enforcement agencies of Italy
Regular Carabinieri | Polizia di Stato | Polizia Regionale | Polizia Provinciale | Guardia di Finanza | Polizia Penitenziaria | Corpo Forestale dello Stato | Polizia Municipale
Specialized Corazzieri | Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza | Gruppo di Intervento Speciale | Gruppo di Investigazione Criminalità Organizzata | Polizia Postale | Polizia Stradale | Polizia Ferroviaria